32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for Hockeyfreak889

I am suppose to be making a program which inputs an employees name(first and last) and their quarterly sales. I am then suppose to output a table of all the employees and the quarterly sales, as well as their total sales. I am suppose to create an array of objects …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for keekee

I am using textpad to create my java programs because I had a problem with downloading java and setting the path in order to use it with notepad. Can someone tell me what this error mean? I don't know if it has something to do with the fact that I …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for ndoe

hello all!how to showing data from database in text field by button,i just can showing 1 data!like next and previous showing data!

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for WesFox13

hello there, I have a bit of trouble figuring out how to finish a code for an assignment. I'm supposed to write a class that can generate a sequence of psudorandom integers using the linear congruence method. The trick of it is that the number generated will become the new …

Member Avatar for WesFox13
Member Avatar for Ajantis

Hey there good folks! :) I am working on a thread task called, Lab Alarm, and I am nearly done with it. We're suppoosed to work with the "producer-consumer" problem and It's just teacher code that one is supposed to modify and add some own to it. Now, I am …

Member Avatar for quuba
Member Avatar for Designer_101

Hi I need an onHover effect for a blog. I would like it to look similar in design to daniwebs. (where you roll your mouse over the title and the box appears with the first few lines of text from the topic) Could anyone suggest some code for this ? …

Member Avatar for pmcd9
Member Avatar for KimJack

Hello, I am working on a plain old simple text version of a memory game. The player will be able to match letters of the alphabet by clicking on various numbers. For example This is what the player will see: 123 456 789 but underneath that will be something like: …

Member Avatar for KimJack
Member Avatar for leverin4

I have a noobish question. If you have a nested try-catch block and an exception is thrown in the inner catch block, will the outer catch block catch it? Example: [code=java] try { // All this code is random. It doesn't int x = 5; // have anything to do …

Member Avatar for leverin4
Member Avatar for Aild

I have two threads that need to use one variable. They run forever and constantly needs the updated value of the variable. Now I am aware of the race condition and am using synchronized. However, the two threads are of different classes and I don't think synchronized is quite effective. …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for TaP1227

Ok, so basically I am supposed to "Write a program that uses the Monte Carlo sampling method to estimate the average number of bottles of Boost someone would have to drink to win a prize." I know that I am supposed to First, work on the part that conducts trials …

Member Avatar for TaP1227
Member Avatar for lloydsbackyard

what is the code in inserting picture in a java window. can you give me a sample java code showing a window and a picture with it...i want to create a photo gallery using java.swing

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for ramkumar.a

i am a final yr. B.E student & want to do projects on [B][COLOR="Red"]java[/COLOR][/B] Programming.It will be of great help if I can be supplied with some project titles for freshers with industry relevence. Thanking you, ram

Member Avatar for vamsi310

I read an algorithm on collaborative clustering and the author is merging and splitting for the same side of the threshold. Is it right to do so?

Member Avatar for quuba
Member Avatar for slatk3y

Hey, I have a question about Java Applets. I wrote a small applet(just one file) and could run it in my web browser, by making this html file: [code=html] <APPLET CODE="MyApplet.class" WIDTH=400 HEIGHT=400> </APPLET> [/code] And it worked just fine. I am going to make a bigger project and I …

Member Avatar for gunjannigam
Member Avatar for jralexander137

I was wondering if anyone would care to share any links to information on Linked Lists and Doubly linked lists implementation. Thanks!

Member Avatar for vamsi310
Member Avatar for jrosh

I want to open a folder when i click a button .. What is the command for that?? plz help... (thing is i jst don't wanna complex thing like file chooser ..jst want to open a paticular folder given by a path.)

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for gunjannigam

I am using Java Comm API to send some data on Serial Port and Again Checking it back. The Problem is that I am not able to get the correct data back always. Sometime I see a garbage value there. Here is my Code Setup SerialPort For Sending Data [CODE] …

Member Avatar for jralexander137

I'm trying to take a string of a number i.e. 123456 of any size and then convert each int in the string to an int to be added to a linked list. I.E. read 1 convert to int then add to linked list, read 2 convert to int then add …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for jralexander137

I'm adding and subtracting two numbers stored in doubly linked lists. I'm not sure how to go about "lining up the decimal points" for numbers. I was thinking of traversing the lists from the head and tail keeping track of the number of iterations of the loop and then adding …

Member Avatar for keekee

Could someone check my program, I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong. [B]I did this part and the program ran just fine[/B] - Part 1; Create a product class that holds the item number, the name of the product, the number of units in stock, and the price …

Member Avatar for keekee
Member Avatar for .11

Hey Guys, I am working on a BlackJack GUI, I have just about everything set up, and now I am working on generating the cards. I was doing some quick snippet test, to see if I can get it working. But no luck, I wanted to know if I can …

Member Avatar for .11
Member Avatar for gferrie

I have two interfaces, MyapiA and MyapiB with 2 methods each. Two classes - SortA does all the sorting routines and SortB defines the arrays and generates random numbers. In the main class, Sort I have the following code which produces the expected results using a default argument of 6 …

Member Avatar for Grn Xtrm
Member Avatar for gibson.nathan

i have an integer like this:1 4 3 2 1 1 3 8 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 6 2 3 1 12 what can i do to add each individual number together like this: 4+3+2+1+1+1+3+8 etc?

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for t4tulsi

Hi everyone! I'm looking for mobile application development..! I want to build an audio player for the mobile phone (sony ericsson/nokia) But, I don't know where to start and what to do?! What softwares do I need for it etc. So far, I've downloaded Eclipse.. And trying to get familiar …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, I am trying to develop a GUI application that has a text area for a 10 digit number. I would prefer to right click on the field and select a max length and "number type" instead of coding an 'if function on keypress' and so on. Is this possible? …

Member Avatar for feoperro
Member Avatar for Ashwin Vasnai
Member Avatar for shashikant.v

public class OpenMenuListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { if(ev.getSource() == b) { f2 = new JFrame("shashikant verma"); p2 = new JPanel(); f2.getContentPane().add(p2); String str = "<html>"+"<h>"+"<P ALIGN = \"CENTER\">"+"<i>"+"<font size = \"10\">"+"<font color= \"#800080\">"+"2. Definition of Function<br>"+"<br>"+"</i>"+"</h>"+"<P ALIGN = \"LEFT\">"+"<font size = \"5\">"+"2.1 "+"<u>"+"Mathematical Definition <br>"+"</u>"+"<P ALIGN=\"LEFT\">"+ …

Member Avatar for majestic0110
Member Avatar for NRaf

Technically this question isn't related to any specific language. Basically, what I need to do is extract information from a website relating to the current logged user. The website has your standard login form - it seems to use JSP as the language. What I need to do is find …

Member Avatar for ejosiah
Member Avatar for einjelle

Hi guys.. I am currenly coding a program which outputs the next state table for flip flop circuits. I have already finished the the generator for one type of flip flop, and I have 3 more to go.. So far, my arithmetic parser is working good but I suddenly remembered …

Member Avatar for einjelle

This is a program for generating a state table for flip flop circuits. My problem is that the program does not get anything from the Textfield which gets the value for KAEquation, but for JAEquation, it works just fine. [CODE] import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; /** * @author Jenielle …

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The End.