32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for knowledgelover

hi there, how can I change string to xml and vise verse in java, in addition how can I add values to xml according to element name , I can imagine something like "setValue(elementName, the value) ; as we are using in java, any suggestions any help , please! thanks …

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Member Avatar for shanakaprabath

I wrote a program to write data in a text file to another text file .what i want to do is to open that modified second text file once I've entered data in to that

Member Avatar for solahere
Member Avatar for picass0

i wanted to print random line from a file. i knows how to print out the whole file but doesnt know how should i do to print a random lines from a file!!! hope someone can give me some ideals or an example. thanks!

Member Avatar for solahere
Member Avatar for Tmanchester

Howdy, recently I saw something very strange popping up in my catalina.out log files. Where I used to see a class name and line number for the exception I now see "Unknown Source". Does anybody have any ideas why that happened? I need to get the class name and line …

Member Avatar for nava123

Java vs .NET Which platform is better according to your opinions, Java or .NET, Post your reply here

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for gitech

Hai friends, How to send and receive mail from my gmail account through java program.is there any way to access?

Member Avatar for sawjig12
Member Avatar for sravan953

Hey guys, In Java, there is a method called substring, but what substitute does it have in Python, or do I have to explicitly do it like: [CODE] s=raw_input("Enter a sentence: ") s2="" a=0 b=0 for a in s: if(a==' '): s2= s[b:a] b=a a+=1[/CODE] Thanks guys!

Member Avatar for jlm699
Member Avatar for ashish2234

I have just made a banner in java applets and in status window also i have used a banner but in reverse direction to that of the other banner but the banner in status window does not make use of the whole space of the window and just runs in …

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Member Avatar for mailtogsuresh

Hi Every body Good Day with u.... Help..me for How to find the details like IP, username, any updationby him of the visitors visit my webpage in java

Member Avatar for ndoe

hi all!i have problem to show JPanel in netbean with button here's the code [code=java] private void jButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_jButton1ActionPerformed NewJPanel x = new NewJPanel(); x.setVisible(true); javax.swing.GroupLayout jPanel1Layout = new javax.swing.GroupLayout(jPanel1); jPanel1.setLayout(jPanel1Layout); jPanel1Layout.setHorizontalGroup( jPanel1Layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING) .addGap(0, 30, Short.MAX_VALUE) .addComponent(x) ); jPanel1Layout.setVerticalGroup( jPanel1Layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING) .addGap(0, 30, Short.MAX_VALUE) .addComponent(x) ); [/code] my question how …

Member Avatar for ndoe
Member Avatar for hell04

Q: Write a program that will determine if a number is even. The program should ask for a number, say X and printout whether "X is even" or " X is not even". This program must use a method with the signature "public static boolean isEven(int i)".

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Member Avatar for amit

Respected mem, I m struggling to make a project on inventory management system. Which has 5 option on first screen.I will tell u later the remaining. Can u plz. help on this project.

Member Avatar for praveenkonduru9
Member Avatar for Masood Ali

Hi All I want to check whether there is a record present in my database with value: StartDate="Todays's Date" where start date is the column name with datatype DATE.

Member Avatar for Sakthimeenakshi
Member Avatar for majestic0110

Hi all, I hope you are well. I am trying to explain some code to a friend : [CODE]StringConcatenate StringConcatenate1 = new StringConcatenate(); StringConcatenate1.stringConcat(); [/CODE] I said that this code creates an object "StringConcatenate1 " of type StringConcatenate and executes method stringConcat() (which is from class StringConcatenate()) on object StringConcatenate1. …

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Member Avatar for guyod

Hi, I was wondering if any one can help me with returning a array element to the main function. The array list will be the main function. I want to send the array list to a method that adds a element to that list and then send it back to …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for zghotlawala

hi, Well i am planning to develop the chatting application peer to peer as front end tool java so please guide me how the data will flow?

Member Avatar for harsh2327
Member Avatar for jdfskitz
Member Avatar for simplypriti

Hi All, I need information of a better Java hosting service (better in terms of performance, security, storage, reliability). So if any of you know such kind of service provider thn kindly let me know ASAP. It would be great help from your side. :) Thanks, Priti

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for acp08dvp

Hello everyone, I am doing a project in which one requirement is to play a sequence of audio files..can someone help me with this please...i am really running out of time i just have 1 month to finish my project...

