32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for beshoyatef

I hide text inside image then i want to save the image wich contain message . The problem is when i save image with JPEG it saved but give me exception : [B]java.lang.IllegalStateException: Output has not been set! at com.sun.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageWriter.write(JPEGImageWriter.java:312) [/B] and when i save image with any other formate …

Member Avatar for JBeginer7891

Hello everyone! I have a button on my main form that allows me to get the visitInfo Table. The data are displayed inside a JTable. What I would like to know is how do I edit or delete a row from that Jtable by the click of a save button …

Member Avatar for JBeginer7891
Member Avatar for Lee Hassig

Folks, I'm getting the following error message from Trados Studio 2009, a computer-aided translation program. "QuickInserts will not be available. Failed to create Framework 1 plug-in filter components. Failed to create Java Virtual Machine." Some Googling suggests that the problem might be caused by not allocating enough memory to Java. …

Member Avatar for nufa0550

How do you search for information in a file already created. Also how to add or delete existed information from same file.

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for houlahan

could anyone help me i have been trying to do this for a good 2 hours now and still can't get it to work :( i have created this class diagram for the server side of my project and i can't get the inheritance right i need to be able …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for PuQimX

[code]import java.util.*; public class array1 { public static void main(String[]args) { int[] value = new int[1000]; Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in); for (int i = 0; value[i]!= -999 && i < 999; i++) { System.out.print("Enter number " + (i + 1) + ": "); value[i] = keyboard.nextInt(); if(value[i] == -999) …

Member Avatar for ainct
Member Avatar for computerfreak.7

so im trying to make a game for school that i have to have done by friday at the max my source for the main class is [CODE]//shooter game //main class import javax.swing.*; //frame import java.awt.*; //color import java.util.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class Shooter extends JFrame implements KeyListener{ Image img; …

Member Avatar for musthafa.aj
Member Avatar for qariella

This is what Im gonna do: In a class called UsefulMethods : a) Write a method public static int maxOfTwo( int tal1, int tal2) {} . As you can see this method will accept two integers as parameters and returns the larger of this two. [B]This one I rly need …

Member Avatar for qariella
Member Avatar for sessomw5098

I currently have a complete CLI program, which consists of around 12 classes. I would like to convert this program into a GUI. My weak point is using GUI when several classes are involved. My final program is going to have around 5-6 different screens. Should I incorporate the GUI …

Member Avatar for musthafa.aj
Member Avatar for sujithy15

java is robust and secure what is meant by robust and why is java robust? why is java called secure? can any one please help me with these?

Member Avatar for musthafa.aj
Member Avatar for PuQimX

import java.io.*; public class duplicateArray { public static void main(String[] args) { // check the no. of args if (args.length != 3) { System.out.println("No. of args is not correct"); System.exit(0); } // open file BufferedReader in = openfile(args[0]); if (in == null) { System.exit(0); } // read file int Rows …

Member Avatar for musthafa.aj
Member Avatar for zeropulse

Hi guys, am currently stuck while trying to connect an Omron V720 series RFID equipment to read and write tags. I've have it in source code on VB6 but i want to create it in Java. I am using RXTX to connect to the RFID equipment and send the codes, …

Member Avatar for harry010

Hi, I'm using WebSphere WebFacing tool to convert an old 5250 application and I am getting this error when I try to convert a particular application. I've tried increasing the java heap but this does not make any difference. Would anyone know how to allocate more memory within websphere? Thanks. …

Member Avatar for harry010
Member Avatar for wmsigler

I am experiencing a problem with this CheckBoxJList class (I found it posted somewhere, it is not mine), in which when there are no boxes checked, and then you check a box, you cannot click to uncheck it--you must first check another box. This is an annoying bug and I'm …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for vivek4020

Hi I am new to Java GUI development I installed the NetBeans IDE I have not used anything other than Visual Studio in my life I have studied Java in school and college and am familiar with it So i was able to create a basic application but don't know …

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Member Avatar for zrjamcrz

well im thinking of making a program that can impress my instructors,, can you suggest what program should i make?? and please assist me..

