32,205 Topics
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please, i need a java code that convert if statement to switch statement (Contrarily) and convert for statement to while statement (Contrarily). ( deal with nested statement) | |
i want to check the pid for a newly created process. i asked somebody they told to check it in the java native interface. but i didnt get the clear solution for this problem. can anyone is there to clear my problem.. | |
Hi everybody. First of all happy new year to all. Secondly, I am 3 months into learning Java and GUI and I am having some trouble with comparing strings. I am doing hangman and I have a text field set up for when the player wants to guess the entire … | |
Hi it would be great help if anybody can guide me through this Question Problem: Find the least cost path between two nodes in a graph. The input for building the node graph for the problem will be in the format as below. Enter Nodes and Weight (Q to terminate): … | |
how to get output for this code. class a { public static void main(String args[]) { for (int i=0;i<args.Length();i++) System.out.println(args[i]); } } how can i give input for this code at netbean5.0 | |
Any direction someone could point me in for auto-sizing only the last (right-most) column in a jtable? I want the user to be able to set the size of columns and be allowed to set them beyond the scrollable viewing area, but if the viewing area is wider than the … | |
Im creating a Lan messenger in java but seem to have some problems; first the elements of the GUI do not load when the window pops up (i have to strech the window for them to appear(frame size is not the problem)). moreover the program just hangs wen i try … | |
Hi all, I've been trying to paint an image to a JPanel with no success. Could someone help me figure this out? [code=java] mport javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.io.File; import java.util.Vector; import java.awt.image.*; public class PhoneInterface1 extends JFrame implements ActionListener { private JPanel imagePan = new JPanel(); private … | |
ok i have created a method to movea number of objects, but i want to move all of them at the same time(balloons flying is what im aimining for,lol)but they move seperatly? /** * Create method for balloons to fly */ public void slowMoveVertical() { top.slowMoveVertical(-50); top2.slowMoveVertical(-50); top3.slowMoveVertical(-50); middle.slowMoveVertical(-50); middle2.slowMoveVertical(-50); … | |
Hi, I am working on an issue where we are creating many tables in a PDF document using iText API. i wanted to know if there is a way in which i could take the table header to next page in case the table data continues to next page. i … | |
Does anyone know where can I find how to calculate how many days February has for a given year? | |
I'm working with perl and javascript and I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to get syntax highlight for two or more programming languages at once in Emacs. For example: [CODE]# This is perl's comment my $variable; // This is javascript's comment var variable;[/CODE] I'd like the perl … | |
Hello, I'm creating a game with JFrame and need to listen to anything that has buttons. There's key listener, but that seems to only listen to the keyboard. Does java provide any listeners to game controllers? | |
Hi i'm new to using jframes, and my teacher has asked us to create any sort of game with it. I've decided to create a trivia game, and i'm sure most of you have played a trivia game on the internet before, so maybe you can answer my question. You … | |
hi all, i need to get the instance id of an application. i dont know how to get the id. anyone is there to fulfill my requirements. advance thanks hidash.. | |
i have this method to read data from a text file. Code: StringBuffer fileData = new StringBuffer(1000); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filePath)); char[] buf = new char[1024]; String line; while ((line=reader.readLine())!=null){ String f[] = line.split("\t"); if (line.contains(loginname)) { fileData.append(line); } } reader.close(); return fileData.toString(); If i have a text … | |
Hi All, Can any one help me.When I converting String to long ,It shwoing Exponent value and throwing numberformat exception. I want out put like this 99998900001.00. String stotal=request.getParameter("amt"); sop( stotal); long damount=Long.parseLong(stotal); sop( damount); I have given input at amt 99998900001.00 stotal= 99998900001.00 throw numberformateexception damount = 9.9998900001E10 | |
Hello everyone, I am making a Fortune Teller program for a University project, and I am a little confused as to why I keep getting this error when i try to compile. Here is my code: public class Fortune { private int insertNumber; private int showFortune; /** * Constructor for … | |
I've deployed a process archive and it's error free but when I open the IE with the [url]http://host:port/jbpm-console/upload[/url] and gives me the message: Not a multipart request. Now when I load the address ../jbpm-console/ the application loads fine, so it must be my new application, but I followed every step … | |
i want this window to be like this CYP BANKING SYSTEM username [_________] password [_________] LOGIN can anyone help me with the layout?, the flowlayout is just a single row! [code] Container logincontainer=getContentPane(); logincontainer.setLayout( new FlowLayout()); JLabel Title=new JLabel("CYP BANKING SYSTEM"); Title.setFont( new Font( "", Font.BOLD, 40 ) ); JLabel … | |
Hi to All , I am getting this type of error while running the Sql through JDBC. java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column index java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column index at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(DatabaseError.java:112) at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(DatabaseError.java:146) at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(DatabaseError.java:208) at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.setIntInternal(OraclePreparedStatement.java:4635) at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.setInt(OraclePreparedStatement.java:4627) at weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.PreparedStatement.setInt(PreparedStatement.java:536) I am implementating the Paging in jsp. I m using The TYPES. parameterList.add( … | |
Hi guys hope you fine I have a request and question, for my request I would like from you to recommend me which books and tutorials that I may follow help me to understand how to read and write files in java I really need to know that. and for … | |
i need help with a project. Is it possible to display an 1 dimension array in GUI without using a loop? If it is can you send me the codes? i was ask to enter the numbers like thise Example: Enter numbers: 3, 4, 1, 5, 6 then it should … | |
Hi everyone, Found a code listing from [url]www.yamaza.com/java/Calc.java[/url] that helps me understand a better way of programming a calculator. Trying to understand this code. Can anyone tell me what does the boolean isFixReg() below mean? Thanks in advance. [code=java] //******************************* // Java script of Calculator // << Calc.java >> //=============================== … | |
Is the a prescribed architecture for making individual components and then putting them together to make a complex component containing its individual components? | |
hi all i was installed jdk1.5 and oracle 10g. i got a runtime error like this. i want to compile and run the same program in command prompt and eclipse also . import java.sql.*; public class Oapp2 { public static void main(String args[]) { try{ Class.forName("oracle:jdbc:driver:OracleDriver"); Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe","scott","tiger"); System.out.println("connected"); } … | |
Hi All, I am Using JSP & Servlet for a Web Application. i am getting data from mysql database the datatype is long text. it is stored in a peragraph format , but when i display it on the page it is displaying countiously like a single string. how can … | |
i need a project guidance for one java rmi projects...any one have a idea behind that na help me.......... | |
hi all, i want to convert illustrator file into jpeg. is it possible to do this using java???? i want a clear idea if it is possible. advance thanks | |
I have a desktop aplication with internalframes (inner classes) in a class KeyBrowser.java(the desktopPane). I built a form FourComponentJPanel.form(java)?? the keyBrowser.java allows me to click a JMenuItem to create createDataBaseWindow(). I wanted to have the liberty to have another class that hold the JPanel FourComponentJPanel.java(templet if you will) In the … |
The End.