32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for rajeshwarreddyt

Hi Folks, I want to use windows authentication for java application for eaxmple: I have a application called ABC , now i want to apply windows authentication for this ABC appliation like when user hit the application URL the user should login automatically with out prompting any user name and …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for techxaidz

I am currently having difficulty in testing a condition if a certain button do not have a text on it. For example i have a button in an array named btn[] and a textview(JLabel) named "tv", if i execute this code, nothing happened. if(btn[1].getText().toString().isEmpty()){ tv.setText("Okay"); } i also tried these …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Seswing142

I am supposed to get the first and the last word from a string that is input by a user but im not sure how. Any tips would be great! //Print the first word and last word from a string int index = inputString.indexOf(" "); String fistString = inputString.substring(0, index); …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for irtza

This program takes a number from the user and then using loop, modulo and division operator split the number into digits. as: import java.util.Scanner; class Split_num { public static void main ( String [] args) { Scanner a = new Scanner (System.in); int num, n, r; System.out.print ("Enter a number: …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for NajwaMY

I want to enter a data from the text field to my database named project marking. When I compile the java program seems there's no errors but when I click on the Calculate Button the data won't enter into the database. This is the partial code I didn't finished it …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for android_gl

how to test if a num is a square root? ex: 9 is square root 3 is not square root ///////////////////////////////////////////// //do not worry about sytax. int x = 0; //always start at 0 int y = 101010; //is this a square root? square(x, y){ if((x*x) >= y){ //not a …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for irhs

its my code for printing array of buttons with values R and B but i m not getting the output.. first of all i want to askk can we use random method in value field of button i,e value="<%=Math.floor(Math.random() * ('R','B'))%>" if no then is there any other way to …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Lamirp

Ok I'm just looking for a cleaner way to achieve my goal here, if there is one and if this is not much of a satisfactory method. The goal is to accept an integer from a user using JOptionPane.showInputDialog. A brief example of what I'm currently doing do { check …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for cmps

Hello I ma trying to practice on Data structure using java. I solved a lot of problems but this one looks interesting but I need some help understanding what I really have to do ... > write a program that simulates the operation of a busy airport that has only …

Member Avatar for bodiddly123
Member Avatar for EdwardVX

Hi DaniWeb! I kinda need your help on this little bugger. How can I input this CSV file in to an array? Module Name, Module Code -- Student ID, Last Name, First Name, Exam Score, Average Introduction to Art Life, ITAL 07,Krave,Mark,27,30 60,Lever,Paul,89,96 13,Green,Jon,15,40 15,Davids,Jerry,5,15 If the Module Name and …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for eldiablo1121

I have to write a program where I take user input and print out how many times each word prints out. Here is my code: import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; public class wordlist { public static void main(String[] args) { int i = 0; int USER_MAX = 50; String[] …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Kuroshi

The question is pretty straightforward, does BigInteger have a limit? From what I know it is only limited to the amount of memory available on the system, nothing else. This question arose when my instructor told me that one could not calculate 50! using BigIntegers, which I believe one can. …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for wallet123

Hello guys, im trying to self study about connecting java to mySQL database. it's been a while since i used java, so i forgot some of the codes a little, and im also not so good at it. So im trying to connect, been copying and pasting codes trygint to …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for eldiablo1121

Hello, I have to write a program where I need to take an input from the user, a phrase with words seperated by spaces, and then print the phrase and show how many times a word is used in the phrase. I'm a beginner, I would like to know how …

Member Avatar for eldiablo1121
Member Avatar for cool_zephyr

hi everyone. i've used the following way to store the uploaded files into D: drive of my windows machine from Tomcat server and it works pretty goood. private final String directoryPath="D:\\uploadedFiles\\"; File f=new File("D:\\uploadedFiles\\"+fileName); InputStream in=file.getInputStream(); OutputStream out=new FileOutputStream(directoryPath+fileName); byte[] buff=new byte[4096]; int count=0; while((count=in.read(buff))!=-1) { out.write(buff, 0, count); } …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for OsamaJutt_1

Hello Guys, I am facing problem while i am create menu system using swtich statement. I have 3 level of menu but don't know how to go back to main switch Statement. For Example currently I am in 2nd level of switch but how to go in main(outer) switch. Please …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for MichaelCJ10

I have a lottery program nearly completed, thought i had the last of the problems sorted but it seems i did not!! The program has a couple of issues. 1: Everytime i click a button it stores what i clicked, for example 10, and also creates a random number. Problem …

Member Avatar for nikolaos
Member Avatar for nikolaos

I am making a project in Number Theory and i want to display some formatting text in a textArea in my Gui. I have a method named padding which takes an integer as an argument and return a String consisitng of a number of spaces. This number is 12 - …

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Member Avatar for darlineth

Somebody help me, i'm a beginners of the java language, but in my interested to learn a java. and I create a GUI but the MDAS formula is not there, it because i dont know how to solve that, it cause need a pop and post function for the Calculator …

Member Avatar for darrylnuyda
Member Avatar for student.09

Hi Everyone, I have a fairly simple (atleast it seems to be one) assignment loop program to create. But, unfortuntely having trouble getting started because I took a break from Java and now that I have decided to pick up with it again I feel like I've forgot everything. So …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for mikewyatt

I have a routine that requests an administrators approval for access to protected data. for security the adminsirator needs to know what data is requested. The following routine gets the password without any problem: public static Boolean Confirm_Change() { Boolean test = false; JPasswordField pf = new JPasswordField(); int okCxl …

Member Avatar for mikewyatt
Member Avatar for cobalt555

So I need all I need to do is let this info that is going through my array print out somehow. the problem is I cant get it to do that currently. I can get it to return the information one at a time for each employee . but at …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for manel1989

hi everyone! I want to get the output of my c++ application from my jaca applacations o i use a file abs.bat to get it done i used this code in .bat: start readxmlresou.exe that commande line opens readxmlresou.exe that is in my desktop and execute it, now i want …

Member Avatar for flebber

Hi I am looking some advice on which Java tools to use and /or any hints you can offer a new Java user regarding XML. What I want to do is take an xml file read it, modify it and push it to a database so that it can update …

Member Avatar for flebber
Member Avatar for koya.emer

Hi... I'm a new user here. I've stumbled across this place on a couple occasions in the past, and it worked out to my advantage when I needed a little help with some coding assignments. i need to include "parenthesis" in the equation in my program but i dont know …

Member Avatar for Ralk25
Member Avatar for tricket_7

I am writing this program that takes a file of integers, sorts the integers, and prints the sorted list into a different output file. I have all of this working fine, I am stumped as to how to incorporate a counter. I want to print the number of times a …

Member Avatar for DeanMSands3
Member Avatar for MichaelCJ10

//MY Problem is that i'm trying to make a lottery program, the issue i have is when i click a button, i want it to be so that after i click 6 buttons, lets say ,1,2,3,4,5,6, the program will move onto the next stage( i have yet to build that) …

Member Avatar for MichaelCJ10
Member Avatar for cobaltfive

So I need to convert the Date to a string in the DayofBirth JOPtionPane areas that starts on lines 43 . it is originally defined as a date and must remain so. The book I am reading recommended using .toString() well that was useless or I just could not figure …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Zet_

Hi i am a computer science student. i am planning to create an aplication that:Determines the bandwidth allocated by ISP, determines load on the bandwidth at a particular time and also determines the unit that is using most of the bandwidth.I would like to use java. may you advise if …

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The End.