32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for bharath54321

Could anyone please tell me how to Delete two Dimensional array Which i created early or Delete the contents of from specified index and i want to insert some other values in the same index..........

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Member Avatar for MeandJava

Hello everybody, For a school assignment I need to save images to .ser files. Could someone explain me how i get it succesfull. The program itself creates a .ser but the content is useless (¬í NUL ENQ). Thanks in advance :). This is the method i came up with: [CODE] …

Member Avatar for MeandJava
Member Avatar for LaurenceS1

Have been trying to learn from some old documentation that I bought several years ago but did not persevere with! Have Person class which compiles ok. The Employee class cannot find Person class in the extend statement, the BigCorp cannot find either the Person or Employee classes. All files are …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for end3r

Hy, I want to use some ExpandBar items in my UI, like those in SWT. I am currently using swing and unfortunately I did not find anything like this yet. So, do you know the class in swing that I can use ? ... or any other advice is greatly …

Member Avatar for end3r
Member Avatar for nickcolb

Hi, I need serious help with this code. So far everything compiles correctly but it does not output the correct change, and I've been trying for hours to figure out how to remedy the situation. All help is appreciated. This is what is being inputed: 4 1.00 .01 100.00 .01 …

Member Avatar for gunjannigam
Member Avatar for yjgstahc

Hello, I need a help how do I solve everything about Mancala. [B]PROBLEM:[/B] The game of Mancala is played by two players sitting on opposite sides of a board similar to the one above. Each of the numbered circles represent a bowl. At the start of the game each numbered …

Member Avatar for knan

Hi, I am building a simple android application that sends GPS coordinates from an Android phone to a Webserver, and the received co-ordinates are displayed one by one in the server. I think both my client and server side programs are correct, but I am not sure. Please correct the …

Member Avatar for Phinocio

I am making a text based game for my programming class, and am working on the saving system at the moment, however, when I run the save method, it overwrites the file, but doesn't insert the new data, it leaves the file blank. Here is the whole save class. [code]package …

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for Java_tyro

Hello, Help me in writing a logic for the program: User input: [COLOR="Red"]11[/COLOR]000 0[COLOR="Red"]11[/COLOR]00 00[COLOR="Red"]1[/COLOR]01 10001 01011 Two 1's are said to be connected if they are adjacent to each other horizontally, vertically & diagonally. Need to find the largest sector of 1's in the above input string. For example: …

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for shelexelex
Member Avatar for DDirectJ
Member Avatar for *Java*

Hi , How can I open an external program like ( word, notepad ) in JavaFrame Window ? not in external window ? thanks

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for Geeko

Hi, i was hoping that someone could help me understand what graph isomorphism is and what are some of its practical application examples ?? i really don;t get it, and is it possible to code it in Java (what i mostly see is only in C or C++)...

Member Avatar for JamieLynnSEO
Member Avatar for Amillia89

Hye,i have problem with looping.... this is my coding for now. [CODE]try{ Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/finalproject", "root", "Amillia89"); Statement stmt=con.createStatement(); // String pick = "select * from synonym where words like= "+st+"% "; ResultSet rs=stmt.executeQuery("select * from synonym where words like \""+st+"%\""); String words=""; if(rs.next()){ words=rs.getString("words"); ResultSetMetaData rsmd = …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for imKEN

Need help on setting the values of username and password for my log-in menu: [CODE]import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; class Profile extends JFrame { private JPanel p,p1,p2,p3; private JTextField tf; private JPasswordField pf; private JLabel l1,l2; private JButton b; Profile() { p = new JPanel(); p1 = new JPanel(); p2 = …

Member Avatar for imKEN
Member Avatar for Ravshan

Hi, guys! My project is to create a chat software in Java. For security i must use Digital signatures+ Java Postgre sql... How to do it? Steps, codes, references, etc... HELP ME!

