32,205 Topics
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Greetings! I am trying to complete the last part of an assignment, though the 2d Arrays are stumping me. The comments are what is supposed to be done, and the rest of the code is stuff I've tried but has not worked. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! [CODE] … | |
Hello forum, Vaironl here. I have a little problem, in a fairly big piece of code. I'm making a recipe application, which is working fine, but there is one minor error. If I minimize the screen and restore it, some of the components inside it are somehow re sizing of … | |
Sir, I need a java program (ie), if we mark a part of an image, the portion with same intensity in that image should also be segmented and saved separately .. Thanks in advance.. | |
My son, a ten year old is so like "[B]I WANT TO MAKE SOFTWARE!!!!!I WANT TO PROGRAM!!!!!!!!!I DON'T WANT TO STEP INTO LANGUAGES LIKE [URL="http://www.simplecodeworks.com/website.html"]http://www.simplecodeworks.com/website.html[/URL] OR [URL="http://scratch.mit.edu/"]http://scratch.mit.edu/[/URL] OR [url]http://www.alice.org/[/url] !!!!![/B]"He knows--- [LIST=1] [*]Basic Python(for, while, variables, raw_input, readline) [*]Extremely little about C++ [*]Quite a lot of Javascript(alert, prompt, *a little … | |
now i'm writing a method which is checking the ip already exist or not [CODE]private boolean EXISTIP(String s) { boolean result = true; try{ for (int i = 0; i < Client_list.length; i++) { if (Client_list[i][0].equals(s)) { return true; } else { result = false; } } }catch(Exception e){ return … | |
Hey Using MyEclipse 10 for Spring while developing Matisse/Swing GUI applications something very annoying happens: Whenever I change anything on the form in Design view the view always changes to Source view. (In between a progress bar with 'formatting' text appears.) How can I this behaviour switch off? Thanks | |
If I go to [url]http://localhost/somefolder/somepicture.bmp[/url] I cant see if in my navigator. Now If I go to C:/somefolder/somepicture.bmp It works perfectly. This is completely driving me crazy. I really have no other methods that I could try to get this to work. Ask questions and Ill try to give answers..... … | |
So here is my assignment: Write a java program to read a name from user . The name is typed all in one line. The name may include 3 or 2 or 1 part from: firstname middlename lastname You should create an email id from the name and print it. … | |
I have one query regarding managing information in JSP pages...! How to ADD UPDATE VIEW DELETE information from any JSP page...! How to perform CRUD (create , read , update, delete) operation on that information in most easiest way ??? Does java support any container or any component to deal … | |
Java: I have a bunch of stuff drawn to the blank space of a JApplet app. I need to add a JButton at a specific location. I don't know how. What's the easiest way to do this? | |
Hello guys, I am stuck again with a new problem. I need help with 3 things: 1. Timer 2. State Pattern 3. Disabling the button on JFrame lets go with the easiest one in the list, the Disabling of button one. I have an app with buttons, and I need … | |
I'm trying to right a statement that depends on 2 JButtons not being enabled I know how to tell if they are enabled like this [CODE] if(myJButton.isEnabled()) { } [/CODE] But is their also a simple way to check if a JButton is not Enabled | |
Hey there. I want to add a business method, and i know you right click >> add code >> and then chose business method. I can do that in netbeans 6.9.1 But i am using 7.0.1 And when i try and add a business method, i cant, because its not … | |
What is the difference between [ICODE]inheritance[/ICODE] and [ICODE]object orientation[/ICODE] ? | |
Hi there, I have this coursework to do and I don't know why my code is not working. Could you help, please? Many thanks. Task 1 You are to develop a UDP server, and Client, capable of transferring a file (worth up to 60% of total available marks for this … | |
Hi everyone. First time poster, brand new to java but I like it. I'm comfortable with the very basics but as we move forward I'm starting to struggle. My prof is not very good about explaining things so I've been teaching it to myself mostly. My most recent assignment involves … | |
Hey there. At the moment to close a form (like to go back to a previous form) i use this.hide(); But ive read things that some statements "Dont realy close the form, and it still runs or whatever" Is this the rigt way to close one of my forms? And … | |
Hello How do I go on about calling from Java stored procedures (which have variables going in and out) and transactions in MySQL? For a stored procedure example, something like 2 variables in that are numbers and the third going out that is the result. Thanks | |
Hello, I am pretty new to programming and needed some help with one of my programs. I am trying to have the user input how many numbers they want to plug in then they plug in x amount of numbers until they reach whatever they input. After that I am … | |
I remember someone telling me that there is the heap, the stack and something else. methods are stored in ..something.. and variables somewhere - and even if they're not currently storing anything in the memory location - it's still "reserved"? 1. Does that mean it doesn't matter if I do … | |
[CODE] import javax.swing.*; import java.util.*; import java.text.*; class myjavalo{ public static void main (String []args) { String orderStr1, orderStr2, orderStr3; int order1, order2, order3, choice; int i = 0; int menuCat,Entree, SideDish, Drink; System.out.println("\tItem" + "\t\t\tSales Count" + "\t\t\tTotal"); do{ Entree = Integer.parseInt (JOptionPane.showInputDialog (null, "Your Options Are:1 - Tofu … | |
Hi, Iv downloaded and installed RXTX library: -put files into java folder. -used eclipse / project / properties / java build path ... -also did the: eclipse / help / install new software... But when i add: [CODE]import gnu.io.*;[/CODE] ... and run any example code, the classes are red lines. … | |
Please can anyone help me install the rxtx library for serial communication. Ive save the relevant files rxtxSeriel.dll and RXTXcomm in to the appropriate bin and lib/ext files, but what are the next steps? | |
Hello again. So lately i've been learning java, and now i want to make a program but in this program i need to do something like in pascal record(i want to make an array, and in every element of this array i have a string and an int). I heared … | |
Hi, I am trying to create a pie report using jasper iReport which need link to drill down report for each slice inside the pie chart.If the slice refers to High priority then another report should be opened which will provide detailed information about tickets with High priority. I have … | |
Hi all, I learning Java as a second language. And I found some syntax in my book of android development to be very hard to explain. Would you help me with this example : [CODE] Button btn(Button)findViewById(R.id.btn_dialog); [COLOR="Red"]btn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener(){[/COLOR] public void OnClick(View v) { showDialog(0); } }); [/CODE] Its quite … | |
Hi all, I am a beginner in Java, making GUI in blueJ. I want to use CheckBoxList for multiple selection from a list for users.. I just want to learn how to make one of that. I saw some codes here .They use some sort of CheckListRenderer. I am also … | |
Anyone knows how to only allow characters in a JtextField not strings or digits? any example source code will be appreciated. | |
hello, i figured this forum was more appropriate for this thread than the javascript forum, here is why : my javascript is functionnal, and does not set/change css rules of the objects i manipulate. But here is my problem, i have 2 dynamic listbox (selects with size 10ish) with 4 … | |
Hello every body I'm creating a program that generates a random maze depending on the starting point you enter and then solves it. My problem is that even thought there is a solution to the maze, it returns that there is no solution to the maze. I know that I … |
The End.