Hi there,

I'm unable to run the demos java files. I followed the ways according to the prefuse tutorial. It says,

1) Go to "build" folder
2) Launch demo of interest
java -cp prefuse.jar:demos.jar prefuse.demos.<name of demo here>

and I inputted
e.g. java -cp prefuse.jar:demos.jar prefuse.demos.TreeMap.java

Please advice.

*Screenshot Attached!

I have to admit I'm not familiar with prefuse. But when I run jars from the command line I use >java -jar <jar name>

Actually this is not .jar files. It is java source files.

The screenshot shows prefuse.demos.TreeMap.jar

Maybe that's causing the problem...

solved! thx all

Hi there,

I'm unable to run the demos java files. I followed the ways according to the prefuse tutorial. It says,

1) Go to "build" folder
2) Launch demo of interest
java -cp prefuse.jar:demos.jar prefuse.demos.<name of demo here>

and I inputted
e.g. java -cp prefuse.jar:demos.jar prefuse.demos.TreeMap.java

Please advice.

*Screenshot Attached!

hellow eavry one, i want to know if i can create nodes in Jgraph for prefuse and paced it any wear i want in this graph . thank you.

hellow, i want to know, if i can creat nodes in the graph using prefeuse and places this nodes in where i want. thank you.

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