32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for no1zson

I have 3 things left I want to do to this app, I saved the hardest for last ... now I am wondering why. First is a search button. I want to be able to Search on my cd name field. I have been reading and playing with this since …

Member Avatar for no1zson
Member Avatar for lnarayanan

Hey, Can someone please assist me with these tasks? 1. Generate Unicode file from the CSV file (attached) 2. Parse a Unicode file and convert to ASCII 3. Compare two unicode files and generate a line by line comparison report Thanks.

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for vinutha1309

Hi.. I am developing an internal messenger where i need to prepare documentation .so can anyone help me ASAP......... Thanks n Regards

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for bumassjp

I will simply provide my .bat file in hopes that someone can guide me in the right direction. I have been given several tips and hints, but no one has been able to walk me through this and considering I have never even touched Java before I have no idea …

Member Avatar for bumassjp
Member Avatar for PoovenM

Hello :) So I'm doing a project based on semantic analysis of Java code whereby my program (hopefully a plug-in) will prompt the user with solutions to his/her compiler errors with the option to auto-fix. What sets my project apart from a program like Eclipse is that it's targeted for …

Member Avatar for PoovenM
Member Avatar for baltazar

I need to read numbers from a text file and then store them in variables to use as input for the Java code I am writing. The text file will be in this format: -------------------------------------------------------- 5------------- this is the number of nodes 0------------- starting node 0,2,1---------node a,node b, distance from …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for no1zson

I do not even know if I can do this, so this may be quick and painless. I have my existing code, all the fields, buttons, scroll panel and everything else where I need them. Simple FlowLayout is fine for what I am doing. Yesterday I created this goofy little …

Member Avatar for no1zson
Member Avatar for thekashyap

Does the binary of JVM (e.g. java.exe) provide an option to work in a backward compatible mode? My problem is I have JRE 1.6.0_01 installed on my machine and I have an application that requires JRE 1.4.2_XX. I don't want to install JRE 1.4.2 only for this one application. PS: …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for manisha

Hi friends I m new to this site. I have got a problem. I cant run Java program on my PC. If anyone can help plz reply.

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for vijaygandhi559

Hi, I am running an utility from java. The utility is a '.cmd' file. I have used the code below to run the utility. [code] Runtime runTime = Runtime.getRuntime(); try{ runTime.exec("cmd /c start D:/Test/run.cmd"); } catch(Exception e){ [/code] And it runs the utility successfully, the utility should be run 5 …

Member Avatar for vijaygandhi559
Member Avatar for DeFrog777

Greetings, Just a really quick and somewhat simple question with a (hopefully...) simple answer: [B]Is J#.NET the same thing as Java?[/B] If not, what are the differences between J# and Java. Thanks in advance, DeFrog777

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for natasha_sr

Hello I am trying to learn java on my own. I have downloaded the Java 2 platform standard edition (J2SE), but it does not have javac.exe so that I can compile a program! Would somebody please help me! Thanks natasha

Member Avatar for grii_19
Member Avatar for satish.paluvai
Member Avatar for thiyagu_mca2006
Member Avatar for satish.paluvai

how to know the version details in java by commandprompt? if any body know the command plz give a reply to me

Member Avatar for vinod_javas
Member Avatar for no1zson

Looks like I only made it a day and a half without a new question. I am not sure if that is good or bad. I have everything just about the way I want it. I am now putting new buttons in to my GUI to manipulate everything put in …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Mariam87

hi, we are group of students in faculty of computer and Information sciences, we were searching for an idea for our graduation project, we read this idea "compiler from microjava to java", ,we can't understand actually what it should do exactlyIf anyone have experience or researches in this career, or …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for souvik_gh2005

wnt to build soduku,searchig for appropriate source code for guidence

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for bcblondie

hi i'm a newbie , i wish someone can help me with my problem i have error 1722 coming up so that i can't download my java can anyone HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!

Member Avatar for ksaxena
Member Avatar for Masud

:' ( Pleas help me...... I'm new in java programming. I want to save All exceptions into a common file...... please send me the code for it!!! is there anyone to help me????? U can also mail me at <email snipped>

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for no1zson

I am sure anyone here for more than an hour is familiar with the project I have been working on. I am currently researching listeners to try and get my fields to execute the proper calculations when moving from one to the next. Right now, even though I have those …

Member Avatar for no1zson
Member Avatar for abar_sow

Can anyone tell how to search for a keyword in any web page in java...Suppose if am giving query in a google page, The results will be displaying in many pages. In the 1st page i want to search for a keyword www. ...

Member Avatar for abar_sow
Member Avatar for arunprashanth

Hi I am using jboss 4.0.4 server. while i start my server i got org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException .and one warning failed to start connectors. how can i solve that Exception. Thanks

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for no1zson

Hedging my bets, I have coded a simpler version of the program Ezzaral is helping me with. I fear I am in over my head over there and may just begin to annoy him with silly questions. Most of what he and I are working on is beyond the scope …

Member Avatar for no1zson
Member Avatar for vijizzle

Hey Guys, I need some career advice. I graduated in mid 2005 with a degree in computer science, information systems and accounting. I then took a break for about a year and did a couple of months helpdesk work and some landscaping (just to be different :). I want to …

Member Avatar for PCHelpGuy
Member Avatar for George2

Hello everyone, I am using JDK 1.4 and there is a compiling a 3rd party program error because of un-recognized word @override. Could anyone let me know what is the function of @override and in order to use it, which version of JDK is required? thanks in advance, George

Member Avatar for TheGathering
Member Avatar for waxyaie

can you make a java gui program like a cash register were orders are put in and reciepts are outputs for example (STAR BUCKS COFFEE)

Member Avatar for waxyaie
Member Avatar for onsir

where i get jasperreport and ireport for linux, and what files i must be download. thanks

Member Avatar for Byaptia
Member Avatar for agrothe

I'm wondering what thoughts people have on the best way to implement a 3 tier application. I'm playing with the idea of multiple clients <---> server <----> database server <----> mysql database. I'm not sure if the database server is a necessary step though. My previous foray into java network …

Member Avatar for tonakai
Member Avatar for akash_msrit

hi this is manjunath new to cgi, i have some cgi code, now i want to implement the same in javascript or jsp, please help me to do this. or please explain me what this code is doing. here is the code: $c = 1; while(Allbase::FetchRow(\@d)) { $d[2] = substr($d[2],0,10); …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for onsir

hi, all how to using swing component jtree with jcheckbox in netbeans 5.5 i have got code from this link [url]http://www.jroller.com/santhosh/date/20050610[/url], but i can't combine with my project i hope somebody give me solution for my problem. thanks.

Member Avatar for onsir

The End.