32,204 Topics

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Member Avatar for jeffmummey@sbcg

I need a strong response to my question. I can write and compile a java application. The computer won't run the applications when the proper java command is used in command prompt. I did load the Java run time environment. The applet will load using an html tag. Whats happening …

Member Avatar for sirlink99
Member Avatar for stephen lynch

hi im doing a project in java and i would to know how do u create a restuarant bill calculator in java

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for jeffrey o

This is the server code for the udp server/client program . There are no errors except when you run the program the ff error occurs: [COLOR="Red"]Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at udptry2.UDPServerbackup2.main(UDPServerbackup2.java:44) Java Result: 1[/COLOR] the client side works how it should just this part of the program [CODE] package …

Member Avatar for parry_kulk
Member Avatar for Maelst0rm

Hi guys, Im trying to do battleships game. But I dont know, what is the best way to create interactive battlefield? I created JFrame and put inside two JPanels (my and opponents field).I wanted to put inside JButtons (JFrame had GridLayout), but I was told this isnt right solution. It …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Kprosser1029

I need help creating a Binary file that displays in Hex and readable text! I have already completed the gui part I need help converting to Binary. Here is what is required: 16 Byte values displayed as 2 digit hex values separated by 2 spaces, then a separator | and …

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for techie929

Hi , I am not able to execute the below makefile. [CODE] JFLAGS = -g JC = javac .SUFFIXES: .java .class .java.class: $(JC) $(JFLAGS) $*.java CLASSES = .\minimax.java default: classes classes: $(CLASSES:.java=.class) clean: $(RM) *.class [/CODE] I am getting this error make: Fatal error in reader: makefile, line 6: Unexpected …

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for Stoss

1. The InputMismatchException. Write a program that prompts the user to read an integer and displays whether the number is even or odd. If you enter an invalid integer (for example, 2.5 is not a valid integer) your program should say so. Note, you will need the following import statement: …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for newbieha

I have a class that contains two arraylists- student names and Ids I want to put them into LinkedHashSet( so, I can sort, delete, add and edit e student profile); I created a class called Student that contains setName getName setId getId and toString methods. now, I try to do …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for FlightOfGrey

I'm am reasonably new at coding and am currently studying it at College. While in my break I found Project Euler a neat little site with problems which I have been working through for an extra challenge. This is the question that I am stuck on: [url]http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=problems&id=8[/url] basically you are …

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for StevoLord

Hi all, I am using Eclipse to create a slideshow program. Currently have anything set up and it works fine. However I would like my BufferedIamges to be made into a video with a time frame of 15seconds for each picture. I only want to have maybe up to 4-5 …

Member Avatar for StevoLord
Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky

I'm not very well up on ant, trying to learn a few things about it this afternoon. Is it possible to read in values from the command-line ant call? The scenario I have in mind is this: I want to make a generic build file that would have targets for …

Member Avatar for nezachem
Member Avatar for chinee

i want to output final coccer team standing that uses random so every time the match is played the final four team changes so how do i output that the ouput to the file changes as well

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for fragtech

Hey guys I have been having lots of problems getting my animation to not flicker. I have read that double buffering is a good way to stop the flickering but everything I have tried doesn't do anything to help. If you could please help me understand what I am doing …

Member Avatar for quuba
Member Avatar for ceyezumma

Hello all. The Java Date and time classes are difficult. I think I have to use java.sql.Date which is a sub class of Date but is not a date unless the time is normalized to zero. so I've heard. I would like to work with my studentDOB first by collecting …

Member Avatar for charchar88

Ok so this is part of a project I'm working on. I am dealing with DNA strings that only consist of the letters ACGT. I have to parse these strings into a file and be able to read them back out of the file. However when putting them in the …

Member Avatar for charchar88
Member Avatar for chinee

i need to call an array called team into a bubble sort that swaaps 3rd 4th ist and 2nd place in order. in the code i will list the code for the out come of the match which is good no errors there but i need to get the bubble …

Member Avatar for chinee
Member Avatar for sirlink99

Is it possible to communicate with java to a usb that has been converted into an antenna, that sends and recieves signals to/from a remote controlled car?

Member Avatar for sirlink99
Member Avatar for zmoez

Hey Everyone, I'm new to this form, and I seem to like it so far. Anyways, I have this Project that i'm nearly done with but in the sub-class I'm getting 0.0 as an output instead of the actual calculation. Below is the project and the code: You are requested …

Member Avatar for tunlinaung
Member Avatar for samueal

Hi, I am using HTTPRequest and HTTPResponse to get the page source of a site. and i'm getting a warning message "Enable JavaScript to view your site". Is there any request i should add to enable JavaScript

Member Avatar for samueal
Member Avatar for bharath54321

i want to validate whether given file is text file or not using regex could you please give example

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for bharath54321
Member Avatar for niranga

Hi, I am working on a project which requires to update a JEditorPane or JTextField simultaneously by multiple clients. It is something like this. [B][1]. There are several users( i.e a group) with the same application which contains a JEditorPane. [2]. There is a group leader for a group( note: …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for suryakantk

HI, I am very new to jasper.so can you please help me to solve this error. Error: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file: 1. Cannot cast from double to Double value = (java.lang.Double)(1 - (((java.lang.Float)field_Current_year_cost.getValue()).doubleValue() / (((java.lang.Float)field_Current_year_price.getValue()).doubleValue() * 0.93)));//$JR_EXPR_ID=31$ 2. Cannot cast from double to Double …

Member Avatar for coolbeanbob

Hi, I am getting a null pointer exception with the code below. From what I have read, it seems like something is null, but I do not understand how this could be a problem? The error is occurring on line 205 of the StudentContainer class. (This is at the very …

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for MissZuri

Create a non-GUI-based Java application that calculates the payroll for a department in an organization. The application should display text that requests the user input for the name of the department, the number of employees in the department, and the average salary for the employees in the department. The number …

Member Avatar for carinlynchin

here is my one class (controller) and the other (GUI) what is happening is inside the SearchListener inner class for the button, I am calling a method from the controller class (i have already tested the parameter sent and that part works fine) but when i click on a code …

Member Avatar for carinlynchin
Member Avatar for APCompSci

Consider the following two classes. [CODE]public class Dog { public void act() { System.out.print("run"); eat(); } public void eat() { System.out.print("eat"); } } public class UnderDog extends Dog { public void act() { super.act(); System.out.print("sleep"); } public void eat() { super.eat(); System.out.print("bark"); } }[/CODE] Assume that the following declaration appears …

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for blahbla

need some help with this lab this class is to draw a line with *'s i guess in the command prompt since it uses System.out to print i was given the function names and the comments that tells me what the function does i wrote the code in the functions …

Member Avatar for veena1555

Hi friends i have dell inspiron laptop with i3 core processor..having Oracle 10g as database. i could n't run JDBC programs in my lapy. so many ppl spoke to me that dell lapy doesn't support type1 driver.. So i tried for third party type 4 drivers(OJDBC14.JAR) it is also not …

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Member Avatar for turt2live

Ok, So I'm amking a game and need walls so you can't walk through walls (This is a top down view game, screenshot [URL="http://turt2live.servebeer.com/game_stuff/walls.png"]here[/URL]), although, my calculation for seeing if you are going to hit a wall slows down the game with the 3 walls I have (I stopped making …

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The End.