32,205 Topics
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I am trying to compile my simple java code and receive two errors. Any help will be appreciated. 1. Java1_Week2.java:19: illegal start of expression public Java1_Week2() { 2. Java1_Week2.java:19: ';' expected public Java1_Week2(){ Here is my code: [CODE]import java.text.DecimalFormat; import javax.swing.*; public class Java1_Week2 { public static void main(String[] args) … | |
I was working on Problem 17 on Project Euler: [url]http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=problems&id=17[/url] and I'm stuck; my answer is close, but not correct. I got the answer 21108 with the following code: I do realize the code can be optimized, but I would like to simply get this to work, and not try … | |
First off: I am not looking for somebody to do my homework. Although it would make it easier for me in the short term, please don't "help" me by writing my code for me. I would rather lose points for being late and understanding the code than get the grade … | |
Hi People, When creating this program, I am trying to add a while loop so that I can continue to pull in input from the user until they put a -1 for the input. This is the error I get. java:46: cannot find symbol symbol : variable input location: class … | |
Okey now the problem is that if the previewFrame is set to the default layout the buttons show but since it is using a layout manager the setBounds,setLocation,setSize commands dont work. So I used the code previewFrame.setLoayout(null) which would let me set my own position of the buttons on the … | |
Hey guys and gals I need alittle help. i have an assignment that needs to print a certian number of stairs according to a user input. Example program run (user input is in bold): Please enter the number of rows: 4 Please enter the number of stars in row 1: … | |
Hi we are supposed to modify this class for my school project to create a code that will print out a rectangle made of asterisks * something like ********* * * * * * * * * * * ********* here is my code [CODE] // Exercise 7.21: TurtleGraphics.java // … | |
I started developing an HTML editor using Java. After spending a lot of time I am now stuck in between. Most of the things are done but now I don't find any way to implement some of very important features. [B]I think[/B] java is too weak too support these features. … | |
Hello.. I'm new with java and have some problem with my assignment. I want to write a class named phoneBookEntry that has field for a person name and phone number. The class should have a constructor and appropriate accessor and mutator method. Then, write a main class that create five … | |
..Hi to all...just want to ask.. ..I have already created an ideal layout for my calculator..my problem is...I dont know how to insert a value into a field everytime I press a button(0 to 9)..without deleting the previous integer after I press my operator.. ..how shall I do so..??.. | |
is it possible to send an sms through JAVA.. My requirement is a chat application like Rediff bol. am able to do chat using networks. but can i be able to send sms. just like when i press a button called send sms then a window needs to get a … | |
Is this a simple way to return the number of occurrences of theValue in a bag? [code] /** * Return the number of occurrences of theValue in the bag. */ public int countOccurrences( String theValue ) { // fill in code for(int index = 0; index <= topPosition; index++ ) … | |
If you read the Prologue section of the code I posted it will give you an explanation of what I am trying to accomplish with this program. The problem I am having is that I am unable to find an example of how to pass an argument through the string … | |
please help me import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.net.*; import javax.swing.border.*; /** * Summary description for userlogin * */ public class userlogin extends JFrame { public static ServerSocket ssoc1; public static Socket sousoc1,ss1; // Variables declaration private JLabel userlabel; private JLabel jLabel2; private JLabel jLabel3; private JLabel jLabel4; … | |
hi, good day to you, [url]http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/ThirdParty/WebCrawler/WebCrawler.java[/url] :-/ can anyone run this code in eclipse IDE ? because i cant seem to run it though and it caused errors. Is this code meant to run in IDEs ? thanks for visiting this thread and hope you can help me. | |
I'm trying to create a class that reads in a set of numbers from a file, stores them in a generic array, and then sorts them using the generic bubbleSort method. I usually write in C++ and the switch from templates to generics hasn't been easy. I'm fairly certain my … | |
Hello [B]I am experimenting with Java applets & communicating between a Servlet & an applet. I am experiencing a HTTP 501 error when I go to retrieve the input stream from my URLConnection object.[/B] I know that the 501 error means that I am attempting to perform an action that … | |
this code does not compile successfully because of the error which says update is not an abstract and does not override abstract method validate in line 5 and line 14 class updateinfo implements validateinfo [CODE]public interface validateInfo { public void validate(String empcode, String password); } class updateInfo implements validateInfo { … | |
Im trying to make a tax and tip calculator and whenever the tax comes up it goes 10 or more decimal places and im trying to restrict it to two. [code=java] public static void main(String[] args) { double cost, total, tip, taxtotal, tiptotal, subtotal, grandtotal; Scanner myScanner = new Scanner(System.in); … | |
Hey all. I'm in the process of learning Java in my spare time, and I've bumped into a problem that I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around. I'm writing a small game (currently little more than an animation) involving a handful of blocks moving on-screen. I've created a … | |
Hi guys, my program im working on ends when it shouldnt..... here's the main method. [code] public static void main(String[] args) { String answer; do { boolean whole=false; boolean whole2=false; Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); int one=0, two=0; do { try{ System.out.print("Enter the first whole number: "); one = sc.nextInt(); … | |
I am using an array to store 5 test scores. Then I have another array for the total possible score the test could have. I just need to find out what percent the grade is out of the total possible score. [CODE]public class Main { /** * @param args the … | |
Hi Am currently taking a Java class and we are supposed to use turtle graphics to draw the following shape rectange made of Asterix ************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ************* My program builds and compiles successfully but I cant get … | |
Hi What is the best way to go forward with finding all possible combinations of nCr Eg: 5C3 for the number 12345 123 134 135 145 234 235 345 Like that thanks | |
hi guys.. can any gurus give me a hints or tips on implementing TF-IDf on java ? how do i start first? i am kinda confused here.. is it i need to read the file and count the words first ? | |
Hi, I have this really important project where in, I must perform the following tasks. VIEW - view records that are present in the database using a "primary key" ADD - add new records to the database EDIT - a specific line in the said record within the database [INDENT]Under … | |
Hello All I was using Java for capturing the screen and printing it. Now I need to capture the window, which is a ALt +Printscreen of Windows. I tried in Java. Could you pls help? Thanks in advance | |
Hi folks, I have a java maze, I cant seem to pass the 2d array to the next method. Any ideas on how i can do this? I need to get the character to move around the maze. Thanks [CODE] public class arrayAttempt1 { static int i=0; static int j=0; … | |
helow everyone!when i execute the following code,i have saved it as validateInfo.java it tells me that line 5:duplicate class:validateInfo.Please help public interface validateInfo { public void validate(String empcode, String password); } class validateInfo implements validateInfo { public void update() { //code to update information of customer } public static void … | |
[code]import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class Books extends Applet { Choice b; String [] blist; //CheckboxGroup edition; int i; public void init() { setBackground(Color.green); add(new Label("Please Pick a Book:")); b = new Choice(); blist [0] = ""; blist [1] = "Java Programming"; blist [2] = "C# Programming"; blist … |
The End.