35,617 Topics

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Member Avatar for shivams

i am new to java and i want to learn how to make games i saw some source codes of some games but i dont at all understand wt do the codings mean and how do we make codings to make a game....plz can i get some help.

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for jonamasa

Hi I downloaded a simple Java application using Spring, which works in Eclipse if I manually add the needed jar libraries. However, I would rather use the existing [I]build.xml[/I], which includes the libraries via [code]<fileset dir=...>[/code] and [code]<include...>[/code] nodes. If I rightclick the [I]build.xml[/I] and click on Run As->Ant Build, …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for speedygonzalez

Hi all! I've a pretty naive problem with my applet which is as follows..... [CODE=java] // Wordlist for GRE High Frequency Words import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; import java.awt.event.*; /* <applet code="Wordlist.class" width=800 height=600> </applet> */ public class Wordlist extends Applet { TextField m1 ,m2 ,m3 ,m4 ,m5 ,m6 ,m7 ,m8 …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for snakai415

Is there a way to change boolean into integers? Like... making every "TRUE" = 1 and "FALSE" = 0 If there is a way, how will you do it? I tried using this 'cast' thing, but it's confusing :'( - - - - - I'm suppose to make a table, …

Member Avatar for snakai415
Member Avatar for new_2_java

Hi all, I would like to execute a shell script from my java code. Can some one please tell me if that is possible? Here's what I tried, but with no result. [code] public class RunPDCC { public static void main(String[] args) { try { Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("./test.sh"); System.out.println("Print …

Member Avatar for new_2_java
Member Avatar for endsamsara

Hi, How do i create a class called Text that creates an object from a string and that deletes the first word of the text have no idea I was starting like [CODE] public class Text{ public static void main(String[] args) { String str = "this is a little text …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for onsir

Hello , all how to change tab order. example : position cursor is now in txtCode, then while i press key tab , cursor move to other component. thanks.

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for arunprashanth

Hi I am running jboss 4.0.4 in fedora linux server. when i run jboss run.sh. It properly run. how to stop run.sh file. if i press ctrl+z it stopped. again i start means, the following error occurs. Error occurred during initialization of VM Could not reserve enough space for object …

Member Avatar for ranjani
Member Avatar for onsir

Hi, all how to make status bar in main menu with JFrame using netbeans, and i want to show. User : A 2007-4-12 into status bar. thanks

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for grussell

I want to convert a vector into a string array. I have put in my code: criteria = (String []) tokenVector.toArray(); I get a ClassCastExceptionError (I can understand why since Vector holds objects which are 'bigger' than strings) - and yet I cannot understand how to resolve it - any …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for push

hi friends am trying to work on struts at myeclipse. but am getting problum while running jsp page. can any one help me for setting tomcat server for running jsp page. And tell me steps to deployee a jsp page. for myeclipse.

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Member Avatar for zaahar.hassan

I am searching for projects done in java.I am a M.C.A student and as per my academic requirements i'm asked to do projects.Please Help me

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for beckerc

hello folks, I was wondering if it is possible to call a jsp from a dos bat file. I have a bat file that uses ftp to get some files, and i would like to call the jsp/servlets that processes the files without needing to modify or recreate processes performed …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for joshSCH

Alright guys.. I'm back in the java forums for help/suggestions. I'm sure one of the Daniweb java programming geniuses will be able to decide if this idea is too difficult or needs to be revised. I was thinking of writing a stock trend analysis program. There will be a stock …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for anoo36

i m doing aproject to developa groupware ie a discussion community..where users can post ther quiers related to a particular categor i m not able to sort out the problem as to how to take the data from my database so that when user log in he sees eacha nd …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for snakai415

I am currently reading about bit sizes or something.. is knowing these bit sizes important? Because I don't really get this, and if it's not important, I won't have to keep rereading this thing. Type Width in Bits byte 8 [B]<-- is knowing this important?[/B] short 16 int 32 long …

Member Avatar for snakai415
Member Avatar for satish.paluvai

I am using a servlet, in that servlet I used a doPost() method by extending the HttpServlet. then who implement the all remaining methods( doGet,doPut,doHead,doOptions.......)

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for satish.paluvai
Member Avatar for md_salman

I am writing a web based application using JSP and JDBC. In side a servlet I execute some code like this [code] DAO.addComments( commentsBean ); commentsList = DAO.getComments(); session.setAttribute( "comments", commentsList ); response.sendRedirect( "comments.jsp" ); [/code] when I move to comments.jsp I find all the comments except those that have …

Member Avatar for sam.n
Member Avatar for marcories

guys, i have just joined this forum. I want to ask you if you know where i can find ready-to-use java servlet and jsp code for a search engine. i need this in order to complete my thesis. thank you very muchin advance

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for arunprashanth

Hi what are the ways to improve performance of tomcat server. or Tomcat performance tuning.(Tomcat server 5.5) Thanks

Member Avatar for reflex2java
Member Avatar for snakai415

Hello, I am new at this java thing... like really, 1 day new. I have this book called Java 2: A Beginner's Guide (Second Edition). I got stuck on the second step which tells me to.. use javac to compile Example.java.. I read old posts that were posted here through …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for onsir

Hi, how to make programming for write and read text files with java and netbeans, and that files automatically save in application folder. thanks

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for inzomniac

Hi. I've been struggling with this for about a 3 days now, maybe someone could help. It isn't as specific as it seems. Please read on, i'm losing my mind over this :(. Here's the thing: The Parallax BasicSTAMP1 USB Board was never meant to be used as a front-end …

Member Avatar for DanceInstructor

I'm looking for a way to collect hardware/software information from users that visit a site I'm working on (The user will request this action with full knowledge of what is happening of course). You can see an example of what I'm looking for at Crucial where they have a button …

Member Avatar for arunprashanth

Hi I am using jboss server 4.0.4 to run the jsp application. to run i can give the url as [URL="http://localhost:8080/projectname"]http://localhost:8080/myproject[/URL]. if i can give like this, it is properly running. but i can give [URL="http://www.projectname.com/"]www.myproject.com[/URL] like that means, my application to run.(i.e to run my application with out portnumber). …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for bakke23

Hi, I'm trying to input a random number of Strings by passing them in as args[]. When I try to use a for loop to determine when there is no more arguments left it gives me an "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 10" error. I've tried looking for a null …

Member Avatar for bakke23
Member Avatar for RRAssociates

I keep getting kicked off websites that start up in Java. I have Java installed in a NT unit. What do I look for as the problem. I have reinstalled explorer and Java both and at different times. Help me....except I can't blow up the unit...it belongs to the company. …

Member Avatar for chrisbliss18
Member Avatar for saswati_mishra

Hi, I have written a jsp file to fetch data from a database table and display it in the form of a table in jsp. The idea is to generate a dynamic table. I have written the following code. <%@page import="java.sql.*"%> <html> <head> <title>The alert table</title> </head> <body> <h1>Alerts</h1> <% …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for seechaitanya

hi, i am new in java, can anyone guide me with TechQuestions related to java, ie core,jdbc,jsp,servlets,struts,hibernation... along with the list of websites downloading Q &A which provide the TechQuestions.

Member Avatar for masijade

The End.