32,204 Topics

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Member Avatar for doha786

i have GUI class named 'myGUI' where contains textField, button, textArea and so on.... the code like this: [CODE] p2.add(c=new Label("Type name to search:")); p2.add(m=new TextField(10)); p2.add(b=new Button ("SEARCH")); b.addActionListener(this); p.add(k= new Label("CLICK SEARCH TO START ACTION") p1.add(t=new TextArea(""), BorderLayout.CENTER); [/CODE] i have another class file named 'searchCompare' where user …

Member Avatar for doha786
Member Avatar for sundar4047

Hai, I'm trying to load an image using applet.but i didn't get the image. The applet screen was an empty,it shows at the status bar "Start: Applet not initialized" . I don't know how to get a image.pls somebody help me.the codes following ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /*<applet code="crim1.class" height=500 width=500> <param name="img" …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for scrypt3r

Hello, in my webbrowser object, the web page it loads has a java applet in it, when it loads all that appears is a grey box? I have java 1.5 Is there something im doing wrong?

Member Avatar for britto

hi everyone.... im doing IDE for java swing (like dragging comp into design area)... is there a way to save the design as format and when i open it the design must be showed as it was saved.... Thanks in advance...

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for Donny 619

Hi. I'm trying to develop a currency converter, using live currency exchange rates. I've already designed multiple interfaces and a lot of codes for it, but i just do not seem to be getting this right. I need your assistance, guys. I'm a new member, who just joined the community …

Member Avatar for verruckt24
Member Avatar for VIeditorlover

Hi, I was told that WPF can not be used in the silverlight - is it true? I mean about ten years ago I was able to write java applets with almost desktop interaface and I did consider silverlight 2 to be much better than that. Suddenly, in VS2008 I …

Member Avatar for asatess

System restore shows a blank page and sites needing javascript are saying it isnt enabled, although it is. I've looked at various previous posts regarding this topic and tried running various suggested programmes without success. Another suggestion was to download scripts from Microsoft which I have tried to do, but …

Member Avatar for Starnamer
Member Avatar for neutralfox

Hello guys, I am having a small problem, I want to play a small songs (preferably .wav)when a user clicks on a button. Can someone just guide me please, is there a built in function. I've tried the [code]music.play();[/code] but its not working. Thanks in advance for you answers.

Member Avatar for neutralfox
Member Avatar for masijade

[QUOTE=madhavireddy]Hi, I am new to java I have a project to be done with early deadline. Can u please help me how to write code in java to send GET request to server from client. Thank you in advance.[/QUOTE] So, you accepted a job you're not qualified for, or you're …

Member Avatar for madhavireddy
Member Avatar for rinko

Dear all I am currently trying to find a java source code with which either HTTP POST or GET request can be sent. Unfortunately I have run into bunch of snippets that I can not run. Is there anyone that can tell me where I can find complete source code …

Member Avatar for madhavireddy
Member Avatar for usama

Hi All How i can send SMS by Java Mobile Application. I want the Class which used. Thanx Osama

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for coolbuddy059

I have to make a database in oracle and connect it with Java. But I'm not able to do so. Please help.

Member Avatar for stephen84s
Member Avatar for jbennet

Okay im working on a java program which will get peoples system info and save it to a text file so i can help them with problems (designed for members of my family to use as i seem to be their own personal IT guy lol) [code] package sysinfo; import …

Member Avatar for stephen84s
Member Avatar for bebe11bebe

I am supposed to change an ordinary for loop into an enhanced for each loop. I have the following two problems: 1. for(int i = 1; i<data.length; i++) sum = sum + data; 2. for(int i = 0; i<data.length; i++) if(data == target) return i; These are the only pieces …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for BLY

create 3 class,InputForm,Manager and Student.use only class below is the inputform class public class InputForm { public int input; public double getInput(){ return input; } public void displayMessage(char grade){ return grade; } } Student class public class Student{ private double score ; public Student (){ } public Student(double score){ this.score …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for Robtyketto

