32,204 Topics

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Member Avatar for enyeahgo

you think so? if you do, please post some of your reasons why java is easy to understand in this thread..

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for KimJack

Hello, I have a text file that is formatted as such: Volkswagen, 547, 9.78, 2 Mercedes, 985, 45.77, 35 ... I am trying to figure out how use the Scanner to read from the text file and store the information into an ArrayList of objects. ArrayList<Car> cars = new ArrayList<Car>(); …

Member Avatar for sneaker
Member Avatar for sunny.goyal

hello all, How to get all the opened windows reference in java. Actually, my req is like.... user will set (fix) the cordinates of all the opened desktop windows (application). And he will use a timer to switching of all the open windows, so that at one particular time user's …

Member Avatar for sunny.goyal
Member Avatar for Godstryke

Hi all, I'm a student learning Java right now, so I'm still very new to what Java can do. I've written a program to perform a word count (thanks to VernonDozier for help with case-sensitivity) but another problem has come up. The program is identifying words with punctuation to be …

Member Avatar for Godstryke
Member Avatar for bigbadbag33

I am trying to get an inventory program can any one tell me what si wrong with this and how I can fix it, please! import java.util.Scanner; public class Cars1 { // main method begins java application public static void main( String args[] ) { Scanner input = new Scanner( …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for CTUBren

I'm dying here! So far you guys have been way more help than my instructor who speaks Russian or something. Any advice will be more than helpful. This is my issue... Use the random class once for each die, the sum of the two values should then be calculated. Each …

Member Avatar for CTUBren
Member Avatar for loozax

can some1 give me an example of sorting and merging an 10 inputted integers?!using java array..

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for anirudhtomer

I TRIED IT A LOT i used "getFrame().setSize(x,y)" in netbeans to set size of my frameview object in netbeans.....but it's not working. please help me

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for SonxQ7

Hi, am using MyEclipse. The tutorial is on Hibernate & Spring ... [code] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/logging/LogFactory at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory.<init>(AbstractBeanFactory.java:94) at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.<init>(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:109) at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.<init>(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:118) at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory.<init>(DefaultListableBeanFactory.java:87) at org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanFactory.<init>(XmlBeanFactory.java:72) at org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanFactory.<init>(XmlBeanFactory.java:61) at com.myeclipse.hibernatespring.BusinessLogic.main(BusinessLogic.java:23) [/code] I do have the commons-loggin.jar added to the Java Build Path ... My class ... [code] …

Member Avatar for gautam.tandon
Member Avatar for Evil_genius82

hey Guys im using this bubble sort to sort an arraylist out but cant seem to output the sorted data out properly! Is there a return method i can use? Damn ive been stuck hours on this one... Anyone that could guide me to a solution would be great. Note: …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for IQLion

class t{ Somebody please help me with one very simple program in java. I'm new to java, so I can't understand what all this errors about. Please help me fix this program. It gives three errors: illegal start of type swith (s) orphaned case case 'Y': <identifier> expected switch (s); …

Member Avatar for PopeJareth
Member Avatar for sotvisal

import java.util.*; class Degree2 { Scanner in() { return new Scanner(System.in); } void out(String m) { System.out.print(m); } double readDouble(String m) { out(m); return in().nextDouble(); } String readString(String m) { out(m); return in().nextLine(); } void foundRoot(double a,double b,double c) { if(a==0) out("Value x is: "+(-c/b)+"\n"); else { double data=(b*b)-(4*a*c); if(data>=0) …

Member Avatar for harsh2327
Member Avatar for sotvisal

[code=java] import java.util.*; public class Convert { Scanner in() { return new Scanner(System.in); } void out(String m) { System.out.print(m); } long readLong(String m) { out(m); return in().nextLong(); } int readInt(String m) { out(m); return in().nextInt(); } String readString(String m) { out(m); return in().nextLine(); } String digitOne(int n) { String st=""; …

Member Avatar for tux4life
Member Avatar for solahere

This is what I am trying to do... I have a image and I create a bufferedImage and graphics out of that using: [CODE=java] BufferedImage img = ImageIO.read(file); Graphics2D g = img.createGraphics(); [/CODE] Now I play with the graphics and finally save the file using: [CODE=java] File outputfile = new …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for woyelami

am begin you people help send the available links or books to my mail. i wont to become a java programmer, but is been a long time have been reading so many book without any good understanding of the language called java. i also interested in been certify. please any …

