32,204 Topics

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Member Avatar for bigbadbag33

i am a beginning student in java programming and I have to make an inventory application. I was able to compile my class but I cant get the sub class to compile and execute. can someone tell what to do. public class Cars1 { private String productName; private String itemNumber; …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for ahoyikisoba

I am trying to find the SDK for sony ericsson, I can't seems to find it anywhere! Any info for me? Thanks!

Member Avatar for ahoyikisoba
Member Avatar for spalax

Hi, i'm a beginner in Java. i'm just trying to code a program that extract some specificline from a text file. for example : i want to extract line No 5000 and lineNo 5100 and lineNo 5200. Here is my code, but it only extract just one line from my …

Member Avatar for spalax
Member Avatar for smoore

I think all together its about 2000 lines of code give or take. Took me a good 2 weeks to complete. The program is called Character Creator. What is does is basically creates characters with skills / stats / attributes and a custom image that you provide. There are a …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for caierhui

//The Calculate and exit button does not appear every time i run the program... HELP PLEASE.... import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; public class Assign_1 extends JFrame { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private JLabel quizOneL,quizTwoL,quizThreeL,quizFourL,AverageScoreL; private JTextField quizOneTF,quizTwoTF,quizThreeTF,quizFourTF,AverageScoreTF; private JTextField weightOneTF,weightTwoTF,weightThreeTF,weightFourTF; private JButton calculateB, exitB; private CalculateButtonHandler …

Member Avatar for quuba
Member Avatar for recycle_carlbin

This code will run but it has some errors in it( I mean,logically wrong.) What is its error? Can you help me figure it out? [CODE]void preOrder(){ myPreOrderTraversal(this); } int myPreOrderTraversal(BinaryTree t){ if (t != null) // {} missing return t.getRoot(); //return should be removed myPreOrderTraversal(this.getLeft()); //replace this with t …

Member Avatar for ravikiran582
Member Avatar for kevlam

hello, what I need to do is have the program break when the display goes off the screen and then continue. I'm exploring "break" options but it seems that break wants to use a paramater like value I need to pause after say 30 threads are displayed. Hope someone can …

Member Avatar for kevlam
Member Avatar for Evil_genius82

hey guys, im very new to java so bare with me... i cant seem to bubble sort my arraylist... The data needs to be displayed unsorted in a jlist, then when user clicks process the list is sorted according to student id. If anyone could guide me through it would …

Member Avatar for Evil_genius82
Member Avatar for recycle_carlbin

Hello everyone. Can we ask about how we could mark the attribute of the entity as PF because the only thing we knew is the PK. Thanks in advance. Your reply will be a great help to us! ^_^

Member Avatar for recycle_carlbin
Member Avatar for ndoe

i use netbean 6.5 i can't hide the Jlabel,i have use .setVisibel(false) here's the problem i want to hide and show 2 or more label with 1 button,label and button in one parent (panel),for the first label is show but if i click once te button,label is hide,and twice label …

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Member Avatar for dhawan.surinder

Hi I've created a small game in java. Its woring in Appletviewer. But i want to run it on Explorer. Plz help.

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for cam875

I have learned how to work with TCP and UDP connections with the Java standard API but now I am trying to see how to create raw packets to send on a network with Java so that I can create the header info and everything. I tried getting jpcap but …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for benatschool

I have a standalone version of JFrame Interface based java application developed on eclipse platform. The tool is essentially a prototype tutor to check competence in statistics and consists of to-be-worked problems on the subject. It also keeps track of the user progress through the questions and scores their performance …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for 4101

Creating Superclass and subclass. Both class should have 4 methods and the subclass should have additional properties/fields and a constructor. The subclass should have at least one method that overrides a method in the superclass. On another file is creating a manipulator where you use the subclass and all of …

Member Avatar for sneaker
Member Avatar for mustafaneguib

hey all, i am now making a gpa calculator. i am using 4 classes which form into seperate linked lists. one linked list is for the custom gui, and the other linked list is for the data list. i am using custom images for this program which i import using …

