32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for Bloubul

I need help once again. I am new in this course and are still battleling with some of the work. I wrote a code for Displaying Stock Information, however it's giving me a error. Please help? /* Chapter 8: Programming Assignment 9 Programmer: T. du Preez Date: September 20, 2009 …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for Freddie_M

I need help for writing a program that shows a given graph is dag or not ?I want a complete guide about topological sorting code. I found a code in internet but it has a lot of errors. please help me friends. thank you

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for Elektro
Member Avatar for zinjnhell
Member Avatar for IdolOfIdle

here is my code. it connects to the server successfully.But connect.getContentLength() returns -1; and downloaded file contains zero bytes. any suggestion will be deeply appreciated. [code] try { // Open connection to URL. HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); // Specify what portion of file to download. connection.setRequestProperty("Range", "bytes=" + downloaded …

Member Avatar for pvt_geeker

Hello, JAVA community. I am currently working on developing a system (Hotel Reservation System) as academic work. I am using Netbean IDE 6.7 and MySQL or MS SQL as development tools. I am quite amateur with the use of Netbean, I also find that manual coding is very tedious. So, …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for jrosh

I want to transfer data from mysql database to an msexcel sheet... Is it possible with java. how?

Member Avatar for jrosh
Member Avatar for AjithAnnadurai

Hi friends anyone knows how to convert SIS to JAR file format . please tell me the link for that software . please reply

Member Avatar for David Boon
Member Avatar for sachin.h

Hello eyeryone, I am wrking on a project which deals with building avionic GUI like metres,gauges etc.. i was not able to create the exact look and feel using the java swing standard libraries, please tell me any other alternative for creating such GUIs like[B] activex[/B] and wheather i can …

Member Avatar for David Boon
Member Avatar for faithingod1970

I am trying to create an inventory GUI display for scool. I have this GUI class as part of a 4 class program. For some reason I thought that the last lines created buttons yet this program lacks them. I also hav problems having my main call the GUI to …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for sawant_nitesh

There are many[COLOR="red"] [I]Java Decompilers[/I][/COLOR] which can decomile [COLOR="Red"][B][I].class[/I][/B][/COLOR] file to [COLOR="red"][B][I].java[/I][/B][/COLOR] file revealing the source. Is there any way to prevent this reverse engineering ? Like in .Net framework, once .dll or .exe is built, noone can reach to source code. ?:S

Member Avatar for verruckt24
Member Avatar for javanub123
Member Avatar for javanub123

i started learnin Java last weekend and its my first programming language ever. ive learned most of the basic stuff (if/else, loops, etc.) and was just wondering what to do next?

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for sciwizeh

Hello everyone, Someone I know asked me about a problem he has with a program he is writing. I know nothing about his code, but he is writing a keyboard program, with the midi synthesizer in the sound api. what I do know is that he is using note on …

Member Avatar for sciwizeh
Member Avatar for Aglet_User

Hello all; I'm new member in this forum. I want ask how have experiense in Aglet and using mobile agent. I need help Plz.. regards

Member Avatar for Web_Sailor

Hi, I am trying my hands on Java Regex. Here is my program below with the description of what I require it to do actually. The thing is that this MyKeyword May occur multiple times in a file. Also My program works for a file like this:- [CODE](\\S+)<tab>MyKeyWord<tab>(\\S+)<tab>(\\S+) (\\S+)<tab>MyKeyWord<tab>(\\S+)<tab>(\\S+)[/CODE] but …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for NickyPhun

Hi, nice to meet you guys, i have a questions needs some helps from you guys, at the moment i have to get a title for my final year project, and i am totally got no idea in my mind, so can anyone give me some hints on the title …

Member Avatar for Rahul Bhat
Member Avatar for newjavastudent

Hi guys, could anyone tell me why my code cannot input contents into the file, thanks in advance.[code]import java.io.*; import java.util.Scanner; public class FileIO { /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { // public void writeToFile(){ try { File outFile = new File(args[0] + ".txt"); PrintWriter …

Member Avatar for freelancelote
Member Avatar for why1991

I have been trying to create a program that outputs four arrays created with random ints doubles chars and booleans. It will compile but when I run still gives me the same variables which have nothing to do with my input at all, but my char array works perfectly. [CODE]import …

Member Avatar for jasimp
Member Avatar for av_javabeg

could somebody help me creating a program through which i can control utorrent via bluetooth.. as in startin pausing or updating trackers and stuff.. could u please create 1 and explain me? plz

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for shen747

Hi all, I'm having trouble compiling a C++ project,which was originally written using the VC++, in Dev-C++. The problem is identifying the compiler errors that are incurred by the Min-Gw compiler(the default compiler that is shipped with Dev-C++) I've currently have converted the project(which is an opensource example of JNI) …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for kat1

How to convert time zone of one place to the time zone of another place i.e how to convert time of one country to time of another country through java?explain with complete coding.

Member Avatar for quuba
Member Avatar for rajuchacha007

Hi, Does anyone know about any Java based API for communication in NDM (Network Data Mover, nowalso known as Connect : Direct). Please suggest. Regards.

Member Avatar for rajuchacha007
Member Avatar for kahaj

I know that I don't have this just right, but I'm not sure how to get it just right. I've tried several different things and have been unsuccessful in all of them. Any tips? Also, by using [code]DisplayIntroMessage()[/code] near the end, will that bring up the method to begin the …

Member Avatar for roswell67
Member Avatar for slatk3y

I have worked with maps before and I have come to the point where I need to save a map when I quit an application and load it when I open application. How can I achieve this goal? Do I have to save it to a file upon exit and …

Member Avatar for slatk3y
Member Avatar for Cheesy74

I'm in the process of writing a 2D physics engine in Java, and am trying to figure out the algorithm for the most basic of all physics tasks: Object collision. Detecting collision between two circles is easy: check if the distance between their centers is less than or equal to …

Member Avatar for Cheesy74
Member Avatar for leverin4

I tried searching and couldn't find anything, so I'm sorry if this has been posted before. I need help aligning output at the command line. I want to make even columns, but can't figure out how to do it. Attached is a screenshot of my current output. I want the …

Member Avatar for PopeJareth
Member Avatar for lakshmi20

Write a program HollePrinter that switches the letters "e" and "o" in a string. Use the replace method repeatedly. Demonstrate that the string "Hello, World!" turns into "Holle, Werld!".

Member Avatar for roswell67
Member Avatar for jwdvorak

In the following method: [CODE] public boolean isMemberAlive(String userSsn) throws SQLException { boolean isMemberAlive = false; Connection c = null; Statement s = null; ResultSet rs = null; String strSQL = "SELECT Count(*) AS RecordCount " + "FROM crs.memmst " + "WHERE memmst_ssn = '" + userSsn + "' AND …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for endisbegun

hi, so im new to java, fresh off the c++ shores (what a nightmare programing is :p) and i have what should be a really simple assignment 1. The electicity accounts of residents in a very small town are calculated as follows: * If 500 units or less are used …

Member Avatar for jasimp

The End.