Member Avatar for Godstryke

Hi all, I'm currently learning Java right now through a class and my instructor has asked me to try writing a word-count program using a Map interface. It should run through command line and has to identify the number of words, the number of distinct words, and the distinct words …

Member Avatar for Godstryke
Member Avatar for peggie1990

Hey guys do you have any samples that uses hashtable in multi part form to insert image and information into database. In the jsp form, there is some codes regarding on hashtable that is input into by my tutor. However, I do not understand about it. My tutor taught me …

Member Avatar for bigbadbag33

hello all, I am trying to create a class for an inventory program that will store certain values like name, item number number of units and price. I have written a code but it is apparently not correct because I get several error messages. can you please look at what …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for Web_Sailor

Hi, I am trying to print a String value like this but still not able to get it,. my method is like this:- [CODE] Class1 { public String mystring; public void mymethod(){ mystring = ""; } //Then I am setting the value of mystring in other method like this:- public …

Member Avatar for Godstryke
Member Avatar for KirkPatrick

Hey guys, I was having a bit of trouble with making my GUI look presentable (not too busy or crammed up) and I have a few questions that shouldn't be too hard to answer. I'll briefly explain what I have at the moment. I have a total of 15 text …

Member Avatar for KirkPatrick
Member Avatar for shivaa

Question - Three stacks can be used to sort a list of numbers. Assuming stack in holds the input list of numbers, stack out is to hold the output list after sorting the numbers and temp is used during the sorting process. The sorting algorithm follows. 1 set up stack …

Member Avatar for shivaa
Member Avatar for Dhrubajit Kalit

please help me in writing a program in java "A student has a name,roll no., class, home address, date of birth. First dessigne a suitable class for date, write constructor and get and set functions. Then dissign a class for students informations. Write constructor, get and set function to calculate …

Member Avatar for axeeffect2002
Member Avatar for beshoyatef

When i write like This: [CODE]JTextArea area=new JTextArea(); [/CODE] then i can do this :[CODE] area.append("");[/CODE] But when i write this : [CODE]JTextPane area=new JTextPane(); [/CODE] Then i can not write [CODE] area.append("");[/CODE] so what is equal append() method when i use JTextPane???? thanks in advance

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for spalax

Hi all, i'm trying to get a specific line in a text from a text file. In fact i want to read just the eight first line from my text file. It's only return the four first line. why? here is my code but, there is Format problem. [CODE]import java.io.*; …

Member Avatar for sneaker
Member Avatar for choybutchoy

hi, Im just wondering on how I could get a columns and a record count I mean the whole thing in a database aside from executing this statement [icode] "select count(*) from myDatabase" [/icode]...is there another statement that i can use instead of this one coz it doesnt retrieve any …

Member Avatar for choybutchoy
Member Avatar for xonxon

[code] import java.util.*; class Salon { static Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); public static void main (String[] args) { int skinType,option,maskType,massageType; System.out.println ("\t\t*********************"); System.out.println ("\r Welcome to Sally Salon"); System.out.println ("\r Services available:"); System.out.println ("\r 1.facial and massage"); System.out.println ("\r 2.facial only"); System.out.println ("\r 3.massage only"); System.out.println ("\t\t*********************"); System.out.println ("\t …

Member Avatar for xonxon
Member Avatar for ArunRaj.SRM

Hi, I'm having a page like below : [code=jsp]<html><head><body> <FONT COLOR=RED SIZE=5> <%@page import ="com.ui.CTransactionManager"%> <%@page import ="com.ui.CUser"%> <% String UserId = request.getParameter("UserId"); CTransactionManager objmanager = new CTransactionManager(); CUser user = objmanager.getUser(UserId); String m_staff_id = user.getStaffId(); out.print( "Staff Id : " +m_staff_id ); %> </font></body></head></html>[/code] here i want to pass …

Member Avatar for ArunRaj.SRM
Member Avatar for malou_baby08

hello, can u pls help me sir about my problem in the level order travelsal?... i did trace my code and i found no wrong. but when i compile it, there's something wrong in it and i dont know where... thank u very much! [code] int count = 1; public …

Member Avatar for malou_baby08
Member Avatar for cmaclennan

Hey Guys, I have a form that allows for additional rows to be added based on the number of serials being entered however I have just noticed that it cuts off at 9 rows and starts to repost the first 9 rows again for anything past that and i can …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for hajjo

hello, what is java spring? i read its a framework. but what compiler do i use to work with it? and from where i can download java spring? i tried this page [url]http://www.roseindia.net/spring/springdownload.shtml[/url] but their explanation, i dont find the things they put.

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC

The End.