32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for adams161

I got a basic telnet socket connection working in an applet. YOu can log onto a server and type and read text. My issue is to show the servers chat i'm using a JTextArea. now this may be the best to use i dont know, maybe i just need to …

Member Avatar for adams161
Member Avatar for shani1986rox

Hi, thank you for havin me in the forum... I'm kinda newbie to java... This is the code that I wrote for heapsort, but it seems like there is problem, can you pls pls help.. coz I'v been workin on this for a whole day, and i'v to submit it …

Member Avatar for adams161
Member Avatar for Crushyerbones

Hello, is there an acceptable way to do the following? [CODE=java]public CriarEquipamentoGUI (boolean showWindow) { if !(showWindow) dosomething(); return; else initComponents(); }[/CODE] Currently the return statement completly screws up the window.

Member Avatar for Crushyerbones
Member Avatar for yramu

Hi all, Here i pasted some code, In that i added to images to container but it is displaying the last one only, and one more thing is how to set the boundaries for jbutton, TextArea and Image. I need the code of count down timer. Thanks in Advance............... [code]import …

Member Avatar for isuruj

If somebody knows how to merge two SVNs plese tell me. I need to merge the code in local svn into client's svn. Actually there are 2 SVN servers.

Member Avatar for musthafa.aj

Can anybody giving or suggest java solution to fill form in website automatically...

Member Avatar for darsiguruprasad

i don't know hoe to set key in blog opensource.please anybody who knew the process send the process. opensource name:blog

Member Avatar for SoulMazer

Hi, so as an excuse to learn Java (I currently only know Python), I would like to write a simple 2D web-based game. How would you recommend me doing this? Should I write the entire game from the ground up? Should I use a game engine? If you would like …

Member Avatar for SoulMazer
Member Avatar for kjpadilla

A summary of the errors I have received can be found here - [IMG]http://i46.tinypic.com/2cdcvat.jpg[/IMG] [CODE]import javax.swing.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.io.*; import java.net.*; import java.applet.AudioClip; public class Whackan extends JFrame implements ActionListener { JButton[][] spots = new JButton [ 5][ 5]; JLabel score = new JLabel(); int maxDelay = …

Member Avatar for kjpadilla
Member Avatar for bernadlosini

hi, i need to use both java and c++ for my project.but i don't know how to set path for both.i use jdk 1.5.6 for java compiler and mingw compiler for C++ .but i am able to use one compiler at a time. is there any option to use both …

Member Avatar for bernadlosini
Member Avatar for joshuaravi

hi i am new to this forum. How to connect Oracle database from JSP page. Can you help me with some example. regards Joshua Ravi

Member Avatar for jaytheguru
Member Avatar for Crushyerbones

Hello everyone, I'm having a really strange problem and I can't figure out why. [CODE=java] public void readEmpregados(ArrayList <Classe_Pessoa> list) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { FileInputStream file; try { file=new FileInputStream(this.empregados); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { this.empregados.createNewFile(); return; } System.out.println("I'm here"); try { ObjectInputStream out=new ObjectInputStream(file); Object prototype=out.readObject(); if (prototype instanceof …

Member Avatar for Crushyerbones
Member Avatar for coud_ren_26

May someone give me an idea of how can I scan integer in the text field and compare it to use in an if else statement. Thank you for the time.

Member Avatar for harsh2327
Member Avatar for davewhite

First of all, Happy new year!!! [CODE]import java.io.*; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { int input = 0; switch (input) { case 1: System.out.print("one "); break; case 2: System.out.print("two "); break; case 3: System.out.print("three "); break; case 4: System.out.print("four "); break; case 5: System.out.print("five "); break; …

Member Avatar for mvmalderen
Member Avatar for tfitz666

Hi, Im new here and to java programming in general. I've been given an assignment to write a sorting algorithm and then test it using JUnit tests. The problem is when I try to compile the tester class i get a ".class expected" errors followed by three "; expected" errors …

