32,204 Topics

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Member Avatar for geek_till_itMHZ

I have to write a Functional Specification for a Java File Dump Utility. I am unfamiliar with both of these terms, this project is due next week and Im just trying toget an idea of what I'm doing. I would love input from anyone who has created a Functional Specification …

Member Avatar for verruckt24
Member Avatar for akonful

Working on a java applet. I have to tweak the program so that it draws two different polygons instead of a single one. The first polygon was given but the second one I have as astx and asty which are given in the book. Cannot get it to compile [code] …

Member Avatar for miguel74

I a newbie to Java and I have gotten a program. Can please anyone help This is the program: Write a program that reads in any image file and displays the image. Define a 3x3 tiling of the image and display a new image where these tiles are rearranged. For …

Member Avatar for Dasau

I am almost complete this assignment. But I am stuck with line 108 error. Could someone please help me out on this? [CODE] import java.io.*; public class Assignment4 { public static void main(String[]args) throws IOException { //delcare and construct variables int marStatus, status, gross, earn, excess, annual; double fica, medicare, …

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Member Avatar for jeeter19

I am developing a class called AVLtree, this class contains the methods get(), put(), remove(), and ascend(). This class allows multiple keys to be the same. My questions are: How would you be able to get() if there are multiple same keys? How would you get something that is passed …

Member Avatar for NinjaLink
Member Avatar for nolimit966

Hello, im Ant. Forum looks really good. Im currently in the very early stages of learning Java, i have a few books and am doing online tutorials etc so looks like i will be using this place and searching the forums loads in the near future. At the moment im …

Member Avatar for tjsail
Member Avatar for NinjaLink

Hey, this is my first java program. I am trying to print my original list of ages, but I can not figure it out. Please help! I have part b and part c already done. Any help is appreciated a) print original list of ages b) number of occurrences of …

Member Avatar for NinjaLink
Member Avatar for tjsail

Is this possible to do? I am looking to parse some data out of a file and based on the results of this take names found in the file and create objects out of them. for example... [code] //you have parsed the name Bob out of a file and it …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for eldhoksuresh

plss give me your valuable suggestions..... i'm on a project for developing a DBMS with SQL interpreter,in java, using netbeans6.7...the interpreter interprets only some queries like create,select,insert,update&delete...for this i need 2 create database...i prefer 2 save database as a text file & 2 perform operations in the txt file.. but …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for iamsmooth

I want to be able to ensure that my print is exactly as expected, so I'm wondering if there's some kind of function in java or junit that will catch what system.out.print uses so I can perform some assertions on it. Thanks for your help.

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for eldhoksuresh

[B][/B]every time i create a file in java a window opens with created file in it... how to avoid this.... pls help

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Grn Xtrm

Hello. I'm trying to write a program that will convert a user input infix expression into its postfix form. My current code is allowing the user to input a string, but it does nothing with the string. I'm fairly new to JAVA, thus I think I'm making a simple mistake …

Member Avatar for cymercutie88
Member Avatar for Risk24

Hey everyone, I have no experience with writing programs. This is my first program and I'm sort of "winging it". I have a problem converting from fahrenheit to celsius, I can convert from celsius to fahrenheit fine though. The bolded part is where I'm having troubles. Here is what I've …

Member Avatar for endsamsara
Member Avatar for redmaverick

Hi. This is a homework question. I need to develop an RDP for algebraic expressions. like a+b+c*d/(h-g) etc the rules are: exp=exp(+|-)term|term term=term*factor|term/factor|factor factor=id|exp now the thing is that I created a few functions for exp, term, factor and I am able to successively and successfully separate all the terms …

Member Avatar for eldhoksuresh

in netbeans 6.7 i'm trying to create a text file,say man.txt using code "file fr=new file("man.txt").. code executed fine..but i can't see the file man.txt anywhere where the file is created..pls help me

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Member Avatar for vivek4020

Hi I am just learning Java DB Database in NetBeans IDE 6.8 I am following this tutorial [url]http://netbeans.org/kb/docs/java/gui-db.html[/url] The first problem is when creating the database and adding a table to it I was able to create the car_database but when i connected it and expanded the node its not …

Member Avatar for sujithy15

what is an ide how is it different from traditional java platform ? what is java beans?

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Member Avatar for kgkamaraj

Hi, I am going to store a string in string tokenizer object. But i am not getting the output what i think. For example : StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer("I born on 21.02.1995. So, now my age is 15.", "."); [B]I will get output as :[/B] I born on 21 …

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Member Avatar for computerfreak.7

i finished a really simple game and i finally figured out how to make it a jar and how to edit the manifest to make it run, but my images don't appear. this is my first jar so i don't have a clue to what i should change to get …

Member Avatar for musthafa.aj
Member Avatar for chie12024

On our expressways, our toll ways accept payment in cash or with the use of an ePass. Cars using cash to pay the toll will always pay the correct fee. If an ePass does not have enough credits, the remaining balance is collected by the toll lane, the car is …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for qariella

Ive been sitting in 3 hours trying to figure out whats wrong, read in my book, seen the Powerpoint and google search and now im giving up.. This is my last resort and I hope to learn how to do it.. Would appriciate the help guys. Well, here i post …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Hawkflame

Hey all, I have a program to write where I am supposed to be able to type in an array of char in one textfield and in another textfield, I can type in a "pattern" of something, enclosed in quotation marks, and click a match pattern button, outputting where that …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for gitech

Hai Friends, Iam using J2ME , i can read a text file from jar (in res folder) by using InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("help.txt"); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); try{ int chars, i = 0; while ((chars = is.read()) != -1){ sb.append((char) chars); } return sb.toString(); }catch (Exception e){} but i …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for craztfreak04

i tried executing this code but it compiles with the build output as "Note: K:\tower.java uses or overrides a deprecated API. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. Process completed." and the General output as "java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: main Exception in thread "main" Process completed." i executed this in JCreator and it does …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for kgkamaraj

String[] temp=null; String st3=new String(temp); I use this code but error message is shown. I need how to recover this error.

Member Avatar for musthafa.aj
Member Avatar for laelzio.mosca

Hi, I just started my java class a few weeks ago, I have a question if you guys can help me. I`m learning about passing arguments, so I have this small code, it works perfect, the output is " 42 84 ", but I didn`t get it. what does it …

Member Avatar for musthafa.aj
Member Avatar for Relative0

Hello, I am, for some reason only getting 64K of data back from my local host as I test my program for being able to write a text file to a server and back. The remaining of the data is all spaces instead of char's, so that the original and …

Member Avatar for crunchie
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

Hello. I have 3 classes ; main.java calls gui.java [code] Gui g =new Gui(); g.createAndShowGUI(); [/code] Then I have my menu.java with the actionPerformed() I am trying to call methods of the GUI.java How can I call methods on the GUI.java to and use the methods on that instance of …

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Member Avatar for jorgelex008

Hi all, I've got a JFrame in a program, and when I click on a button, I get another JFrame created, and then select from a list. This works fine. But my problem is that when I close the second JFrame the entire program exits (both the main JFrame and …

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The End.