Member Avatar for mustafaneguib
Member Avatar for loozax

can someone help me w/ this?! how to evaluate the EVEN or ODD..all EVEN numbers should store on arrayEven variable,while all ODD numbers store on arrayOdd variable.. [code] import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Arrays; public class online1{ public static void main(String args[]){ int SIZE= 10; int []number = new int[SIZE]; Scanner input …

Member Avatar for loozax
Member Avatar for dburd1935

I see that previously others had the same problem I am having. When I click on my contacts list and "email contact" I get a javascript error message in the lower left corner. Then a page which says this site is not available. It then disappears and the screen comes …

Member Avatar for BeiBei
Member Avatar for MonicaClare

i have a problem for this program . how can i use the program in the middle.. i tried to put it IN .. but many error exist.. please help me with my program .. thanks.. here's the output: Enter Name: Simplicio Enter Password: pOLOtAn 1 Capital constant letter/s 4 …

Member Avatar for Godstryke
Member Avatar for Evil_genius82

Guys im stuck once again. I have a JList (unsorted) and when you press 'SORT' the list sorts. The thing is i have to use bubble sort. My jlist is set to defaultListModel. My problem is i keep getting this error: xception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast …

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for cperepelitsa

This has been the cause of a royal lot of frustration. I have two threads and a pipe between them. I want the first thread to send stdout to the second, and a pipe seemed like a convenient way to do this. [CODE]public PipedOutputStream p_stdout = new PipedOutputStream(); public PrintStream …

Member Avatar for cperepelitsa
Member Avatar for MasterGoGo

Hi, I'm trying to add windowClosing into my program, so that when ran, I can exit by clicking on the X(top right corner). The bold is what i added to try making the windowClosing work. I keep getting errors though. Anyone know what I can do to fix this? errors: …

Member Avatar for MasterGoGo
Member Avatar for deepak_nuniwal

Hello friends, i need java source code for cross matching two large access database records (1st file is of 20000records {28 columns and 20000 rows} and 2nd file is of 39000records {30 columns and 39000 rows}).I need to compare each n every cell of 1st file to the each n …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for onindita

hii, can anyone give me any suggestion about how i can make the program below? [B]Question:[/B] You are to write a program that will take in an arbitrary number of lines of text and output it in Pig Latin. Each line of text will contain one or more words. A …

Member Avatar for KirkPatrick
Member Avatar for lightner

Hi..I just want to ask for a help. I have an Array of Object Person which has these attributes 1.first name(of type String) 2.middle initial(of type character) 3.last name (of type String) 4.age(of type int) Now my problem is, how to sort this in ascending order? My basis of sorting …

Member Avatar for Godstryke
Member Avatar for sanna_winter

hi , i am a final year student who is looking for some ideas on what to work on for my project. can someone please help me out . i want to build a system / online system which is different from the exsisting ones. Thank you.

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for Thirusha

Hi I have been struggling with this for some time now, and am not sure what is wrong. I am using the org.json package I have this json String which looks like this: [CODE]{"2009-08-04":[{"Status":"1","Description":"sdfsdf","Task Name":"task 2","TaskId":"2"},{"Status":"1","Description":"testing 3","Task Name":"testing 3","TaskId":"3"}],"2009-07-31":{"Status":"1","Description":"read POC","Task Name":"task 1","TaskId":"1"}}[/CODE] As u can see the one object is …

Member Avatar for Thirusha
Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC

The important code: [CODE] Browser browser = new Browser(shell, SWT.NONE); URL url = this.getClass().getResource("/example.html"); browser.setUrl(url.toString()); shell.open(); [/CODE] P.S. I've carefully considered what Masijade and others told me in the other thread; the example.html file is located in multiple locations, including in the same directory as the .class file. . I …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for robben

I've current got a file which I'm trying to read and extract data from. I'm using LineNumberReader, StringTokenizer and InputStreamReader to do this. I've not had any problems for most of the file, however when I get to read the header1 (see below) section of the file I seem to …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for mzprog

Dear all, I need to develop MS-word like editor where i can place figure(can be image or table) anywhere in the main editor where text can be displayed alongside image in any direction. can any one has some sample code to start with, i am open to ways of doing …

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The End.