32,205 Topics
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i have the code for a simple mail transfer protocol but when i go to compile it in eclipse i get an error along the lines of cant find "main" class, program will now terminate, ive attached the code and would love it if someone could take a look and … | |
hi i want to develop hotel management project which is basically dekstop appliation so my problem is that should i do that project in .net or java can u explain which platform is good for this project and also is there any diffrence oflook and feel between java project and … | |
hey, i am not sure this a right forum for this question but hopefully you will be able to answer me. i have recently finished developing java application in netbeans and there is a simple issue of printing the source code. once the code printed each page should be numbered … | |
I had a gui set up that displayed menu items a window and some buttons at the bottom. i am having it communicate with an outside program using commands. i recieved a strange error msg after i tried to have it communicate with the other program. I know the gui … | |
This is a simple server/client program. What i'm trying to do is let the server send a message to the client, the client should receive this message and print this message on screen. When i run the program the server prints "Server start" like its supposed to but nothing happens … | |
Hello.. I created a executable jar file for my java application.. but there's a problem that the images are not being displayed in application eventhough i included images in jar file along with classes. How to make them displayed from the jar file only instead of accessing them from any … | |
Using Two Classes, one main class only for calling methods in the second class {Hint: suppose you two classes Like Class A and Class B. Class A has all methods only. Class B only Calling methods} Q1- write a java program to do the following i- method for input array … | |
Hi, I have the following applet which works on my localhost server but when I upload it to my online server then the Java console spits out an error saying the following: [CODE] Exception in thread "thread applet-viewer.class-1" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: viewer$1 (wrong name: viewer) at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method) at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClassCond(Unknown Source) at … | |
Dear All, I have a java application which is a listener receiving data from different gps devices. The programme have been working fine. Each time I receive a string it will read process and store into a local database(mysql) and also write into a text file. Off late I notice … | |
Need help with this java program Write a Java program that maintains a price catalog for a grocery store. Each catalog entry is an object of the class Item defined exactly as shown: public class Item { private int id; private String name; private double price; public Item(int i, String … | |
hello guys! I am looking for a large upload script. A script that can carry files like a movie on 1GB up to my server. # i got the host and the required settings. But i need a script with progress bar etc. I am willing to pay for it. … | |
Warning Newbie here. I am trying to read a properties file and set the values to be used throughout the code. I can open the file and get the values. I am struggling on making the accessible for other classes/methods. Here is what I have so far: [CODE] Properties configProp … | |
Hello guys im working on a project for my class and im stuck. i dont have much of experience with linked list and my book isn't helpful with this project. Here is what the project is about: Develop an interactive program to implement basic linked list operations including: 1. Add … | |
I have this homework assignment to make a calculator using a stack and converting infix to postfix. My infix to postfix method works fine. But the other method to evaluate it works for all cases except when multiples or divisors result in double digits. My calculator does not support double … | |
What I am doing here is in one class reading in a file where the first line contains info about the number of rows and columns in a grid to be made in a GUI representation. I made the first class read in the file, and returns a value "e" … | |
hi, how to call exe file with some parameters from java and save the output of the exe file in a specified path. Please let me know immediately..its urgent!!! I am using the following code : I want to save the file after running this DPAnalysis.exe on jan.xls into my … | |
in sturts how can i use tree node im using netbeans 6.8 this is my codes: <script language="javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('div.view').hide(); $('div.slide').click(function() { if($(this).children('img').attr('src')=='images/plus.png') { $(this).children('img').attr('src','images/minus.png'); //$(this).removeClass(); //$(this).addClass('slide_clicked'); } else { $(this).children('img').attr('src','images/plus.png'); //$(this).removeClass(); //$(this).addClass('slide'); } $(this).next().slideToggle(50); return false; }); }); </script> | |
I am developing a software and i need to add a spider application to the software,the spider application will have to download updates and news from some designated URLS (NEWS FEED)into a database and then to one of my user interface....though i have gotten materials online for that but i … | |
I am trying to work on a project for school from home. The school computer has Oracle and I am trying to access it from home using Java/JSP. Currently I have Java SE with NetBeans installed on my home machine (Windows XP SP II), but not Tomcat or Oracle. The … | |
Hai friends, Am using swing for GUI, using gridbaglayout, for combobox width is changing by the size of items loaded, i want particular size as per above field, setprefferdsize,setmaximumsize, setminimum sizes having no effect in gridbag layout. [CODE] GridBagConstraints ComboConstraints = new GridBagConstraints(); ComboConstraints.gridy = 1; ComboConstraints.gridx = 1; ComboConstraints.anchor … | |
that is expected output is [CODE] sun mon tue wed thu fri sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 .... ... ... 29 30 31 [/CODE] my code: [CODE]static void print_31days(int a[][]){ int i=1; while(i<=31) { int some=0;//some is the startdate of the month of the … | |
Hello, My group and I are currently writing a hangman-like program for our class (I know hangman related questions have been asked a billion times, but bear with me). We are having issues with being able to replace our * with the correct letter (if it is correct). Here is … | |
Hi ,I am learning java ,and wondering why is this return in this method Thanks [CODE]public void updateDisplay() { if (curIndex<0 || curIndex>=appObj.array.size()) { display.setText(""); return; } display.setText( appObj.array.get(curIndex).toString()); }[/CODE] | |
can anyone help with this program I tried to get user input but everytime I change the celcius to double or move it I get an error code that says it may not have been initilized. thanks for any help. [CODE]import java.util.Scanner; class conversion{ public static void main(String args[]){ Scanner … | |
This is my calculator. I am trying to add the user input option. The combo box works with the calculate button, however, the user input option does not work with the calculate button. I only get $oo as the output in the Payment text field. Could someone please give me … | |
I made a program using Sockets, pretty interesting, but I have found some "problems" that bother me, my game is threaded and in its run method it has a lot of if statements for the different behaviors when it receives a certain String from the server. Is there any other … | |
import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.io.*; public class llist { public static void main(String[] args) { String abc="poo"; String[][] array_string; array_string= new String[10][10]; array_string[0][0]="123"; for(int i=0;i<5;i++){ for(int j=0;j<5;j++){ array_string[i][j]=(String)j; System.out.print(array_string[i][j]); System.out.println(""); } } } } error is: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem: Cannot cast from int to … | |
Hi! I'm learning how to make a GUI in Java. I'm wondering how to add a JThingy (JLabel, etc) without the use of the add(NameOfJThingy); Because add(); isn't static, you can't use it in a static function (like main, which must be static). I've seen that the constructor can help, … | |
Hi, I am new to Grails and Groovy. Currently I am running tests of my application using the command grails test-app. Just like in Java, now I want to pass some parameters as command line arguments. Is it possible in Grails. If anyone has idea, please share it with me. … |
The End.