Member Avatar for Ravshan
Member Avatar for manish250

Hello all I have a query,may be silly but i have to clear it.IT IS REGARDING THE UPCASTING.I want to "when we can invoke the methods of base class using the object of derived class.then what is the need of assigning the subclass object to base class reference." I mean …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for bharath54321

I have two array a[] and b[] but i want to transfer the contents into two dimensional array c[][] is that possible......... Please help me

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for stephy1

hi, I have a browse button for sending single image with other text inputs in jsp type I have chosen Multipart-Form data . I got 'parameter not set error' for blob field. I am using MySql database. I am using DefaultFileItemFactory clss [CODE] FileItemFactory factry= new DefaultFileItemFactoy(); FileUpload upload= new …

Member Avatar for gedas

hey everybody, i have a text file containing some names i place extract those names and i place it in an array an then i compare it with the input from JTextField i am able to compare them and find the values that match. what i want is if the …

Member Avatar for bharathkumar.m
Member Avatar for altayar

Hello.. I am working on this project which is to use a matrix to encrypt a string& a text file and to decrypt them as well. The matrix that I need to use is this one, but I still don't know how to make it shift each character to the …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for venkatnams

[code] <%! public String haversine(String lat1,String lon1,String lat2,String lon2) { int r = 6371; String val=null; double dlat=((Double.parseDouble(lat2))-(Double.parseDouble(lat1))); double dlon=((Double.parseDouble(lon2))-(Double.parseDouble(lon1))); double a = (Math.sin(dlat/2)*Math.sin(dlat/2))+(Math.cos(Double.parseDouble(lat1))*(Math.PI/180))*(Math.cos(Double.parseDouble(lat2))*(Math.PI/180))*(Math.sin(dlon/2)*Math.sin(dlon/2)); double c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1-a)); double d = r * c; if(d>1) val= ((d)) +"km"; else if(d < =1) val = ((d*1000)) +"m"; return …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for ccaatty

Hello all, I know this might sound silly to some of you, but I have created and successfully tested an app that I think would run on my phone. I mean, it runs just fine on the emulator. Now how do I install it onto my real phone? I tried …

Member Avatar for uma.kotha89

Dear IT People, I want sample code and suggesitions for do JUnit test for my servelet class. If any body done it plz send me code/give me suggestion hw to do in goole i got junit for java class.I stuggle for this past 2 days if any body please help …

Member Avatar for uma.kotha89

Dear IT People, I want sample code and suggesitions for do JUnit test for my servelet class. If any body done it plz send me code/give me suggestion hw to do in goole i got junit for java class.I stuggle for this past 2 days if any body please help …

Member Avatar for ToXSiK

Hey everyone, thanks for reading. Basically, I am using the netbeans GUI developer, and when I add a button on a jframe (We will call this JFrame1), I have the button create an object of type JFrame, called JFrame2. Now, JFrame2 contains a loading bar with updated progress information on …

Member Avatar for kekkaishi
Member Avatar for didi00

Hi guys. I have some questions about very long diagram that I have to make. In short lines the task is this: airplanes and airports. The airports have these characteristics: One runway and multiple hangars. Some of the airports are only military. The airplanes have these characteristics: Capacity. Speed. Max …

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Member Avatar for emcyroyale

hello everyone, I am doing a program for a class which is suppose to say the amount of pages one needs to read and then say if any of the homeworks have the same amount of pages. My teacher wants me to override the compareTo() method and then test it …

Member Avatar for emcyroyale
Member Avatar for aanders5

Ok, 2 questions. 1. I have an applet, but it is IN the page, like, part of the HTML I think, how do I get it to like "pop up" and be its own window. It will eventually become a game tool, so it would be easier to use if …

Member Avatar for adams161
Member Avatar for nard23

the output is supposed to be like this: [B]1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1[/B] what I have is this: [B]1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1[/B] [CODE]import java.util.*; class Array{ public …

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Member Avatar for isamuhunter

Hello everyone...I'm trying to create a journey planner for an underground system...but the first thing Is to create the skeleton of the underground system... my problem is I don't know how to add more links to a single node when the station has an intersection with other lines... [CODE]public class …

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The End.