32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for lykathea

I am trying to implement a stack where one can push to the front and to the back of the stack. However, my implementation is very slow. Can anyone help me think of a better method? Thank you! [CODE]public class Pch11_x1 { /** * @param args the command line arguments …

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Member Avatar for muncher10

I can't seem to find out why it doesnt work with average or smallest but largest and sum does work. //constructor public class DataSet { private int sum = 0; private int count = 0; private int Smallest; private int largest; public DataSet() { } public void addValue(int a) { …

Member Avatar for apines
Member Avatar for Buffalo101

I'm using a JTable with a DefaultTableModel. I use the Load Button for populating the JTable. Anyway, the problem I have is with the Delete row button. (defaulttablemodel.removeRow). This is the whole project: [code=java] package proiect1; import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel; import javax.swing.table.TableColumn; import java.io.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import javax.swing.table.TableModel; import java.util.ArrayList; import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel; …

Member Avatar for Buffalo101
Member Avatar for Mona..

Hi.. this is my code: [code] import java.util.Scanner; public class Arrays { //private variables private int[][] list = new int [12][2]; private int highest; private int lowest; //public functions Arrays(){ highest = 55; lowest = 5; list = new int[12][2]; } public int getData(){ Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); for …

Member Avatar for Mona..
Member Avatar for mangopearapples

How can I develop IPhone games with Java? I've tried something called XMLVL but that doesn't seem to be up to date and I can't use it because they don't have anything I can download to use... So is there any other alternative?

Member Avatar for mangopearapples
Member Avatar for hwalsh

I can't get my userName variable right, it prints out user name the first time, but the second time it prints out null...I've been at this same problem for nearly 24 hours. [CODE]import java.util.Random; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Scanner; public class mlab { // instance variables - this instance will get …

Member Avatar for hwalsh
Member Avatar for kezkez

if i have a text file with data: test, 1, 2 again, 3, 4 Can someone give me an idea how to start puting each line into an object ? ObjectName o = new ObjectName(String s1, String s2, String s3); [CODE] class Action implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Judas3213

hi everyone, i need some help implementing some functions into my code. Right now, all it does is have a rectangle appear on the screen and I can change its color via the radio buttons. I'm thinking I need some sort of grid/cells on the left side of the panel. …

Member Avatar for Judas543
Member Avatar for blknmld69

I am having problems with the output of my program The program is to design a classed named Employee. The class should keep the following information in fields: Employee Employee number in the format XXX-L, where each X is a digit within the range of 0-9 and the l is …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for hannon565

When I try to run the file I get this error, amen't sure how to fix it. [CODE]Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: illegal component position at java.awt.Container.addImpl(Container.java:1035) at java.awt.Container.add(Container.java:408) at EmailWindow.CreateContent(EmailWindow.java:65) at EmailWindow.<init>(EmailWindow.java:22) at Lab6a.main(Lab6a.java:10)[/CODE] Heres my code sorry for lack of comments [CODE]import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public …

Member Avatar for sakshamsak
Member Avatar for wobuaini

hey, can anyone help me with these comlexity problems? I tried with myself but still want some clarifications..cheer,here is the code: [CODE](a) public void printPow2(int[] values) { for (int i = 1; i < values.length; i *= 2) System.out.println(values[i]); } (b) public void maxDifference(int[] values) { int max = 0; …

Member Avatar for apines
Member Avatar for khaled_jawaher

i want to know how to put the path in the fuction Naming.lookup ("//...."). suppose that i want to call the remote object in 2 cases: 1. server and client stands on local machine for example remote object and sever stands in folder c:\rmi i want the exact path please …

Member Avatar for v30

Hey guys, I'm new here and a n00b in Java, trying to figure things out though :) I want to make a polygon move in a Java Applet but I keep struggling with the keylistener (aka it doesn't do anything) Maybe someone can help me please? Here's my code: (I'll …

Member Avatar for apines
Member Avatar for Sunshineserene

Hi, I have a text file that I'm going to read, and then parse it. After parsing it, how do I return it into it's original position or layout as before? Because now after parsing it, my output is printed out individually, instead of printing it out how it looks …

