32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for zafzal

can any one tell wat r de technique used to search a file in other node using bluetooth file sharing in mobile phone (how the searching technique or methodology used)

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for ahmad usama

hello.....to all of you.... i m in urgent need of codeof download accelarator....if u kno plzz.....any link....tell me... byye...byeee....

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for baheddad
Member Avatar for hidash_in

hi, i have a problem in accessing an application from the domain server. can any one is there to clear my problem./ Advance thanks hidash

Member Avatar for electron33
Member Avatar for pradeep.singh28

hi friends, I am pursuing mCA final semester and i want to develop a project in JAVA using swing and applet, i have a good knowledge of core java and swing, so i want a good quality project where i can test myshelf,can you please help me in deciding the …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Acidburn

Hey there, I've got a query when it comes to threads since im quite new. class A //default constructor.... //Contructs Class B which implements the Runnable interface. Class B //does some stuff. my question is theres 2 threads here, but what if i want Class B to wait for an …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for kennik

i just started my first IT job since graduating (I have not had a java class in 3 yrs due to going to school part time) and i have been givin a pretty easy assignment but i am having problems getting started. I pulled out my old school books and …

Member Avatar for kennik
Member Avatar for winbatch

Hi, If I have a JComboBox which has a list of Strings which can be selected, is there a way to insert a line/horizontal rule inside to indicate some sort of grouping of values? If so, how do I do it? (Also, the actual line ------ should not be selectable …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for swanxst

Tracking Grades A teacher wants a program to keep track of grades for students and decides to create a student class for his program as follows: Each student will be described by three pieces of data: his/her name, his/her score on test #1, and his/her score on test #2. There …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for chitra1
Member Avatar for raghu.8

hi i am creating travels project using .net with c#, and i am new to java scripting i have written a code to open a new window but i want open new window with in the page as we do dot net as respose.redirect("abc.aspx") in the same manner just look …

Member Avatar for zafzal

can any one tell me wat r de searching methods available to find out nearby mobile devices in J2ME

Member Avatar for Acidburn
Member Avatar for Derice

i am new in java ... i would like to know how 2 maintain an integer without having it to show the decimal after i manipulate it. Example: int y = 5; System.out.print(Math.pow(y,2)); it display 25.0 instead of 25 which i wan it to be. Help would be very appreciate …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for Artmann

Hello mates. I've made a basic cryptation program and I hoped that I could get some feedback from you guys. I know the cryptation algorithm ain't that secure but that something for a later version ;) And I also wonder what I can do to speed up the cryptation progress. …

Member Avatar for Artmann
Member Avatar for volscolts16

Well another semester has started almost done with all java classes, and now C++ has started. I like it so far it is shorter and somewhat easier code. I have a homework assignment which I have started on, but with just starting C++ not sure where to go. Class meets …

Member Avatar for brk235
Member Avatar for chitra1
Member Avatar for mizcomscie

Please help me to find the definition and history of qubble sorting in java....this is a combination of quick sort and bubble sort....

Member Avatar for fish_cracerks

I am having a problem with my program and I need some help. Anything would be greatly appreciated. I am running a guessing game. [COLOR="Red"]Syntax error, insert "while ( Expression ) ;" to complete DoStatement Syntax error, insert "}" to complete MethodBody[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Here is my code:[/COLOR] import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Random; …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for fish_cracerks

Got that one now for another problem. At the end I want them to either enter an "y" or an "n". Depending on if they want to run the program again. I need help doing that. Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems: The local variable y may not …

Member Avatar for jnetpro
Member Avatar for nljavaingineur

Hello developers, Is there something wrong with my code? Im getting the error message saying my method, actionPerformed_Plus cannot be applied to the () in actionPerformed_Plus. [CODE] public void button2_actionPerformed_Plus(ActionEvent e) { actionPerformed_Plus(); //says the method below cannot apply here??? } public void actionPerformed_Plus(ActionEvent e){ if(firstTime) { String firstNumber; firstNumber …

Member Avatar for nljavaingineur
Member Avatar for ramvenkat

“Message Conversion Tool” acts as a tool which is used to convert the request (message) in one format to the standard format.Using this tool we can receive the request in any format, convert it into the standard format and send the response immediately.The request format may be of any kind …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Webbsta

Firstly I'm not sure where to put this post because it falls under java and vb.net, but since I'm guessing that the main part needs to be done with my java files, i put in here. OK, so i am trying to create a console application to run my java …

Member Avatar for Webbsta
Member Avatar for manojkumar2004

Hi all, any idea how to call a C# method from a java class using sockets(need to access remote methods)??

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for pradeep.singh28

hi friends, I am pradeep , i have a PC having configuration as: P-3, 1.2 GHz,256 MB RAM . when i am installing tomcat 5 ,it is starting properly but when I run any JSP page from the browser the message comes as "Server not found" . I have set …

Member Avatar for majestic0110
Member Avatar for abhi_elementx

I have two classes EmpData and VectorHandler. EmpData contains info abt employees like name and empcode Vectorhandler has a vector which stores Empdata objects . I want to use removeElement() which will delete the object which contains the particular empname/empcode from the vector. This doesnot work: [CODE]v.removeElement(empcode);[/CODE] [B]as empcode is …

Member Avatar for abhi_elementx
Member Avatar for abhi_elementx

Hello friends , I have a problm accessing my objects in vectors what i am trying to do is store objects ( of a class defined by me) in a vector. I have two classes VectorHandler and Emp_database. In VectorHandler, I have a vector (Vector vect) which stores objects of …

Member Avatar for abhi_elementx
Member Avatar for Noliving

Hello everyone, well its my first time ever really using java but I did do some programming in python. Basically my first assignment is this and seems pretty easy: [url]https://mavdisk.mnsu.edu/lct/IT214/Assignment%201.pdf[/url] I have never done anything with class paths but it seems simple enough. First things first, is this the correct …

Member Avatar for Noliving
Member Avatar for saytri

I am doing a quiz where the user can choose from 3 different quizzez. My tutor told me to use binary files to store the questions. I have succesful done this. The answers are stored in an array. My problem is with a for loop that i have done, to …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Adami

I need to create a static boolean method, boolean isValid(String str) which gets a string and check the brackets in it... a correct expression is an expression as one of the following: 1) an empty string or a string that includes space only in it. 2) st1 +"" +st2, which …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for Adami

[CODE]public static boolean what (Node n) { if (n == null) return true; if (n.getLeftSon()==null && n.getRightSon()==null) return true; if (n.getRightSon()==null) return (n.getNumber() % n.getLeftSon().getNumber() == 0) && what (n.getLeftSon()); if (n.getLeftSon()==null) return (n.getNumber() % n.getRightSon().getNumber() == 0) && what (n.getRightSon()); return (n.getNumber() % n.getLeftSon().getNumber() == 0) && (n.getNumber() % …

Member Avatar for javaAddict

The End.