Member Avatar for tfitz666
Member Avatar for anevins

[B]The project :[/B] Deisgn and implement an application that reads an integer value and prints the sum of all even integers between 2 and in the input value, inclusive. Print an error message if the input value is less than 2. Promt accordingly. [B]Query :[/B] I'm not sure how I …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for cwarn23

Hi and I am having trouble with one of the very most basics of java applets. That is putting the applet into a webpage and in that webpage specifying some parameters. The below is my code: [CODE=html]<object classid="clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93" ARCHIVE="chatroom$1.class, chatroom$2.class, chatroom$3.class, chatroom.class, extender$innerclass.class, extender.class" width="500" height="480"> <PARAM name="archive" value="chatroom$1.class, chatroom$2.class, …

Member Avatar for c_blimey
Member Avatar for AllyC

Good day! My codes stated don't have errors, it run well, BUT, though this program is saving in notepad as .out and .txt, when i closed the dos console and then run the program again, it is not reading the added items in .out and .txt file. That's the problem, …

Member Avatar for AllyC
Member Avatar for adams161

Hi, I was playing around last night with having one main frame that contains several windows you can open under the window menu. For example you might have a chat window and you might have a game board window. I want these windows contained by one larger frame that represents …

Member Avatar for adams161
Member Avatar for mimi4IT

hi everyone, i have been asked to make a basic calculator but my calc only holds two integers like 2+2 it cant do more than 2 operations so id reaaly be glad if someone could take a look at my code and see what the problem is asap.im still a …

Member Avatar for mimi4IT
Member Avatar for bobscrazy

First off no idea why the title doesn't say the full title, but My problem is getting snum in the main class to transfer over to the sub class, so that the snum in that class = snum from the main class The code is; [code] package workstation; import java.util.Random; …

Member Avatar for Crushyerbones
Member Avatar for cmh0114

I'm trying to create a game with Java, and it includes a timer, which I did with an extension of Thread. The timer is put in a loop. Effectively: [CODE] public class Game do{ System.out.println("Start"); playGameThread.start(); timerThread.start(); timerThread.join(); playGameThread.allDone = true; playGameThread.join(); System.out.println("Finish"); }while(play_again == 'Y'); } public class playGameThread …

Member Avatar for Dougnukem

First, I want to thank you for helping if you did, if not, thanks for checking it anyway. Second, I have been working on this for awhile, and I am slowly making progress. I am to make an address book, and for the most part I am getting it done …

Member Avatar for blackeyedanel
Member Avatar for veerasek

Hi All, I am trying to convert HTML file into XML using java. If anyone of you have sample coding please share with me. Your suggestions greatly appreciated. Thanks, Veera

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for sivakaranlk

HI anybody can help me for the coding of user login form with two user name in notepad coding forjava application

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for shubhang

I am a beginner at Java. I have been given an assignment to make a simple address book(without applets) using Java. It should have the following functions:- 1) search-by name,city. 2)add-name,telephone number,city,address. 3)modify. 4)delete. I am still working on the program.But the problem comes when the screen(black one) becomes too …

Member Avatar for blackeyedanel
Member Avatar for davecoventry

Hi, I'm trying to run a Java App from PHP. [B]system('java -jar /home/dave/web/drupal/java/dist/emp.jar');[/B] fails. nothing prints out, it just returns FALSE. However, this works: [B]system('java -jar');[/B] Prints out the help info normally associated with incorrect parameters passed to Java. This also works: [B]system("ls -l /home/dave/web/drupal/java/dist/emp.jar");[/B] Prints out a listing of …

Member Avatar for aladar04
Member Avatar for aladar04
Member Avatar for RoyaLPearL

Hi everyone, Hi everyone. I'm happy to be here today. actually I need help from u . I'm doing a JAVA program and there is this error that I really tried to fix but couldn't. so can u help me please. the program I'm writing is to accept data from …

Member Avatar for mellowmike
Member Avatar for 4me@u

hi every body, i was working on my Client-server file hosting system and at this level my program can upload file from client to server but it is also expected to download the files previously uploaded. Now i can browse the filenames from the server with the following code, [code] …

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The End.