32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for sidd1994

hello guys im tryingg to write a program which will generate an aeiou grid...if the program finds two consecutive vovels in a sentence then it will thake the first vowel as the row and second one as the column reference ...and do a +1 in that location i seem to …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for localp

Hello, I have Googled this for days, but couldn't find a suitable code/tutorial. I need to write a simple java webservice that would return a XML/JSON file as its output. For example say there's a button, and when i click on it, it should run a SQL [CODE]select * from …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for MisterRaver

Hey all. I am completely stuck here. I want to implement a round robin based service capable of load balancing http requests. ATM I have a thread with an infinite loop which listens for TCP connections. When it finds a connection, it runs another thread which will process the request. …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for th3b3n

I know this is an OLD thread, but i"m having the same problem. a Runtime error when trying to "OPEN" a file. [CODE]public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent evt) { //filterMap.put(evt.getActionCommand(), ((JCheckBox)evt.getSource()).isSelected()); if(evt.getActionCommand().equals("export")){ String file2Read; file2Read = fileIN.getText(); //file2Read = "NotConverted2.xls"; new BPSepcExporter().BPSReader(file2Read); } //If to check if Open button was hit …

Member Avatar for th3b3n
Member Avatar for BenzZz

Hi, Does anyone know a method or some code to find out whether two numbers have at least one common factor? I currently have a gcd method that finds the greatest common divisor between two numbers however an arithmetic exception is thrown if the two numbers have no common divisor. …

Member Avatar for stevanity
Member Avatar for deep1

i have a project ,and i don't know how to run it in netbean ide - i am a begineer in java2e - i got a project in which some notepad like screen is there when running -jar exe file - and a option is there for compile and running …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for java.util

Can anyone see what's wrong with this piece of code? When I try to compile I get an error on the first line (line 3) "cannot find symbol, symbol : method split(char)" I have the delimiter btw as a public static final char in the same class. [CODE]private static boolean …

Member Avatar for java.util
Member Avatar for kyraa

This is my jsp code for saving back the data to .properties file after editing. i used 2 Linked properties as one LinkedProperties pro is to get the data from the path and the other one to get attribute (eg: id, name, age, gender etc.) from default .properties file so …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Daigan

Basically what I want to do is add a prefix (input by the user) to be added on a chosen word by the user. Is that posible? I got stuck and don't know what to do.... Here's what I have so far. [CODE]// The "Prototype" class. import java.awt.*; import hsa.Console; …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for pro_learner

Guys i wanted to connect Java Application with MySql database.I have written a Java Programme.I have already created the database also.But it doesn't connect with the Database.This is my code.[CODE]import java.sql.*; public class check { public static void main (String[] args) { Connection conn = null; try { String userName …

Member Avatar for harinath_2007
Member Avatar for bombay1982

My question is about looping skill overall. I am having problems with loops. Is there any book/tutorial/website about this particular skill in java programming to help me learn how to loop in correct/effective way ? I know how to write simple loops, I know structures of loops too. When I …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for geekman89

Hello I want to make a GUI, and for it I need to use absolute positioning, since I want each element to have a precise position within my frame. I am making each element that makes up the frame by extending JPanels, so I'm building each block within the window …

Member Avatar for geekman89
Member Avatar for nchy13

i have two array of chars of size 12 each having only 0's or 1's. what i am trying to do is that in for loop [CODE]for(i=0;i<12;i++) { int a=1starray[i]; int b=2ndarray[i]; int c=a^b }[/CODE] but every time c gets 0 only. iam not getting it why. can anybody help …

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Member Avatar for nixufix

Hi everyone, First off - I'm very new to Java so please be gentle. I'm having some problems with an assignment from school: [B]Input[/B] The input starts with an integer k indicating the number of words in the text (max 1000), followed by k words. [B]Output[/B] The output will consist …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Joncamp

I can add nodes to my JTree, but after expanding a node, I can not add any child nodes to that node, or at least they dont show on the screen? Actually I can use the .add(new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Label")); to add a node to a parent node, but the new child …

Member Avatar for rocknroll60
Member Avatar for marifergarz

I need help with a lab I'm doing. In this lab you have to show the number of odd digits a number has, for example the number 4135 would have three odd digits. I've already done a lab where it tells you if a number is odd or even but …

Member Avatar for stevanity
Member Avatar for nobert79

I'm trying to write this program that'll generate 10 random values in a given range, store these numbers in a .txt file, and then read these numbers from the same file and display them on the screen with equivalent words. I've got to the part where im trying to read …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for pro_learner

Guys i have developed a java desktop application.There is a jTable.I have already connected the MySql database also.I just want to bind the data of database to my jTable.In several tutorials i saw when right click on the jtable,get a dropdown menu and select the table contents and go step …

Member Avatar for TheSilentGiant

Initially I was to design this simple program to have a file be read in and store 50 numbers in array1, and the last 50 numbers in array2, then calculate a total (array1 + array2) and store it in array3. But I need to change this program to utilize the …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for BDan

I have my two JTextFields identified in a GridLayout, but when I try to reformat them the stay as large as their positioning allows. I have tried to specify the size of the field but it never changes on the final product. Could this be because the GridLayout or something …

Member Avatar for BDan
Member Avatar for Kayneedshelp

I have a program in which tells me the highest number and the lowest number. ( i am using a loop for the highest and lowest) I need to get the second highest and second lowest. without an array i was wondering if i could find that within the same …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for Pravinrasal
Member Avatar for brynFlew
Member Avatar for HardToHandle

Hello, I am a novice programmer and I was given the following task: write a Payroll class that uses the following arrays as fields : employeeId (holds 7 integers that are initialized, I placed them in my code below), hours and payRate (both are doubles and hold 7 numbers). I …

Member Avatar for hfx642
Member Avatar for applejax77

Okay getting quite frustrated! I am trying to get an if statement to implement a pop up window when the user fails to enter any information in one of the JTextFields like fnameTF. Here the if statement but where do I place it to work in my program? [CODE]if (fnameTF.getText().length() …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for yazz110

I would like to know how you can input information from one array to another. For example String A[] A[0]= 2, 54, 6, 7 A[1]= 434, 32, 45 A[2]= 34, 45 A[3]= 20 Where all that are in "A" are actually seen as strings, and you want to input this …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for applejax77

Here I am again! I am working on the program below that is calculating payroll but am kind of lost on how to program the reset button after the net pay has been calculated. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. [CODE]import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.*; import …

Member Avatar for applejax77
Member Avatar for Danielhuo

I am writing a program, but I cannot find what is wrong with the code. Only need to show one MP3, or an error message if there are any missing fields or an incorrect entry for seconds. It is not storing information about previous songs; it just display the current …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for gomezselva2011

Hi guys I really need help I recently purchased a Chinese phone which is giving me an error every time that i try to install a java app it says UNSUPPORTED MID LET so I was wondering whats that error and what I can do to fix my phone and …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for spades0001

Hey guys! I've created this program that allows the user to get a .txt file from anywhere in the hard drive and it displays the contents in the text area. My question is: how can I edit my code so that it only allows picture files to be selected(jpg and …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for asif49

.contains seems to return true for most things, even if one or two chars match. Is there a way to make it more restrictive?

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The End.