32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for musthafa.aj

hello! i have to create Jtable with two columns one is for data(string)and another one is for animated gif file ... how can i write a gif and data in two columns respectively.... please give any sample code snippet...

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for levsha

Hi guys! Can't figure out why this is not working: [CODE]<div id = "calendar"> <script language="javascript"> document.write(TODAY); </script> </div>[/CODE] Here is the CSS: [CODE]#calendar { width: 956px; height: 15px; float: right; color: #ffffff; background-color: #036779; padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px; padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; text-align: right; }[/CODE] The text doesn't show. …

Member Avatar for levsha
Member Avatar for sathish009

I am trying to find memory leaks in my application. I added -Xrunhprof arguments to the java arguments. When I try to restart the service it times out. This is the new argument that I added: -Xrunhprof:cpu=samples,file=java.hprof.txt ******************************** java.home=C:/JRun4/jre java.args=-server -Xmx512m -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -DJINTEGRA_NATIVE_MODE -DJINTEGRA_PREFETCH_ENUMS -Dcoldfusion.rootDir={application.home}/ -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=28999,suspend=n -Xrunhprof:cpu=samples,file=/temp/java.hprof.log ******************************** …

Member Avatar for JuicedBrain

I'm using Eclipse and even though I've done more challenging things than this I keep getting stuck no matter how hard I hammer away at it. This is a package, so the end of the first part (Driver Class?) is really what I'm having trouble with. Comments are included in …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for ndeniche

Hello everyone... I wanna develop a Java Web Applet that will allow me to check a PC's HW configuration (cpu, HDD, and other hardware information), but I don't know what libraries to use, or where to start looking. Anyone can give me a heads up?

Member Avatar for AndreiDMS
Member Avatar for Seldar

Hello everyone. I am University of Bath Computer Information Systems student and i have to submit a java calculator. As far as i am quite new to java i would like to kindly ask you for some help with it. Here is my task: Write a program that takes as …

Member Avatar for AndreiDMS
Member Avatar for TheManual

I have written a working calculator program but it will not work out negative inputs. For example, 3+2 = 5.0, but, -2+5 = Wrong type of expression (error message). The user inputs the calculation which is called "expression". I have two stacks, one for operators and one for operands and …

Member Avatar for TheManual
Member Avatar for P00dle

I made a program that edits the contents of a XML file. It works fine, but when there are newline characters between the nodes, the program doesn't handle them correctly. It looks like it's handling the newline as if it's a node as well. The problem is that put all …

Member Avatar for P00dle

The code I'm using to change XML content isn't working... Does anyone have any idea what I'm doig wrong: [CODE]package domtest; /* public class Main { public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { DocumentBuilder builder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder(); DOMBuilder domBuilder = new DOMBuilder(); Document jdomDoc = domBuilder.build(builder.parse(new File("src/home/projects/misc/Test.xml"))); Iterator iter …

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Member Avatar for Ashwin Vasnai

Well I am creating a Projects for Database Analysis. I require a Dynamic DashBoard which will change according to changes in database.This Application is Web base Application.I cant think any more and require your help to create dashboard(meter).First I tried to create dashboard with javafx but as It cant run …

Member Avatar for deenzaida
Member Avatar for eikal

hi i don't have my book with me and i can't remember what is the code for let's say, the console asks "please enter your name" what would be the code for wanting to take what they type and assign a value like name = "whatever they type" [code=java] system.out.println("Please …

Member Avatar for cbarton.a
Member Avatar for axn

need this to change to random colors every .8 secs. compiles ok, but not getting wanted results. cant figure out where i am wrong? i get the applet viewer window with a black square but no color change. Here is the .html file <applet code = ColorChange .class width = …

Member Avatar for cbarton.a
Member Avatar for TheWhite

I want to parse a string into something like an array: [url]ftp://user:pass@host:portpath[/url] [url]ftp://anon:1234@111.222.333.444:9999/path1/path2/[/url] I read the java docs about using Pattern and Matcher but I keep getting an "IllegalStateException: No match found" error. [CODE=java] import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class test { public static void main(String[] args) { String s …

Member Avatar for TheWhite
Member Avatar for RTHANGAVEL

I wrote this code to load the image on mouse click...but it is not displaying as soon as i click the mouse...i need to resize the jframe to make that visible what is the problem with this.......please anybody ans for this....thank u in advance...

Member Avatar for cbarton.a
Member Avatar for P00dle

I had a couple of posts on getting this thing to work. I finally got a small test program working, but now this, the actuall program, doesn't. I don't understand the error either(Will include it at the end of this post). Here is my code, with the line throwing an …

Member Avatar for parry_kulk
Member Avatar for johnyjj2

Hello! I try to follow steps mentioned here ([url]http://www.speechforge.org/projects/cairo/install.html[/url]). The first thing is about JMF. I downloaded jmr-2_1_1e-linux-i586.bin (the other thing is that I've got 64 bit computer). I found [url]http://www.luniks.net/luniksnet/html/java/jtvd/doc/jmf.html[/url] . I executed bin file in /usr/lib as it is written in this mini-howto. Then I edited /home/mainaccount/.bash_profile file …

Member Avatar for johnyjj2
Member Avatar for eggman89

Hi I'm doing my Fourth Year B.E. project under the internship of MindTree! Now they have only told us what to do , but haven't guide much! Now, we have been told to develop an search application similar to Google Desktop one, only lighter version of it! This is how …

Member Avatar for Shmoil

i have a school assignment where I need to create a countdown timer to attach to a scoreboard i made. the code that is attached is a program i found that is a stopwatch and will count up. im looking to get the timer count down from 2 minutes and …

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Member Avatar for aakaashjois

Hello, Can anyone help me solve the error in this program?? I get the following error: [COLOR="Red"] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "" at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source) at converter.main(basic_convert.java:20)[/COLOR] The whole program runs properly. The error come after asking if I want …

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Member Avatar for pankaj shukla

Hello All, I am working on a bluetooth based project and I need to identify model of mobile device. I know we can get the manufacturer of device from first three bytes of bluetooth address. But I am not getting the concept by which model of that device such as …

Member Avatar for msnaik
Member Avatar for niki ram
Member Avatar for musthafa.aj
Member Avatar for rythman
Member Avatar for kring08

how can i create a magic square program using jcreator?? pls help me..

Member Avatar for SCoder1

Hi, I've been working on this project off and on. I am very close to completing in. What it is is a program that calculates temperature from fahrenheit - centigrade - Kelvin. Please feel free to help. Here's my code sorry for the length of it: [CODE]//-- Shaun D. -- …

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for isuruj

I need to merge two files using cmd argument. So can somebody tell me what is the command for that?

Member Avatar for musthafa.aj
Member Avatar for skwatamkar

how can insert an image to a ms-access database with using a java swing form and vice versa

Member Avatar for musthafa.aj
Member Avatar for SORelena

Hello guys I write a program and of the functions that write function calculates the speed of the CPU of a computer Got a problem here and I did not know how to write it?? Can you help me ...? Thank you ^ _ ^

Member Avatar for musthafa.aj
Member Avatar for TexITTech

I need some assistance with three things in my code. My problems are: Next and Previous buttons do not loop through the array, instead they throw exception errors when they get to the end of the array. Second my image that is required does not show up, my instructor said …

Member Avatar for TexITTech
Member Avatar for bobscrazy

My problem is getting snum in the main class to transfer over to the sub class, so that the snum in that class = snum from the main class The code is; [code] package workstation; import java.util.Random; import javax.swing.*; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { int …

Member Avatar for hafizullah

The End.