Greetings, I am creating an applet to draw a shape based on the selected item within the awt choice object. It currently draws the selected shape based on selection and quickly dissappears. I believe that I should be doing all drawing elements from the paint method (which I am not). …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for rajeev_vlal

a question was given to me some time back...now im wondering how to do it in my free time ....it would...please see the atteched document to see the question...dont laugh as im still a novice in programming in java

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for angellove40

I m in SE Comp Engg need help in SCR As I've Drawn ,I want that when my sun goes outside the screen ,the background behind mountains should turn black with stars . Also while sun moves up,man should also move in x-direction and go outside applet. [Code] import java.awt.*; …

Member Avatar for MxDev

Hi guys, how to read a unicode characters (arabic characters) form ResultSet object which appears after extraction as question marks like this(?????) i've tried to use the "getUnicodeStream()" method and "getCharacterStream()" method but both leads to the same results, does anyone have a workaround to this problem. Thanks in advance. …

Member Avatar for AirmanTheGreat

Hello, I am to write a program that is capable of taking an array of doubles from the user, then calculating each numbers square, cube etc. and then displaying it to the screen. The program itself is fine, but one aspect of the program is that if a user enters …

Member Avatar for AirmanTheGreat
Member Avatar for James1997123

Ok... First off. I am not talking about javascript tricks for your website. These scripts are just for fun. To make these codes work, all you have to do is copy and paste it into the address bar of your browser window and hit Enter (Yes the little bar in …

Member Avatar for chriswellings
Member Avatar for leverin4

I'm having trouble coming up with a solution to this problem. Say you have two byte arrays with numbers stored in them backwards. For example, say you have the numbers num1 = 843234 and num2 = 5430222124 stored in two byte arrays as follows [code=java]byte[] num1 = {4, 3, 2, …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for lauren316

THis program is supposed to take a number (1-5) from the user. After each number is entered, it should ask how many of each product they want, then show the total for that product and and overall total at the end. I have to use a swich statement. And stop …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for beth2138

[code] Hi, just wondered if anyone could help, this is my college work an i have this bit of code, just wondered if anyone could help me..... im trying to do an addition of 3 array amounts public void AverageProduction() { /*Shows input dialog box asking for user to enter …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for krunalpatel1410

hi, i m running several command in telnet/ssh command prompt it is a linux base server. now i want to add some [B]clear screen [/B]and [B]capture the [/B]command prompt data into text file. whole session can write into file. and this to facility can be given into menu bar specified …

Member Avatar for neutralfox

Hello, I need your help again guys. I am trying to make a pop up form name setIPInterface (when the user click on a button in the form "ClientInterface"), for a user to input an ip address in a textfield and when the user click on the button "Set", the …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for younaskhanpk

You are required to develop a GUI for car show room. The program must use collection to store and process information about cars. The class for car information must have following attributes: 1. Name of car’s manufacturer 2. Name of car’s owner 3. Registration number of car 4. NIC number …

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Member Avatar for samarthashok

Hi i am new to use java. on compling my java file in tomcat server i get cannot resolve symbol symbol : method getAttribute (java.lang.String) location: interface org.w3c.dom.Node out.println(photoElements.item(iElement).getAttribute("id")); and the line he is referring to is for(int iElement = 1; iElement < 10; iElement++) { out.println(photoElements.item(iElement).getAttribute("id")); i am not …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for hell_tej

hi I am using NetBeans 6.0 to create my Desktop Application which is swing based Database Application. I want to create a splesh screen in my application using JavaFX but i don't know how to visible created JavaFX. Can Anyone tell me how to create Splesh screen using JavaFX or …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for JavaKiddo

This is a conceptual question... I'm planning to make a simple paint program using swing and I want to plan it in advance before I actually code it. I want to be able to draw some rectangles using fillRect, etc, and then be able to drag those rectangles around the …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral

The End.