32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for Tyster

Hi there folks, Very new to java and I have what I hope will be a simple question... I have JDK 1.5 installed on my C: drive and my source on my E: drive (flash drive). I'm trying to run the source and I always get NoClassDefFound errors when I …

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Member Avatar for vijukumar
Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for arunpawar

Hi I'm just trying to create an appliation in java that can hold my expenses and save it to review every month or end of the year.The problem with it is how can i hold the data of everyday expense into it.this could be with help of oracle or MS …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for e1fjl

Hi, I am developing an app with some similarities to a bittorrent client. The problem I am facing is in writing blocks of data to appropriate places within a file since they can arrive out of order. I have looked over the OutputStream classes and cannot see a way to …

Member Avatar for e1fjl
Member Avatar for memehboob

Hi I am trying to develop a project in Java as per the following requirements: 1. I need to store fingerprints in The oracle database, taken by any fingerprint scanner. 2. I need to access data using fingerprint matching process. 3. I donot know how to match the patterns using …

Member Avatar for memehboob
Member Avatar for eleonora

hey i have that singleton code in java but how can i check that it have an instance only? [CODE] class singleton { private static singleton instance; private singleton() { } public static singleton getInstance() { if (instance == null){ instance = new singleton(); } return instance; } } [/CODE] …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for adaykin

Hey, I am trying to implement a ctrl + x to close my program when the user clicks on the exit menu item or hits ctrl + x, but so far it is unresponsive, here is my code: [CODE=java] package main; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import testing.Intro; public …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for jdseader

I need to query a database on a server. As a first step, I have written the following Java code to just make sure I can access the database. I thought that the Try-Catch blocks would take care of the exception problem, but apparently they do not because when I …

Member Avatar for jdseader
Member Avatar for ersa

hey i am new in java and i need help for a project of scool i need a program in wich i form a matrix and the numbers in it will form like this 1 but there is a problem the o must not be there only the 1 o …

Member Avatar for Imaginativeone
Member Avatar for nimadb54

hi all! how can i change the alignment of a form item such as imageItem or TextField or ... in netBeans 5.5.1 ?

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for ronghel

can someone explain this to me... coz i cant understand.. im trying to this one but i cant do it. Implement and test this method: static double max(double[] x) { // returns the maximum of the elements in the array x

Member Avatar for ronghel
Member Avatar for schiller

hi, im having problems with my password textfield. for instance, my password is "default", and when i start typing in letter "d", the letter "d" is being displayed first before turning it into an asterisk. i was thinking if it is possible to make my entry entirely in an asterisk …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for jasimp

At 12:16 (I live in NH, if the time matters) I noticed I was having a problem with the Java forum and only that one. Whenever I loaded it (using Firefox, WinXP) the thread list was messed just a little. AS you can see it only shows the last post, …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for eena75

Hai, I write a simulation and need to set the time for running the simulation. the simulation should stop based on the time that heve been set .How to set start time, get the current time and lastly to get the total time of java running program? really hope u …

Member Avatar for mickinator
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

In this is just one class. can someone tell me to add a new query? [code] /* * SplashView.java */ package splashapp; import org.jdesktop.application.Action; import org.jdesktop.application.ResourceMap; import org.jdesktop.application.SingleFrameApplication; import org.jdesktop.application.FrameView; import org.jdesktop.application.TaskMonitor; import org.jdesktop.application.Task; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.Timer; import javax.swing.Icon; import javax.swing.JDialog; import javax.swing.JFrame; …

Member Avatar for ceyesuma
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

I have a netbeans demo program with clasess and libraries the whole bit. I need to understand these lines of code because I need to click on the button I added:caputure the string in the jtextbox;put it into a query and put the resultset into a list and then display …

Member Avatar for ceyesuma
Member Avatar for LiBOC

Dear friends, I have a piece of code that looks like this: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"List of Tax Payers for year 2006 (Sorted with NRIC):" + printList() ); However, the compile error was this: 'void' type not allowed here case 1 : JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"List of Tax Payers for year 2006 (Sorted with NRIC):" +printList() …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for glowkazaf

Does anybody know how to make a parser???A program that checks wether the entered expression is correct or not..If the expression lacks a parentheses if that is needed in the expression, or invalid operator..etc...

Member Avatar for glowkazaf
Member Avatar for Acidburn

Hey guys I've got a JText field set up and i append strings to the JTextField but im wondering how to invidually set the color of each string that i append? I've taken a look at the JLabel class and I did come up with the idea that I could …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for jimmy bones

hey hi to everyone im new in the site bout i thin its cool but the reason i am writing is that i have a home work in java and i have no idea how to do it can someone help me??????? a matrix in wich a number moves some …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for wondwosen
Member Avatar for babyfrostie

[CODE] class Queue { int front, rear, max, size; int items[]; public Queue (int s) { front = rear = -1; max=5; size=0; items = new int [max]; } // should we still include the "front" in this section? public boolean enqueue (int x) { if (size==max) return false; else …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for myusernotyours

Hi everyone. I need an application that loads a window to the top of the screen -1 inch height. The window should be always on top, but here is the catch. Every other window should appear below it. I.e no window should be covered by my small window above and …

Member Avatar for hidash_in

hi all, i want to access an application from the domain server. is there any possible way to do this task. if possible tell some idea with examples. Advance thanks. hidash

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for Jessica892

So I'm in the final days of being able to turn this in, yes it is a homework assignment, but I've almost got it completely done. In fact I'm only having issues with like the last 8 lines. (at least that's all that is causing an error right now.) Here …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for muddpigeon

hey there, i have recently started a java program for uni, and have a rough idea of where to start but need a wee nudge in the right direction. the program is for a company who sell tables chairs etc, and i have to implement the part of the system …

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for snitch321

how would i incorperate multi-threads in my coding to make the last section all execute at the same time(ive highlighted the last section): /** * draw a balloon on to a canvas * then to make them fly * * @author (chris twaits) * @version (12/10/07) */ public class Balloons …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for snitch321

sorry to be a nuisance, but ive solved my other problems but now come acropt another one. The problem is that the line highlighted has an error message saying '<identifier> expected' . What do i do to solve it? /** * create an input temperature gauge. * * @author (chris …

Member Avatar for snitch321
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

I am writing a program to display a mysql database. I have added a search button. I would like to have someone look at the program,click search (it will display the contents of the database) then if possible break down the logical steps to take to 1click search 2capture the …

Member Avatar for lovely12
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

How can I create a new query and a new List to hold a resultset? I have tried by using the follong code in the class below [code] @Action public Task search() { return new SearchTask(getApplication()); } private class SearchTask extends Task { private String searchQuery; private List searchList; SearchTask(org.jdesktop.application.Application …


The End.