32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for Moein.Enayati

Hi I want to create a simple bi-directional variable binding in java. assume having a String and a jTextField [CODE=java] String stringVariable; JTextField jTextField; [/CODE] I bound the jTextField.text property to the stringVariable using this code : [CODE=java] org.jdesktop.beansbinding.Binding binding = org.jdesktop.beansbinding.Bindings.createAutoBinding(org.jdesktop.beansbinding.AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy.READ_WRITE, this, org.jdesktop.beansbinding.ELProperty.create("${stringVariable}"), jTextField, org.jdesktop.beansbinding.BeanProperty.create("text")); bindingGroup.addBinding(binding); bindingGroup.bind(); [/CODE] any …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for sandeepgrandhi

hi, please tell me how can i open a dynamic web project in netbeans and then open a JSP and Servlet files. Thanks

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for feartrich

[code=java] import java.util.*; public class factorial { public static void main(String[]args) { int m,f,n; System.out.println("Factorial Solver"); System.out.println("Enter a number"); Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); n = sc.nextInt(); m = 1; f = 1; f = f * m; while (m != n) { m = m + 1; } f …

Member Avatar for nomemory
Member Avatar for Ashwin Vasnai

I want to create a Jtree in Java Desktop Application.I know how to create a dyanamic Jtree in normal java application.I tried google but I didnt got satisfied answer.please help me as soon as possible. Also the Tree is of "Name of tables in database" and with child node as …

Member Avatar for quuba
Member Avatar for axelle.eichner

Hey, I'm a student wanting help on how to write a program in netbeans.. I have no idea how to work this website so this question may be in the wrong place but.. here goes: so i need to write a program that outputs a quote one letter at a …

Member Avatar for javed123
Member Avatar for hackmein

create a class (adressbookentry)that contains adress book entry using java code...

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for Smoking Bros

Well, the title might be very complicated if you think of what I'm actually trying to do. Well I have a typical 'the-sky-is-falling' game and as in most of these type of games you have to catch apples, and I maximum allows 3 at a time, and you get + …

Member Avatar for Smoking Bros
Member Avatar for gitech

Hai Friends, Iam developing casino and spinning game in J2me with grphics, can any one suggest me what tool i have to use how to use?

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for DemonixXV2

When I try running this code in netbeans, I get a window which says that the main class wasn't found in PerfectNumbers. And underneath there's a select main class, which endlessly stays at : Initializing view, please wait... [CODE]public class PerfectNumbers { int nbToFound; public PerfectNumbers(int nb) { nbToFound = …

Member Avatar for DemonixXV2
Member Avatar for redrocket0274

Can someone tell me what's wrong with my program? import java.util.Scanner; public class TotalSales { public void getNumbers() { Scanner input = new Scanner( System.in ); double numbers[][] = new double[5][5]; int count = 0; // number of uniques read int x = 0; int y = 0; int productNum …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for DemonixXV2

Ok, I've got this code, it says that there are no main classes and that [I]public class Amicable[/I]; class Amicable is public, should be declared in a file named Amicable.java, but the file name is Amicable... Any help would greatly help me, since I have same prob. with another file>_> …

Member Avatar for DemonixXV2
Member Avatar for kahaj

I'm using documentation on sun.com to try and learn Java. I was trying a simple Notepad type program but cannot get the menus to display. I'm receiving no errors and cannot figure out what I've done wrong and/or left out. [code] import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class NotepadInJava …

Member Avatar for majestic0110
Member Avatar for KirkPatrick

Its been awhile since I have toyed around with java, so I'm a bit rusty. But decided to mess with it today. I have a jPanel that I will be adding objects to, but I want to add the in a new row each time a button is clicked. Anyways …

Member Avatar for KirkPatrick
Member Avatar for Xamas

I need to build a program - hotel, which has from 1 to XXX rooms. It is ok, when I have only the: [CODE=JAVA]private static int[] array_of_rooms; <... CLASS CONSTRUCTOR ...> array_of_rooms = new int[size]; // Size is defined size, of rooms in the hotel. // Fill default room status …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for jrosh

I want to trigger an event when ever an item is changed in a combo box...how can i do it? what is the listener & action? thnkx in advance.....

