32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for njmm

I need used one button to change the state of the light, and the light should have green, amber, and red lights and cycle through green -> amber -> red -> green each time the button is pressed. My code [CODE]import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Magekiller

I need to create a program that prompts for the lengths of a triangle and computes it. I have the equations figured out (bottom of code). What I am stuck on though is, well, getting it to work. Any help here would be FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC! PS. I won't lie, this is …

Member Avatar for Akill10
Member Avatar for midnightdream

this is a far stretch but i found this fourm online and i thought i'd give it a shot since i dont know where else to turn to... I tried my best to implement the array into ascending order but i'm not sure if it's correct. I needed it to …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for techie929

Hi, I am getting the following errors: HelloWorldApp.java:54: <identifier> expected public static Vector<int[]> breakTheMovementVector(int i,int j){ ^ HelloWorldApp.java:102: ';' expected } ^ 2 errors [CODE] import java.io.*; import java.util.*; class HelloWorldApp { public static void main(String[] args) { try{ // Open the file that is the first // command line …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for carinlynchin

hi, i have searched online and can't seem to find something I understand for a timer. I have a boggle game that needs to have a 3 minute counter so I figured I'd have a countdown from 3 minutes...but the only thing I've found in other peoples codes and the …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for anuj_sharma

Hey Guys, I have the following code: [CODE] class A { int a,b; A(int i,int j) { a=i; b=j; } void showab() { System.out.println(a+" and "+b); } } class B extends A { int k=20; void showabk() { System.out.println("a="+a); System.out.println("b="+b); System.out.println("k="+k); } } class Test { public static void main(String …

Member Avatar for anuj_sharma
Member Avatar for oldezwe

Hey, I'm fairly new to java. I was hoping someone could give me a pseudo code like description of what I'm trying to do so I know where to start my researching. In my program: -Users will register a username, password, and weblink to their account. -There will be restrictions …

Member Avatar for anuj_sharma
Member Avatar for SacredFootball

See Attachment. The instructor of my class gave us method names, variables, etc so i had to follow what he required. My question is this: How do I check if an area is occupied by an object or how to know an objects location in the grid? I've coded everything …

Member Avatar for SacredFootball
Member Avatar for ajayb

I am trying to learn java. I want to know whats the best way of doing it? For example I got the code for setting up a TCP server in java which sends the data given in string. Now I want it to send the data dynamically to the client …

Member Avatar for ztini
Member Avatar for wonder_laptop

i have a project that i want to do and i was wondering if it can be done using Aglets. As i understood from an article about Aglets, we can create many servers by assigning different port numbers to each. but all the servers will the have the SAME ip …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for Neversleepin

Hello, i would like to know how to implement the FileNotFoundException in my code. my code concatenate files from a Folder, it's working well even if there is no file. So i want to throw a message something like 'There is no file in the folder" If there is no …

Member Avatar for Neversleepin
Member Avatar for kishishi

How can i run my Subclass where my GUI code are written from my Main Class?What codes should i write in my main class??Here are my codes: Main Class: my main class is blank because i really dont know what to write. [CODE] */ package classpkg; /** * * @author …

Member Avatar for sabin_chirila
Member Avatar for WigglesMcMuffin

Hey, I'm trying to build my own calculator piece by piece, and I've currently got it to the stage where it'll add positive integers. Anyway, at the moment I'm trying to incorporate the keyboard into the program. What I've done is made is so that only my form can have …

Member Avatar for WigglesMcMuffin
Member Avatar for Neversleepin

hi, i try to run java program with ProcessBuilder but it works only with .exe file and with .jar or .java i use netbeans 6.9 why please? [CODE]import java.io.*; public class Mani { public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException, InterruptedException { try { Process p=Runtime.getRuntime().exec("javaw -jar D:\\NetBeansProjects\\GetIPAddress\\dist\\GetIPAddress.jar"); } catch(IOException …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for Vaspar

Hi Guyz I am making a Software for my friend Gold Shop ... Which Convert Units and Calculate Prices.. I want to make Jar file.. I made it by searching it on google but it doesn't include images i used in project [quote]BufferedImage image; image = ImageIO.read(new File("C:/img/gold.png")); .setIcon(new ImageIcon("C:/img/con1.png")); …

