32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for tksrules

How to move pointer in display to beginning of line.I don't want to create a new line.I want to take the cursor/pointer to the beginning in same line. I have taken help of all possible combinations of System.out.print statements. For example in the code below i want to print 70 …

Member Avatar for jmaat7
Member Avatar for NT.

Hi, I am thinking about something that I heard in a discussion and I am not sure whether it is really like that or not. Calculating a shortest path on a graph can be done either using dijkstra's algorithm , basically DFS or by BFS. There might be some other …

Member Avatar for NT.
Member Avatar for m_sam6

hiii i m working in a cross platform video conference application using java media framework but i faced many problems with JMF especially in camera detection since it can detect VFW cameras only and detect default camera when connect more than one except u disable default camera from device manager …

Member Avatar for quuba
Member Avatar for beanboy

hi helpers, i'm trying to read an array from jsp in to java(servlet) page the code is JSP CODE (readingcheck box values): [CODE] String select[] = request.getParameterValues("sel"); if (select != null && select.length != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < select.length; i++) { out.println(select[i]); [/CODE] its working …

Member Avatar for Thirusha
Member Avatar for leverin4

I have to write a very simplistic password cracker for a Security Class...Basically, the professor gave us a binary file with five encrypted passwords and a list of 354984 possible words. The first part of the assignment was easy, I can crack the 5 passwords in under a second. But …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for JimD C++ Newb

Good evening, all! My current assignment is a small Appointment Book written in Java. It should scroll through the times of the day, and display the appointment (if any) for that particular time of day. I can scroll through the different times with no issue, but I can't seem to …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for hardik.rajani

I was trying to run a spring program with different style. I am new to this framework. I tried to load configuration file with types of loader. like [CODE] (1) BeanFactory factory = new XmlBeanFactory(new FileSystemResource("spring.xml")); (2) ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("spring.xml"); (3) ApplicationContext context = new FileSystemXmlApplicationContext("/spring.xml"); [/CODE] But …

Member Avatar for hardik.rajani
Member Avatar for iamsmooth

Hi, I'm writing my first program for my second year comsci class and I'm still learning java along the way. Anyways, the signature for one of my functions has to be: "public static BigInteger fNumberRoutes( int n, int m )" So I assume it's a function that returns a BigInteger. …

Member Avatar for jmaat7
Member Avatar for Zero-Method

ok now what i want out of this program is to be able to ask the user how large the height and width of the drawing should be. (i seem to have this down ok or at least i think i do) i also want to be able to have …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for bulger2503

Hello, I just need some help in ByteBuffer's put(index, byte) method. Basically I have a byte array which stores data and is put into a ByteBuffer. The problem I'm facing is I want to put extra data in the ByteBuffer in index 2 (The positioning is very important) How would …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for Zero-Method

hi i am new to java programming and im working on a looping program involving the fibonacci numbers. what i would like to do is to have a program that asks the user how many values of the Fibonacci sequence to output. Then i want to create a loop that …

Member Avatar for Zero-Method
Member Avatar for hery

I'm using netbeans 6.7.1 and i'm trying to connect to the sql server 2000 database that i have created and i get this error message, SQL Exception: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: The TCP/IP connection to the host pc05801, port 1433 has failed. Error: "connect timed out. Verify the connection properties, check that an …

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for pansen24

i m doin something like: editorPane.setPage(urlString); i m using this function for displaying a webpage. now i used hyperlinklistener so when i click on link it goes to pointed url.but i m not able to use other component of the page like Buttons,checkboxes,Submitbutton.Can you explain how to do it?

Member Avatar for quuba
Member Avatar for tactfulsaint

please how do i get java 6 for mac, i have even checked out their site its just 5 thats there any help...