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Member Avatar for Protoroll

I am writing a toString method where a it returns three integers. If any of them are less than ten I have to add a zero before the number. For example if I had the variables 5, 6, and 2 it would read 05:06:02. I really can't figure out how …

Member Avatar for Buffalo101
Member Avatar for DallasFan3

Hey, Iam trying to write a java application that acts as a one-word Pig Latin translator. The program should: 1.ask the user to enter a word 2.convert the entered word into proper Pig Latin translation, (I have to use a method named translate to get the Pig Latin translation of …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for seekdestroy

Ok, I'm getting a little confused on how to do this. Basically i got N stacks of cards. And need to check the topCard of every stack and check that N - 1 cards match then remove them. I peeked every stack of cards to get the top card, and …

Member Avatar for apines
Member Avatar for DallasFan3

Right now Iam writing a program that will convert english into piglatin. Ans I have pretty much finished the program, but Iam stuck and need help. When I run the program, nothing happens after I type in the users input. What am I doing wrong. Heres my code, [code]import java.util.Scanner; …

Member Avatar for kezkez
Member Avatar for CompSci_Guy

My question is... what is the int times for? i dont understand what i am supposed to do with it. Here are the instructions about this method: String[] generate(String symbol, int times) In this method you should use the grammar to randomly generate the given number of occurrences of the …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for jems5

I am writing a program that reads text but must ignore case, spaces and punctuation while evaluating a string for palindrome. When I use the following the case issue is solved. [CODE] String str = ""; if (str.toLowerCase().charAt(LHS) != str.toLowerCase().charAt(RHS)) [/CODE] ...but when I use the following I get IndexOutOfBoundsException …

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Member Avatar for Awesomeness

I have an application I'm making... And it has a canvas in it. The problem is, on the y axis, my canvas is offset by ten pixels downward and I can't figure out why. You can see what I'm talking about in the screenshot. Do you know what's wrong?

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Member Avatar for 123a

Hi, i only know the Java basics and really need help! I have a class called temporaryHolder which holds an arrayList of 54 cards. However, I need to get elements out of this arraylist and need to add them to stacks in another class. Q1) How can I access all …

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Member Avatar for LianaN

Hi! I've decided to open a new thread for discussing the problem with uploading a file to a SUB-FOLDER at the FTP Server. So, I'm using Apache Commons library and I can upload my file to the Home Directory of the FTP server. However, if I want to upload it …

Member Avatar for LianaN
Member Avatar for o0oKodako0o

I have this problem when i create a sortable JTable with data load from an ArrayList! My project is Student Management and i add some function like Add/Edit/Delete infomation. With unsortable JTable, add/edit/delete function is ok, but with sortable JTable, when i click on the header of one column, that …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for nichu

i am doing a desktop application using netbean6.8 how to show error message if i didnt enter mobile number textbox pls help me....

Member Avatar for apines
Member Avatar for Donnovan

Hi everyone, how do i push item with a givin index in a linkedlist. e.g. linkedlist.add(element e, int index); this is my function [CODE]public void push(Student s, int index){ if(isEmpty()){ start = s; }else{ last.next = s; } last = s; size++; }[/CODE]

Member Avatar for Donnovan
Member Avatar for LianaN

Hi! I would like to develop a software that will allow me to find a file (using JFileChooser) on a local machine and save it to a remote machine. I know an IP address of the remote machine. Please, give me some explanations or a link to some tutorials regarding …

Member Avatar for LianaN
Member Avatar for Buffalo101

I want to set up a connection to a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 express on my PC. [code=java] try { Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:mysql://localhost/db1","xxxx","yyyy"); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT nume FROM tabel1"); while (rs.next()) { String s = rs.getString("name"); textArea.append(s); } } // Catches any …

Member Avatar for Buffalo101
Member Avatar for mangopearapples

Is there anyway to play an mp3 file in java? P.S I'm new here, hello world?

Member Avatar for mangopearapples
Member Avatar for purijatin

The problem is that when we use multiple threads and each containing System.out.println(). It doesnt print at time according to what i think it shoud On implementing the below 2 codes: [CODE] import java.net.DatagramPacket; import java.net.DatagramSocket; import java.net.SocketException; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; class E { LinkedBlockingQueue<DatagramPacket> li = …

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The End.