32,205 Topics
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Hi, I've been working on this project off and on. I am very close to completing in. What it is is a program that calculates temperature from fahrenheit - centigrade - Kelvin. Please feel free to help. Here's my code sorry for the length of it: [CODE]//-- Shaun D. -- … | |
I need to merge two files using cmd argument. So can somebody tell me what is the command for that? | |
how can insert an image to a ms-access database with using a java swing form and vice versa | |
Hello guys I write a program and of the functions that write function calculates the speed of the CPU of a computer Got a problem here and I did not know how to write it?? Can you help me ...? Thank you ^ _ ^ | |
I need some assistance with three things in my code. My problems are: Next and Previous buttons do not loop through the array, instead they throw exception errors when they get to the end of the array. Second my image that is required does not show up, my instructor said … | |
My problem is getting snum in the main class to transfer over to the sub class, so that the snum in that class = snum from the main class The code is; [code] package workstation; import java.util.Random; import javax.swing.*; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { int … | |
[CODE]/*manimbo_mp4.java*/ import java.io.*; public class manimbo_mp4{ public static void main (String[]args) throws IOException{ BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (System.in)); /*initializing STRING FORMAT variables *smmort holds monthly mortgage amount *spaym holds mortgage payment amount *sremb holds principal amount*/ String smmort,spaym,sremb; /*initializing LONG FORMAT variables *lmmort holds monthly mortgage amount *lpaym holds … | |
Hi guys, I found this thread ([url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread19814.html[/url]) that gave me guidance on this topic but I wanted to further develop my understanding. I understand that in Java, everything 'passes by value', even references. That is, a copy of the value is passed to the parameter so the original value is … | |
plz help me how to make this code that accepts 10 integers and display the largest.thanks in advance ...hoping for your positive responds | |
Hi, I have an application with one JFrame and two modeless JDialogs. When I mimimize the JFrame, the dialogs are still there, not minimized. So i need to hide them. I can hide them with WindowDeactivated event which runs one time when the JFrame is minimized but when I want … | |
How to make so the new and old JOGL packages both work? :?: thanks :icon_cheesygrin: | |
| [CODE]private JButton getBtnSave() { //if(btnSave == null) { btnSave = new JButton(); btnSave.setToolTipText("Save scan output"); btnSave.setText("Save"); btnSave.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e) { try { String lines[] = taOutput.getText().split("\\n"); for(int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { System.out.println("Value: " + i); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("audits.txt")); String … |
Hi and I have made a simple Java function/method and for some reason it is not working. It doesn't show errors. It doesn't display results. It returns nothing and forces other things around it to do nothing. Below is my script. [CODE]private String get_url(String address) { String result=""; try { … | |
i tried to copy the result of the java compilation to the text file using javac zz.java > compile.txt It works if the program has no errors and it did not work if it have errors | |
hello! i written a program..it has for loop and calling thread.sleep for every increment of for loop.. at the same time i initially called Swing Jtable which shows status of every for loop increment... when i executing main program swing table appearing but no content filled for every execution ... … | |
I need to checkout from svn repository using cruise control. Without using ANT target for checkout I need to do it by the config.xml file. So can somebody send me the code for that. | |
Hi, I'm having troubles with my JMenuItems and Jframe. I want that when you click on a JMenuItem the previous JPanel dissapears and the one you clicked for at the JMenuItem will appear. Now, I don't really know how to accomplish this. Someone said to me I should use the … | |
Hey guys, I'm quite new to Java and I usually try to get things done on my own, but it seems like I'm just sooo lost now. Would really appreciate any help you guys can give me So here's the problem: I need my program to read a text file … | |
People who have worked in JTAPI applications or more so with Cisco JTAPI must be aware of the makecall.java program. Well I am new to JTAPI and what better to start off then this example provided with the cisco SDK. Well I am using CCM 1.4 and its working perfectly … | |
Hi everyone please help on this: I am developping a program in java, but I need the user to enter his/her details if they are compatible with the values in a database table he/she get access to the main interface. here is what I've done so far [CODE]import java.awt.BorderLayout; import … | |
I tried to copy the content of one folder to another using the batch file. The below is the example. copy *.class c:\tomcat 5.5\webapps\serv\WEB-INF\classes In this, *.class is source which is correct c:\tomcat is the second arguement 5.5\webapps\serv\WEB-INF\classes as 3rd arg the 2nd ,3 rd arg are wrong how to … | |
I do realize that this is ugly code but i cant seem to have this program output "Your old". I dont know why my if statement is not working. Thanks [CODE]/* This class is to be used as new readline method */ import java.io.*; class ReadInput { public static void … | |
First of all hi guys, sorry for not being that much active. Lets get in the subject: I'm planning to make a big application that will help me in my job. I need first to define the requirements of my application a bit more: * It will be UI Web-based. … | |
Hello everyone , i am trying to create a multi threaded web server, i did the basic part (socket programming ) successfully . Ref: [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/code/snippet217312.html"]http://www.daniweb.com/code/snippet217312.html[/URL] now , the next step , i am trying to establish it by making it multi thread or repetetive polling for client request (yet to … | |
hello! i want to create jtable dynamically... i have two class one is add records to Data Base another one is show records list that were inserted... how do pass each records in JTable without replacing existing on... i need to grow the table every time the records success fully … | |
import java.awt.*; import java.lang.Math; public final class mastermind extends java.applet.Applet { int i,j,k; int pointX,pointY,pickX=-1,pickY=-1,dragX=-1,dragY=-1; int dotMap[],pointMap[],secretCol[]; static int shadX[]={0,8,142,142,136,136,0}, shadY[]={242,246,246,10,0,242,242}; int pickedCol=0,changedCol; int pickedDot,changedGrfx,currentRow; boolean drawBoard=true,gameGoing=false; boolean pickable[]={true,true,true,true,false,false}; boolean finished; Color lights[],darks[],darkGray; Image buffer,peg; Graphics bufg,pegg; Math m; public void init() { dotMap = new int[32]; // Holds colored … | |
hello guyzz,,i really need your help,,we are about to make a mastermind game in java,,i already have the code,,,but it has no main method..and i dont know how to implement the main,,help guyzzz,,,we are about to pass it next week.... import java.awt.*; import java.lang.Math; public final class mastermind extends java.applet.Applet … | |
hi ! Happy new Year!!!! I struggling with open IE browser within swing .... like frame content pane showing IE... any help please...... | |
hello! i want to convert my jar application into exe.. because i need seal all class files extracting from jar... any freeware available for this.. i found something that are not free... thank you! | |
I am having a problem using both ActionListener and KeyListener in the same class that extends JPanel for a basic game i am working on. For the KeyListener only the KeyPressed class is implemented and is implemented as such. [code=java] public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { switch(e.getKeyCode()){ case 37:{ grid.moveSelectedWest(); break; … |
The End.