Member Avatar for garimarajesh

Hi, I need the solution to the below mentioned problem: A Scroll Banner is an applet which displays 2 scrolling messages across the applet’s Window. Since the scrolling of a message is a repetitive task, it is performed by a Separate thread, created by the applet when it is initialized. …

Member Avatar for nipunsaxena
Member Avatar for sotvisal

import java.util.*; class FindString { public static void main(String arg[]) { Scanner ob=new Scanner(System.in); String st="I am a student, you're also a ."; String search; String st2=""; String st3=""; int i,c=0; System.out.println(st); System.out.println("Enter your word to search: "); search=ob.next(); do { i=st.indexOf(search); if(i!=-1) { st2=st.substring(0,i); st2+=st3; st2+=st.substring(i+search.length()); c=c+1; st=st2; } …

Member Avatar for harsh2327
Member Avatar for jpe4

I am currently doing a project on LR Parsers and need to code the algorithm using Java. The code should use the parse tables and determine wheather a word is accepted using the grammar provided and using the Parser tables. I am stuck on where to start so any advice …

Member Avatar for ddefrancesco
Member Avatar for Web_Sailor

Hi, I am having problems in accessing the value of a string variable (string1 here). It is working in one way when i put it inside constructor:- [CODE] public class Demo1 extends JFrame implements ActionListener, ItemListener public string string1; Demo1 { Action a1 = new AbstractAction("Some Action") { public void …

Member Avatar for Thirusha
Member Avatar for Teethous

Hey there everyone. I David. I am have a problem with the end of line keystroke ( Ctrl+Z ) in the Netbeans and JBuilder Compiler, when I press the buttons simultaneously nothing happens but when I do it in Eclipse it works fine. Here is a look at the code.Help …

Member Avatar for Teethous
Member Avatar for ryy705

Hello, I am trying to read in a tab delimited text file. Most lines in the file are in the following format: [CODE] Col1 Col2 Col3 data1 data2 data3 data1 data2 data3 [/CODE] But some lines are missing the first value: [CODE] Col1 Col2 Col3 data1 data2 data3 data2 data3 …

Member Avatar for ryy705
Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC

edit: I see a lot of other threads on Daniweb on this. But after 2+ hours of reading about Sound in Java, I'm even more frustrated, so I have some questions. 1. Is the Java Sound API sufficient for the following operations: Playing mp3 audio files, pausing, and fast forward/rewinding …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for chatgro

I was Writing a code to connect data base and add the following code to my action.java Connection connection=getConnection("UserBook","UserBook123","catalog","localhost"); String sql="select BookName from book"; PreparedStatement ps=null; ps=connection.PreparedStatement(sql); ResultSet set=ps.executeQuery(); while(set!=null&&set.next()) { System.out.println(set.getString("BookName")); } connection.close(); the error i get is "The method PreparedStatement(String) is undefined for the type Connection" Need to …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for ryy705

Hello, I am trying to create a simple ftp client. I'm following the instructions from [URL="http://www.nsftools.com/tips/JavaFtp.htm"]http://www.nsftools.com/tips/JavaFtp.htm[/URL](option 4) If you take look at JakartaWrapperTest.java, The first line is import JakartaFtpWrapper; So When do javac JakartaFtpWrapper.java JakartaWrapperTest.java -cp commons-net-ftp-2.0.jar I get an error saying [B]'.' expected[/B]. And if I comment out the …

Member Avatar for ryy705
Member Avatar for jdfskitz

heres the code i put [ICODE] import java.net.URL; import com.sun.j3d.loaders.*; import com.glyphein.j3d.loaders.milkshape.MS3DLoader; public class shoulders { try { Scene s = null; Loader loader = new MS3DLoader (MS3DLoader.LOAD_ALL); // .ms3d Loader java.io.File file = new java.io.File("./model.ms3d"); if (file.getParent().length() > 0) loader.setBasePath(file.getParent() + java.io.File.separator); Scene scene = loader.load(file.getName()); BranchGroup group = …

Member Avatar for jdfskitz
Member Avatar for simplypriti

Hi all, I need information of a better Java hosting service (better in terms of performance, security, storage, reliability). I do not want to compromise with performance and reliability/security. So if any of you know such kind of service provider thn kindly let me know ASAP. It would be great …

Member Avatar for simplypriti

The End.