32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for yoyodelta

I cannot explain this problem, and in searching all over I've seen a few leads but no help. I do not understand at all why I get this exception. It claims I am trying to cast a JList as a DefaultListModel when I'me trying to cast a ListModel and a …

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Member Avatar for katerinaaa

Hi, I want to save a .txt file into database using java language, how can it is possible ? The .txt file has one word per line and I would like when the program find a string like "<P>" to continue until line with "</P>". If it is found to …

Member Avatar for katerinaaa
Member Avatar for baltazar

Hi there, What I am doing is filling a 2-D array with numbers in a random order. i.e. I pick a position in the 2-D array and input a number there eg: array[2][1] = 3;(this input is received from a text file) In this way, I fill the array but …

Member Avatar for anamika_nagpur
Member Avatar for Anupkumar
Member Avatar for Anupkumar
Member Avatar for pointers

Hi, Pls tell me the output for the following code............ public class Test { public static void main(String args[]){ int i=0; for(int j=0;j<=10;j++) { i=i++; } System.out.println("value of i\t"+i); }

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for thiyagu_mca2006

Hello EveryOne, Im Thiyagu Junior Java developer, can any one help me for design pattern or idea to develop HTTP monitor in Java. The objectives of HTTP monitor is - to log/view all URLs that is requested or visited by the system user via webrowser. - it can be a …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for mimsc

this is my first post...not sure whats the problem...any suggestions would be appreciated...thanx [code=language] <% int unViewedCt= 0; out.write("var jsLeads = new Array); (for (int i=0; i< leads.size(); i++) { currLead = (HashMap)leads.get(i); out.write("jsLeads["+ i +"] = new Array();\n"); out.write("jsLeads[" + i + "][0] = '" + currLead.get("PK_LEADID") + "';\n"); …

Member Avatar for ksaxena
Member Avatar for George2

Hello everyone, I am using JDBC to compare the content of two database tables -- writing a general function and two tables are input. The two tables have various types of columns, like VARCHAR, BLOB, INT, FLOAT, etc. I want to save my time to write various statements to get …

Member Avatar for George2
Member Avatar for arkaprava
Member Avatar for mojtabamaster

Hello everyone, I want to run JSF1.2 in netbeans 5.5 with Tomcat server 6.0.13 how config tomcat and netbeans THanks

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for pmhayden

Hi guys probably quite a common question but I've imported both java.sql.* and java.util.* and want to create an sql Date variable. What's the syntax to declare the variable from the sql class. I'm getting an error message that there is contention between the .util and .sql class. Thanks

Member Avatar for pmhayden
Member Avatar for mayur_kulkarni

[B][I][/I][/B]i want to do project in mobile applicatios like voice commands or similar. can anybody help m?

Member Avatar for i_am_Andrew
Member Avatar for bikashsinghal
Member Avatar for treecarver

I have a class with a private static HashSet defined in it that holds objects, when I pass a new object to the class all the elements of the HashSet change to the last inserted objects. I thought a static declared Hashset is only created once so any objects added …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for inzomniac

Hi everybody. I'm trying to turn on (or off) some LEDs conected to the Parallel Port. The program opens the port correctly but for some reason, it only allows me to use the LPT.MODE.SPP, even though that according to my Device Manager, the LPT1 mode is ECP. Besides that, the …

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Member Avatar for PoovenM

Hey guys, so I’m writing a code analyzer and I’ve reached a bottleneck with parsing Java numbers from the source code. It works fine for the usual int, double and float numbers expect when they are represented as either octal of hexadecimal. The ‘parse’ method of [inlinecode]Integer[/inlinecode] and [inlinecode]Double[/inlinecode] don’t …

Member Avatar for PoovenM
Member Avatar for pmhayden

Am currently doing a project with a java GUI interrogating a database. My first GUI is a [U]Login[/U] display which when the user successfully logs in will move onto a [U]Menu[/U] display. My problem is that I cannot get from the [U]Login[/U] display to the [U]Menu[/U] display. These GUIs have …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for agrothe

I've revived an old java project I did in college. Basic chat type program like ICQ which stores offline messages and users in a database etc, etc. I've recently switched the database from Access to MySQL and am considering some other alterations. I've been reading a bit on RMI. I …

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Member Avatar for Ainur

There is a task: Imagine you have been asked by the Physics department to create a Java program to help them record information about experiments they are running on a particle accelerator. Each type of particle is uniquely identified by name, and has a mass (a decimal number between 0 …

Member Avatar for Ainur
Member Avatar for lamees

Hi, everybody. I've made a code of a "for" loop. Once i exceeds 4, the loop must stop. The input is in a JTextField. The problem is that the loop never stops although it exceeds 4. Can anybody help me? The problem is here : public void compare(int x) { …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for mayur_kulkarni

[B][I][U][B][I]i am looking for a java project . i am in final year .[/I][/B][/U][/I][/B]

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for tech291083

Hi, I have been trying to learn java on my own on Linux from command line. Can any one please give me a few very basic samples of code that ask the user for an input (interger/double/float/string all possible data types)? I have downloaded the official Sun Java tutorials but …

Member Avatar for indienick
Member Avatar for ultra vires

Hi guys, i am new to java so i started of with basics, but now im stuck at a little problem. I will paste the code and error's below, hoping that some1 could sort em out [code=java] import java.lang.*; import java.io.*; class Sphere{ float radius; int cXcord; int cYcord; int …

Member Avatar for ultra vires
Member Avatar for Ainur

Dear all Could you tell me what is it-atomic type in Java? I explored internet and book Java in 21 days,but nothing about it. The question was about difference between object reference and atomic type. I found that object reference is an address that indicates where an object's variable and …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Ainur

Hello everybody! I am a beginner in Java and computing at all. I need to make some tasks if you help me,please. So, the first taks is: Write down what is stored in s2 after the following Java code has been executed: String s1= new String("Hello"); String s2= new String("The …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for piers

I was reading through my java book which is called Introduction To Java Programming Sixth Edition by Y.Daniel Liang and I was reading about databases. I just wondered if java is used in webdesign for the purpose of creating databases and if that was instead of MySql and what the …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for no1zson

This is the last thing I am doing to my app, and I saved the hardest for last. I have been out here all week beating you guys to death with questions, so if I do not get any replies at all I will understand. I do not need this …

Member Avatar for no1zson
Member Avatar for no1zson

After my poor showing yesterday I was ready to quit, but I decided this morning I would rather feel dumb than feel like a quitter, so here I am. I coded this last night thinking if it worked great, if not then I would just drop it. Well it worked …

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Member Avatar for lnarayanan

Hi, Please reply with the [B][B]code[/B][/B] which would generate a Unicode file from a CSV ( Comma Seperated File) given as input. Thanks, LakshmiNarayanan

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for nanodano

I've been trying to find a function that returns the version number of the JVM. I found this website that does it, so I know it can be done: [url]http://www.javatester.org/version.html[/url] Can anyone help me out?

Member Avatar for Ezzaral

The End.