Member Avatar for verruckt24
Member Avatar for johnny_016

Hi, I'm trying to print some text on a credit card size card with a card printer. So, I'm using the print api and it works, the only thing is I want to position text somewhere specific on the card but that I can't change the coordinates of the imageable …

Member Avatar for Sarada Adiraju

hello This is Sarada Adiraju. I have signed up for this community today. i got an error in a java program Its REACHED END OF FILE WHILE PARSING ERROR. Can anyone help me to solve this and I wanna know about why am I getting this error. Thanks.

Member Avatar for musthafa.aj
Member Avatar for sujithy15

what is eclipse? well i am a beginner in java n i am learning the basics will u plzz explain about eclipse in a clear way

Member Avatar for musthafa.aj
Member Avatar for Clawsy

Hi I'm writing a client/server remote viewer application where screenshots of the desktop are sent across the network over a socket. I'd like to reduce the size of the transfer by getting [I]the difference between the two images and then sending the difference[/I]. The difference would be at least a …

Member Avatar for Clawsy
Member Avatar for anurag singla

Hello sir.. I am talking about the skype password. Actually I have made some accounts on skype... I have got the location of password stored in the encrypted form. And that location is..at a credential2 tag in xml file which is C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Skype\skype_username\config.xml. As far as I know …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for spittballz

I am trying to create a program that counts the Prime numbers then I will continue and use this second method in my main method. I am confused how to count the Prime numbers. I just pulled the text from JEdit.. not sure if that was the right way to …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for FallenPaladin

Hi, I have a problem, I have written a class, inside another class. No problem with that, but I have now come to develop a unit test for the outer class. The JUnit must be able to test the methods of the inner class as well as all other class …

Member Avatar for FallenPaladin
Member Avatar for ranjita.cdt.esg

Hope i have posted the mail in the rite place. what I have done so far is: 1>I use Borland C++ Builder Version 5. 2>I use TCppWebBrowser which can access a website. which could be done through any browser outside my application.So no point in what i have achieved till …

Member Avatar for ranjita.cdt.esg

Hope i have posted the mail in the rite place. I need to know the google map API to save maps to a folder. My borland c++ application should in the background download the map according to a gps latitude longitude and save the map in a folder. There is …

Member Avatar for ainct

Hi, I want to execute unix commands(pdftops and ps2pdf) in windows system using java environment. but m getting error.plz help me. here is my code:[CODE] public static Process p1; public static Runtime rt; rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); ////linux commands filename=args[0].replace(".pdf","temp.pdf"); String pdftopsCmd ="pdftops "+args[0]+" temp.ps"; String pstopdfCmd="ps2pdf temp.ps " +filename; p1 …

Member Avatar for ainct
Member Avatar for neelkris

Hello Sir, I am doing a small mini project for my college and i need code on how to create a minimun of hundred buttons placed in a grid. you will be a lifesaver if you can provide me with this little task Thanking You.

Member Avatar for verruckt24
Member Avatar for soundman107

I have been beating my head against the walls about the all time favorite Cars Inventory program. I got Cars to compile but won't run due to a exception in thread "main"java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:main and spent many hours....trying to eliminate error. [CODE] // Cars.java //Car inventory program public class Cars { private …

Member Avatar for verruckt24
Member Avatar for geek_till_itMHZ

I am Trying to write a Java Program that animates 4 arcs to make it look like a moving fan. As of now I have the arcs drawn and Im trying to make buttons for my slow, med, fast and off settings Im getting the following errors: DrawArcs.java:6: cannot find …

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Member Avatar for tiad123

So, yes, this is a homework assignment, but I have been working on it for days and I really need a push in the right direction please. I have a gui with four buttons: first, previous, next and last. The gui comes up fine. I also have 4 windows with …


The End.