Member Avatar for ballz2k

Can someone enlighten me on where to begin? I want to learn java along with servers i.e. apache / tomcat. Just point me in the right direction and I'll get right to it. How long will it take for me to learn this stuff? Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Member Avatar for pooja.ui7
Member Avatar for shashikant.v

public class OpenMenuListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { if(ev.getSource() == a) { f2 = new JFrame("shashikant verma"); p2 = new JPanel(); f2.getContentPane().add(p2); String str = "<html>"+"<h>"+"<P ALIGN = \"CENTER\">"+"<i>"+"<font size = \"10\">"+"<font color= \"#800080\">"+"CORRECT DEFINITION AND<br>"+"STRUCTURE OF FUNCTION y = f(x) "+"<br>"+"</i>"+"</h>"+"<P ALIGN = \"LEFT\">"+"<font size = …

Member Avatar for shashikant.v
Member Avatar for kirtichopra

hi all i want to read CSV file how can i do that please help me with a bit of code Thanks Kirti

Member Avatar for pooja.ui7
Member Avatar for Arman Majumder

A program that creates a grid panel of desired [FONT=&quot]dimensions [/FONT]and changes the colour randomly of each grid box upon dragging the mouse over the selected region.

Member Avatar for amos wang
Member Avatar for funlovingashish

hiiii, i have to build a secure web application using jsp, for which i have to implement SSL. I have generated the certificate using java keytool but as soon as i edit my server.xml file to enable connector port for https (8443) and add the other attributes like keystore,storepass and …

Member Avatar for funlovingashish
Member Avatar for camilia

hello, i need help on the format for rss feed in aptana studio to link to java servlet coded in eclipse. thanks!!!

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for NT.

Hi, I am trying to divide array elements in low and high using a single for loop. But, I don't know why I am getting ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. I tried working it out on paper and it seems correct. Can anyone point out my mistake? Thanks!! [CODE] for(int i=0;i<=n/2;i++) { ALow[i]=A[i]; AHigh[i]=A[i+n/2]; …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for hsheen

hi everyone, i'm not on a expert level of java language. however if anyone can help provide a sample code on how to create a simple java game either using java standard edition or micro edition is highly appreciated. thanks.

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for RejectKid

I have a program i have to build for class using the Player class. i need to be able to remove add show and save and i cant seem to get the for loop to work in the methods. and when i tried passing the class player to the methods …

Member Avatar for RejectKid
Member Avatar for Samyx

Hi everyone, I am a beginner in java. I am still trying to learn the structure and other basic stuff. I am trying to add some code so that the methods in main() work correctly. [code]class Complex { double real, img; void setValues(double i, double x){ real=i; img=x; } public …

Member Avatar for Samyx
Member Avatar for kevlam

hello I'm haveing alot of trouble here, i couldnt figure out how to get the pie to reflect my amoritization output using on only 2 slices and I haev to hand in something today so I thought I would jsut color the 4 sections with representative colors. If a person …

Member Avatar for kevlam
Member Avatar for Raik.48

SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH MY CODE, IT GETS COMPILED BUT ONLY PROBLEM IS WHEN I INPUT THE NUMBERS THE OUTPUT COMES AS "Area@9664a1" ! // Implement a class Area which has three attributes length, breadth and Area. use attributes constructor to initilize length and breath. implement a method calcArea to …

Member Avatar for Raik.48
Member Avatar for gampalu

Hi, I am trying to implement an applet. The idea is to create the applet, then connect places where I single-click with the mouse with black lines until we give a double-click. With a double-click I should clear the applet. To clear the applet I am trying to set the …

Member Avatar for gampalu
Member Avatar for new_2_java

Hi all, I am trying to execute a windows command from within my java program, but I can't get it to execute the DOS command. Here's my code: [code=java] try { Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd.exe /C cls"); } catch (IOException e) { // catch exception } [/code] But, the code …

Member Avatar for nomemory
Member Avatar for Trekk

I'm new to programming and i'm way out in left field on this one... I'm trying to write a program that takes takes numerical grade inputs and tells you what the letter grade is. The program must keep running until the user hits 'E' or 'e'. Here's my problem: with …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for ryno365

Hello DaniWeb. Just brushing up on some Java and got a quick syntax question. What does the this code do? [CODE]LoginForm formBean = (LoginForm)form;[/CODE] Now I know that a formBean object of type LoginForm is being created but I dont know what its being declared with. Whats happening on the …

Member Avatar for quuba

The End.