32,204 Topics

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Member Avatar for ThaiAmL

Hello! I'm doing my first homework assignment with abstract classes and interfaces. I have a few questions: (1) I know that a class must be saved on the computer as, for example, Class.java. Is this the same for abstract classes? How are interfaces supposed to be saved? Do they need …

Member Avatar for ThaiAmL
Member Avatar for kalz

Hello Everyone I have an Internal frame in my application which has a JTable populated with values from a database and a JButton which performs some operation when a row is selected from the JTable.When the user does not select a row from the JTable and clicks the JButton, I …

Member Avatar for kalz
Member Avatar for scheppy

Is there a method to check if a JButton has an Icon? becouse I've been searching all over google and i cant seem to find anything

Member Avatar for DavidKroukamp
Member Avatar for Vampiricx3

Hey guys, I'm currently creating an Employee style GUI program in Java, and I have a .txt file with several Employee details (int, string, string, string, int, double), right now I want to implement a way to display all objects within a JComboBox at the very bottom of my program. …

Member Avatar for Philippe.Lahaie
Member Avatar for Mr.BunyRabit

Why is netbeans doing this?! I added an image to my login screen, but now when i want to add a new one (i just chose a crytec logo to show) then it doestn display it!? It still displays the old one!? Whyy?? (image Attached)

Member Avatar for Mr.BunyRabit
Member Avatar for Joeeb22

The goal of the project is to calc based on age and gender there rental rates for cars. but something is going terribly wrong T-T. I am receiving the following errors in homework for java class. ----jGRASP exec: javac -g RentalRate.java RentalRate.java:112: error: illegal start of expression public static String …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for androidf

My project scope is on android forensic. 1. After extracting all the information from an android phone, the information is saved to an excel file. Currently, I'm trying to transfer all the data saved in the excel file to MySQL database in Java. 2. After which, implement a feature that …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for abhijeet P

Hello, I have a small issue. I am encrypting the data in J2ME using DES. When I send the data to the server, the encrypted text which has special characters is changed into "?" (question mark) and because of this the decryption doesnt work, it gives bad padding exception. How …

Member Avatar for abhijeet P
Member Avatar for sp85202

I'm working on a homework my OOP class and I just can't figure out this last part. The assignment calls for us to write five different classes with parent class StaffMember. I'm pretty sure I've that at the subclassess (Volunteer, HourlyEmployee and FullTimeEmployee) correct so I'm not going to post …

Member Avatar for sp85202
Member Avatar for kris-kz

Hi co-programmers, We're currently doing a simple conversion of a jsp to java format. I think we we're able to somehow force our way for a java program to hold our jsp program, but unfortunately we are having a slight problem. We're getting this exception: Exception in thread "main" javax.script.ScriptException: …

Member Avatar for kris-kz
Member Avatar for mehnihma

I have problem with selecting text, In this code it only selects one and finds one, hot to make it to find more? [CODE]public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if(e.getActionCommand().equals("ResetAll")) { area.setText(""); search.setText(""); found.setText("0"); } else if(e.getActionCommand().equals("Exit")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame, "Good-Bye","218 HW #5", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); System.exit(0); } else if(e.getActionCommand().equals("Clear")) { area.setText(""); } else …

Member Avatar for mehnihma
Member Avatar for randomguitarguy

I'm planning on developing a call center/call tracking software for an IT helpdesk for my Final year project. The system should: 1. Auto-generate ticket numbers 2. have a database of users (agent just puts in ID number and the rest of the fields populate) 3. Be able to search for …

Member Avatar for hfx642
Member Avatar for mehnihma

I have problem with do while loop I need something like this [CODE] What do you want to do? 1 Create a new account 2 Deposite funds 3 Withdraw funds 4 Show Balance 5 Show Interest 6 Show Summary 7 Quit Enter Option: 2 Which account <1 to 2> do …

Member Avatar for mehnihma
Member Avatar for ThaiAmL

I'm working on a program for an intro to java class and am supposed to use the following interface: [CODE]public Interface Animal{ //The animal is first supposed to "speak" and then it gets to eat //As long as the food supply lasts public void feed(); //The animal eats public void …

Member Avatar for ThaiAmL
Member Avatar for sarathsshanker

Caused by: org.apache.maven.artifact.installer.ArtifactInstallationException: Fa iled to install artifact com.jarus:AndroidAgentApp:apk:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT: C:\Users\ Sarath\mavendependencies (Access is denied) at org.apache.maven.artifact.installer.DefaultArtifactInstaller.install(Default... what does this mean? i am trying to install a new dependency for my android project.

