32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for cwarn23

Hi everybody, I have a question about purchasing a product which I do not know the name of or where to buy from. I have the following requirements for a PDA but can somebody point me to a few links of where I can buy such a device. My requirements …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for sirlink99

I am working if application and I cannot figure out how to make a box move forward one at a time when the spacebar is pressed. Here are my codes: [CODE] package DrawingInApplications; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyListener; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.JFrame; public class Program extends Drawing implements KeyListener{ Drawing d; …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for MWE_QUE

Any help would be appreciated. I have a working command line program (trivia question) and decided to try to put it in a Gui. I got the user menu to print, but it gets to line 162 and blows up (going line by line) where I'm thinking it should do …

Member Avatar for MWE_QUE
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

Hello all. The Java Date and time classes are difficult. I think I have to use java.sql.Date which is a sub class of Date but is not a date unless the time is normalized to zero. so I've heard. I would like to work with my studentDOB first by collecting …

Member Avatar for tracieam

Hi Guys, I really need help with my checkbook. My functions seem to be working. However when I can deposit, balance, or withdraw from the userinterface it doesn't seem to store the updates. When I check my balance it always says the balance is 0.00. Can someone help me fix …

Member Avatar for tbone2sk
Member Avatar for harinath_2007

Hello I have a java program that sends mail to given gmail account. Now i need to attach some files to mail and send them. how can i do it??

Member Avatar for tbone2sk
Member Avatar for tultul

Sorry.... i have posted this question before in JavaRanch Forum but i did not get any satisfactory answer to my question. probably no one notices there. I am posting here with the hope that someone will come forward and give me some suggestion. i am using java swing and i …

Member Avatar for tultul
Member Avatar for Inevitable x7

I have a JList that becomes populated from click on buttons. My question that i need help with is, is it possible to use a function of the JList to get the string from a selected index and make a substring? thanks.

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for thebigbroski

I'm basically writing a bot for the game Bejeweled. Everything works, however it appears to be a bit slow.. and I'm guessing it has to do with the way I'm gathering data for the program to use. Essentially, I take a screenshot, open that file, and grab the RGB'S, add …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for tracieam

I am trying to write the code for a face that winks. My code doesn't give me any errors however when I try to run it the window comes up as a blank window. It does have the corredt title but no face is drawn in it and I'm not …

Member Avatar for tracieam
Member Avatar for Nirmeen Ased

i have a as an array b also .. how can i find the summation of there content .. thank you ..

Member Avatar for Nirmeen Ased
Member Avatar for tracydo

Hi, I'm trying to create an array for converting Octal number from input to Binary later...print out for table look-up. Please help! [CODE] import java.util.*; // Scanner class public class check1 { public static void main(String [] args) { int i; String biArray[]={"000", "001", "010", "011", "100", "101", "110", "111"}; …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for vanpersie

Hi I want to create an html report based on a table named inventory on sql server 2005 database. first code used to generate an output report [CODE] try { // TODO add your handling code here: String s = "<html> <body> <table border=1><caption> Inventory Report </caption>"; s += "<tr><td>Item_id<td>item_name<td>Existing …

Member Avatar for Dean_Grobler

Hi there, Can anyone point me to where I can find good tutorials (or even an online book) of how to connect to XML with Java (Reading/Writing to an XML file etc). I've tried to Google it but I just seem to find tutorials that are very confusing and vague. …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for cretaros

Here; is my scenario; A prisoner is admitted in a prison at this date:: [B]2011-05-05[/B], he was sentenced for [B]5 years[/B] so how do i calculate date additions so the results give me [B]2016-05-05[/B], as this is the exact date he is to be released from prison. the addition should …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for emc22

I'm trying to create a class that calculates for the next possible coordinate for a Bishop Piece for my chess program and I encountered this problem. I used a JOptionPane to test for the results and I can't understand how it got that result. The first JOptionPane shows false because …

Member Avatar for emc22
Member Avatar for drummershuff

[CODE]import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.util.*; import java.io.*; public class MuseumPanel extends JPanel { private JLabel label; private JPanel buttonPanel; private JButton week, day, hour, output; private Museum museumArray = new Museum(); private int numb; int[] weekArray = new int[3]; int[] dayArray = new int[7]; int[] hourArray = …

Member Avatar for parry_kulk
Member Avatar for NewOrder

i know that it puts the bytes into a buffer. But is that buffer is located somewhere in the memory? and doesnt it make the application slow if it uses that adapter?/Stream?

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Inevitable x7

Alright im really struggling here... I have a multiple buttons that can be pushed and within the action listener i want the item added to my list model, and the running total to be incremented by the amount i specifiy within the actionperformed statement. for whatever reason i am having …

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for bharath54321

TableColumn column1=table.getColumnModel().getColumn(2); column1.setPreferredWidth(400); I tried to change the column width of the jtable using the above method but i couldnt achieve i dont no why please help me.................

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for bharath54321

I have created one Jframe mainframe which size is fit to monitor size. I have created another frame called subframe which size is 300,300 . My problem is when i open the subframe from the mainframe iam not suppose to use mainframe without close the current frame . How can …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for Inevitable x7

First of all, i have a program where when i click a button an item is added to a list and at the same time i'm trying to get a double to display elsewhere. I am just in a funk right now and cannot think properly. what is good. when …

Member Avatar for audiomatic
Member Avatar for BEBELINDO

my code plays a midi java sound file , but i want to play it in a loop constantly ! can somebody help me please ! [code]import javax.sound.midi.*; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; public class MidiPlayer{ public static void main(String[] args) { try { Sequencer sequencer = …

Member Avatar for Walter Scott
Member Avatar for spitfire5295

I am trying to output every single possible combination of a string. So if the string was "abc" it should output a b c ab ab ba bc ca cb acb bac bca cab cba Is there any method that would help me do this? :)

Member Avatar for spitfire5295
Member Avatar for cretaros

I want to dump or backup a mysql database on button click, i have the following logic, no errors bt it cant execute, can anyone help me in identifying the error. the code as follows: [CODE] try { String dbName = "xxx"; String dbUser = "root"; String dbPass = ""; …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for sirlink99

I am tying to use Gridbag layout, but I cannot seem to get it working. [URL="http://img703.imageshack.us/img703/1461/photo00002y.jpg"]here[/URL] is the plan. and here is the code: [CODE] import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.net.*; import java.nio.*; public class Chatroom implements ActionListener { public Chatroom (){ JFrame frame = new JFrame ("Warrior …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for Inevitable x7

Hey guys, i'm new to the Java and have stumbled on a few things. When a button is clicked on my program an string is printed to a JList model. Ex. Snickers Bar ............$1.00 Now what i am trying to do is keep a running total of all these items …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for cabosun

So im doing this swing java gui project where the admin can login and search, modify and add users to the database mysql. Im having trouble putting in the right getParameter to get: type = radio group button of 2 with 1 as Doctor and 1 as Nurse Specialty = …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for sciprog1

Hello Members, Is there any Permutation API in Java? I found the following: [url]http://www.jsc.nildram.co.uk/api/jsc/combinatorics/Permutations.html[/url] I am unable to figure out what should be the import statement for the above API. I would be grateful for any help. Thank you! sciprog1

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Member Avatar for amadeus47

Running Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit 9GB mem, two RAID 0 500GB drives - Dell Studio XPS Desktop. Trying to update Java (jre-6u25-windows-x64.exe). Tried everything found on this site and others. Keep getting Error 1714 which Oracle said they have no info for. Suggestions? Tried installing several older versions but …

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The End.