Member Avatar for stephen84s
Member Avatar for anuj_sharma

Hey Guys, I have the following code. [CODE] public class Main { static int a = 3; static int b; static void math(int x) { System.out.println("x = " + x); System.out.println("a = " + a); System.out.println("b = " + b); } public static void main(String[] args) { math(100); } static …

Member Avatar for stephen84s
Member Avatar for nHulk

Hello, I am final year student.I am doing project on Remote Desktop Viewer and Controller in JAVA. Similar to Team Viewer .I want to add some New Features that are not in Team Viewer.[B]So plz suggest some new features that can be added that are not in Team Viewer.[/B] [B]Also …

Member Avatar for wonder_laptop

I am working with mobile agents, i got two .java files: HelloAglet.java and MyDialog.java they both depend on each other, i put them both on the desktop (same directory) and im trying to compile them using the following command: %JDK_HOME%\bin\javac -d %AGLET_HOME%\public -classpath %CLASSPATH% *.java and im getting the following …

Member Avatar for wonder_laptop
Member Avatar for kingofdrew

I don't know why but nothing is appearing? I suppose to have a applet of a house. [CODE]import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.*; import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.Graphics; public class color extends JApplet { public void init() { addMouseListener(new MyMouseListener()); getContentPane().setBackground(Color.white); } public class MyMouseListener implements MouseListener …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for mhariharasudan

Hi all, I am new to java swing programming.I want to develop an application which has a panel with an array of grid points(not grid cells). The number of columns and rows of the grid points must be user specific. Once such an environment is created, the user's mouse click …

Member Avatar for vijaybrar

Hi i am kind of new to java but can please show me the code on how to count words in an input for example : [B] only allowed to use looping and String Methods only[/B] Select The type of character to be Stripped(1-vowel, 2-consonant, 3-number, 4-other(special characters) Input Enter …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for ajayb

I am trying to learn java. I want to know whats the best way of doing it? For example I got the code for setting up a TCP server in java which sends the data given in string. Now I want it to send the data dynamically to the client …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Barnifericus

Okay so I have some questions about LinkedList. I'm doing an assignment on LinkedList and I noticed in the java API that there is a get(int index) method built in for LinkedList. From what I was reading LinkedList is set up like this node1->node2->node3-> where each node has reference to …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for KenyanRaphael

I've been teaching myself java using youtube videos of Starnford Engineering Everywhere. So far its been good, till the code started getting complicated and i got stuck. I need advice on how best to learn java.

Member Avatar for KenyanRaphael
Member Avatar for primeratoma

I need help writing this code i been working for a day now on it and i cant seem to get it. i need help with this code if any one can help. I am taking java and this is the first program i cant get. thank you guys so …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for banh

I am trying to come up with the algorithm for my n queens using Simulated Annealing. There is the general algorithm online, but when i look at it, I couldn't understand how it work. My nodes have the number of hits between the queens on chess board. How can I …

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Member Avatar for an2kenz_143

ahmmm i have a few problem in my java game... my game is a quiz game..can u help me? .. or track it? heres my code... [CODE] package Games; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class QandASample extends JWindow implements ActionListener { JWindow window = new JWindow(); JFrame que1 …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier

I just learned about the AtomicInteger a few days ago. Didn't realize it existed before. I haven't tried it yet. I used to simply write my own MutableInteger class. Integer has no "set" method. AtomicInteger does, so I imagine that it can now replace my MutableInteger class. My question is …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for Neversleepin

Hi, i have a text file containing data like temperatures, voltage... this file contains more than 2000 rows What i want is to import this text file with Excel using Java. because i don't to open excel then click on import then choose the file...etc If someone know a tutorial …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for mkab

Hello everyone. I need some help on a java project. I'm to develop a human genetic(family) tree. This is the subject: Each human cell contains 23 pairs of chromosomes numbered from 1 to 22,and a pair of sex chromosomes: XX in females and XY in man. During fertilization, the 22 …


The End.