Member Avatar for hbluthi

I need to create a print statement as "n" is being popped from the stack, just like I have one for when it is being pushed on to the stack. I understand what is happening on that final return when in the base case, but I don't know how to …

Member Avatar for hbluthi
Member Avatar for shotokanpoloto

Hi! My project has two text file:input and output java.util.NoSuchElementException: No line foundread exception Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at java.io.Writer.write(Writer.java:140) at nfa2dfa.NfaToDfa.OutputFile(NfaToDfa.java:217) at nfa2dfa.Main.main(Main.java:30) I don't know what they mean?!

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for befigard

I am building a GUI for school, aside from the coding issues (that I can't figure out). I need to add a logo of a planet. I found a cute little pic, resized it and downloaded it to my computer. Got it uploaded to Netbeans ...but I can not figure …

Member Avatar for emclondon
Member Avatar for Eclipse

Hello. I'm currently a 10th grader who's been sitting in front of the computer for hours trying to figure this assignment out. First, my teacher gave me a reverse integer problem. He wants us to reverse the numbers `12345, 10001, 1200, and 5`, and display in in the output. The …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for alafift

[code]import java.sql.*; public class GetAllRows{ public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Getting All Rows from a table"); Connection con = null; String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:80/"; String db = "Flights"; String driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"; String user = "root"; String pass = "pass"; try{ //Class.forName(driver).newInstance(); con = DriverManager.getConnection(url+db, user, pass); try{ Statement …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for EmbroideryEtc

I have written a class to read a text file and write the data into a 2D array of max records x 12 fields. Now that I have this working, I need to be ablel to call this array from my other classes to perform different tasks on the data. …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for jsawant85

Hello everyone! I am new to this forum and a beginner programmer. I wish to develop a small social networking site using JSP/Servlet and other useful java technologies. Your help is needed a s I am not much aware of the SDLC process. Need your help starting from the basics …

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Member Avatar for mrabrar09

Hello Everyone, Am facing problem am using RAD IDE, Java Version 1.6.0_30 from Sun Microsystems Inc. the program are executing successfully and showing output in IDE. But when am trying to compile the program outside the IDE the java program compiling the program and generating .class file but it is …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for riahc3

Hey Does anyone know a good tutorial to understand web services under Java using WSDL? Most are pretty confusing and at the end offer no source sample code to test it out. Thanks

Member Avatar for 47pirates
Member Avatar for Vampiricx3

Hey guys, right now I have an Employee style java program that is basically for adding Employee data to a .txt file, I have all of that down pat, I have also got my program to automatically set the highest ID + 1, so I don't have to find the …

Member Avatar for Vampiricx3
Member Avatar for pote86

The attached image is the example of .xls file that I want to import those data to mysql database using Java. Any help I get will be very much appreciated.

Member Avatar for androidf
Member Avatar for samidha

Hi, in my java project Employee Payroll, I am supposed to include a Ideal-Time window and maintain log for that ideal time for particular Employee... On the basis of which salary deduction or bonus to the employee will be calculated... For maintaining log, we will need JDBC; but for creating …

Member Avatar for DavidKroukamp
Member Avatar for 47pirates

i got a problem whenever i give the username of less than 4 character in java GUI then tha userlist from python server is regularly updating my UserList textField in JAVA GUI but when the character exceeds more than 3 that UserList textField is not updated rather the user list …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for drameshgar1

Hi, I am using NetBeans as my IED to make game in JAVA i want to make a line on left hand side this is the code i wrote: Body staticplatform = new Body (world, PolygonShape.makeBox(50, 7), Body.Type.STATIC); staticPlatform.setPosition(new Vec2(-0, -200)); how can i make this line on right hand …

Member Avatar for NormR1

The End.