Member Avatar for majestic0110
Member Avatar for gururajb

How to create n threads for manipulating m files ('n' is very less compared to file 'm') . I have written file manipulation program in void run and reading in main prog. declaring file name in global variable buffer I should use file locking . Currently i have written program …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for engg_kavi

hi friends... i have a doubt in insert query... how to write the insert query to insert the value from textfield into database table.......

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for einjelle

This is really frustrating. Whenever I run this, a blank window frame appears The components only appear when I click the edge of the frame. Please check if I did something wrong: [CODE] import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; /** * */ public class FFGen{ public void First(){ /** * @param args …

Member Avatar for einjelle
Member Avatar for deeptharamesh

hi pple.... i am doin a mini proj and can anyone please help me the java code of the ad-hoc on distance vector routing algorithm.....

Member Avatar for shruti_kapate

which of the following is correct 1)block can have multiple records 2)records can have multiple blocks 3)one record per block 4)both are independent

Member Avatar for shruti_kapate
Member Avatar for Hanyouslayer

First, I want to thank you for helping if you did, if not, thanks for checking it anyway. Second, I have been working on this for awhile, but I only am getting baby steps towards my goal. I get this far and I get compile correctly, but when I run …

Member Avatar for Dougnukem
Member Avatar for priya ravi

sir, i have got to present a seminar on java the topic being java and virus , my sir has asked me to create a program using java for virus can u please help me. i am a second year student for bachelor if computer applications. your faithfully priya ravi

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for umasparow

how to convert jpeg color image to gray by using formula 0.3 * red + 0.6 * green + 0.1 *blue

Member Avatar for quuba
Member Avatar for hny_lyn

To begin, we were asked to make a TREE... It says that we should traverse the left subtree of the ROOT/NODE in postorder and then make a copy of it... Next is to traverse the right subtree of the ROOT/NODE in postorder and then make a copy of it... Lastly, …

Member Avatar for quuba
Member Avatar for dskanth

Iam using JXTaskPane, and added few taskpanes, to a taskpanecontainer, and inturn added it to a panel. I want to apply action listeners to the taskpane selected. But i see that there is no methos like getSelectedComponent for a taskpane, which exists for a tabbed pane. How i can achieve …

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Member Avatar for deepak.marur

Hi all, I've a curious problem with jni invocation. The explanation follows.. I have two pieces of code...a test stub, which is basically a stand alone java program and another the same code integrated into a component (the main function replaced by a static function). The code makes a jni …

Member Avatar for rajuchacha007

Hi all, I would like to know whether there any JAVA API exists which does copying, deleting or moving files from and to directories and which is platform independent. I mean consider 3 layers. Last one is of OS (windows, linux, unix, solaris). Middle one is of JAVA API and …

Member Avatar for nomemory
Member Avatar for packmule

Hi, I am just trying to figure out how to access some data. Currently it is stored in a spread sheet in the following form........ [CODE] 8/11/09 9/12/09 .... mm/dd/yy name score score .... score name2 score score .... score [/CODE] there will be many names (and more may be …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for leverin4

I'm running into an issue with a program. I need a method that takes a string and returns every possible combination of upper and lower case letters for that string. For instance, cat would return: cat caT cAt cAT Cat CaT CAt CAT The string entered could be any length …

Member Avatar for nomemory
Member Avatar for Fibinacci85

hi thanks for your help in advance, I'm Realy new java in particular to netbeans I'm currently a 2nd year degree student and one of my subjects is Data Structures and Algorithms in java. My assignment requires me to right a program that reads in a file and out puts …

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The End.