32,205 Topics
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Hello, I am trying to understand how server and clients work. Can anyone explain it and give an example or link to the tutorial. I greatly appreciate your help | |
Hello, I'm using NetBeans 6.7.1, and Derby I'm trying to learn how to write Database applications, and I'm having trouble connecting to my Database. It loads the Derby Driver (EmbeddedDriver), but won't connect to the the Database named test. I looked at tests Properties in NetBeans, and it said … | |
Hey Guys, I want to use mySQL with java and for this purpose i downloaded the mysql-j connector from the mysql website. But i dont know how to poceed forward. Please help.. | |
I know we are not supposed to ask for code, but could someone please tell me how I would do this. Not write code, just give me guidelines. thanks | |
i want to develop project for sound and stage entertainment using netbeansIDE can anyone tel the prerequisites and steps for starting the project please please | |
I have 2 buttons, which are start and stop button. When I click on the start button, i make the timer is counting while click on the stop button, it will stop counting the time. The problem I face here is if I click back start button, is it possible … | |
Hey guyz, can any one tell me how to run a java program in background of an OS(windows or linux) . Actually i am trying to develop an keylogger application in java. By the present status i understood it is some what difiicult , but i am not rdy to … | |
hi ive been doing a project in which metadata for various filetypes(html, xml etc.,) are needed. are there any existing api's to do the above. ideas and suggestions | |
[CODE] import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; public class Calculator { public static void main(String[] args) { new Calculator(); } public Calculator() { JFrame f = new JFrame(" "); JPanel textfieldpanel1 = new JPanel(); JPanel textfieldpanel2 = new JPanel(); JPanel row1panel = new JPanel(); JPanel row2pane1 = new JPanel(); JPanel row3pane1 = … | |
I tried to add sroll bars to a textarea with the following code. It is not wrkin. Show me a way out! I just wanna add scrol bars to the textArea. class srolpane extends JFrame{ private JTextArea txtAr; private JScrollPane srlpane; private scrolpane(){ txtAr = new JTextArea(); txtAr.setBounds(250,50,400,425); srlpane= new … | |
Hi to all I've formula like this one,., (((10000*5000)-2000*3000)*30/100),.,Can anyone sove this using prefix postfix notations,.,.,I can't find this,., | |
you've read it once you've read it a thousand times! probably responded to it just as many times. Now i ask that you respond one more time I've added as many details as possible becuase i've tried the solutions in an old thread in this forum but no luck. [url]http://developers.sun.com/mobility/midp/articles/tutorial2/[/url] … | |
I wrote a Java program, and it successfully compiles and runs in NetBeans, but I'm not able to do the same in the [B]command line[/B], on Windows XP. It works ok with 1 class, but when I have few files 'package' I have a problems. 1.Start -> run -> cmd … | |
Hi All, We had an issue in our project that one user was able to see each other's data, we identified the problem as of caching by the proxy server of those users. On checking we found, we were not specifying any caching preference in our server side code and … | |
Hi; Im on the way of doing a concurrent application in java command line. I want is a way to stop a transaction in the middle of it when the transaction is happening in the application. In the GUI there is the KeyListener to handle the key inputs and invoke … | |
I have try to get used to the database -java connectivity with a simple address book application below : [CODE] import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.sql.*; import java.applet.*; import javax.swing.*; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Creates the main window with top Menu toolbar. //This is also the class for the main declaration ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public … | |
Design a drawing application (have a look at Microsoft Paint application on your Windows system). The application must have menus, and must be able to draw one or more sharps (e. g. point, line, rectangle, oval, etc). The application should use GUI components. | |
I can't figure out why this won't put buttons 1, 2, and 3, on the top of the frame, with buttons 4, 5 and 6 on the bottom? I realize there should be space between the top row and the bottom row. import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.FlowLayout; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JFrame; … | |
JSlider program to display one out of a possible 10 pictures in the window. You should be able to choose the picture by position tick on the Slide bar | |
i have to print this ******** *** *** ** ** * * ** ** *** *** ******** my code is [code=JAVA] class one { public static void main(String args[]) { String s1="*";int i,j; for(i=4;i>0;i--) { for(j=0;j<i;j++) { System.out.print(s1); } for(int k=0;k<8;k=k+2) { for(int m=0;m<k;m++) System.out.print(" "); } for(int n=4;n>0;i--) { … | |
i need to a Scroll bar or JScrollPane to My Jtree... I have googled and gone through several examples, but non seemed to have worked... Please can some one help me to solve this problem .. I simply need to have scrollers when the content of the JTree increases .. … | |
Suppose if I want to save an object to a database I would: 1. Create a POJO and set the values captured from the JSP page 2. Parse the POJO to the BSL 3. The BSL will perform the database operation using POJO To set the values of the POJO … | |
alright, i have been working on this code for two days. it is an assignment for my ap comp science class. i have tried several experiments that have all not worked. im supposed to make a proram that simulates an 11 sided dice being rolled, and it has to use … | |
Hi I am trying to find out a way to swap two nodes in an unordered linked list. I want to find out a way where i can change the links of the two nodes so they are swapped. I know I am supposed to use the previous and next … | |
hi every1 i am doing my final year project next year and i have decided to do something in java but cant think of it. does any1 have an idea of what to do thanx :) :o :surprised :confused: | |
Hello all, One of my application used following code which is developed in java 1.2.2 but now we are migrating this application to java se 6 where the following code is depracted. sun.misc.HexDumpEncoder.encodeBuffer Can any one guide for the above code replacement in java se 6 Thanks & Regards, | |
Hi i am using netbeans to make a tictactoe game so far this is my code: import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class TicTacToe implements ActionListener { //Class constants private static final int WINDOW_WIDTH = 400; private static final int WINDOW_HEIGHT = 400; private static final int TEXT_WIDTH = … | |
Hi ive been working for a few days now trying to figure out how to make it so when a button is pressed in this game instead of just a simple X or O showing up an image of lets say a dog for X and a cat for O … | |
Hello everyone. I am new to java and am stuck on a problem i need to complete. The problem asks for me to create a program that calculates daily driving cost. The application needs to have total miles driven, cost per gallon, mpg, parking fees and tolls. Now, my professor … | |
Hello everyone, I am having problems trying to install Java 3D in my laptop. Can anyone help me? |
The End.