32,205 Topics
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[CODE]{ String readPOS; readPOS = jTextArea1.getText(); String []POS; POS = readPOS.split("[-.!? ]"); jTextArea2.append("Part of Speech Result:\n"); String patternKGN,patternKPF,patternKK,patternKNA,patternKPA, patternKPC,patternKPK,patternKS; for(int i = 0; i < POS.length; i++) { try { File readKGN = new File("KGNLibrary.txt"); FileReader outKGN = new FileReader(readKGN); char[] buf = new char[(int)readKGN.length()]; outKGN.read(buf); patternKGN = new String(buf); … | |
[CODE] String readPOS; readPOS = jTextArea1.getText(); String []POS; POS = readPOS.split("[-.!? ,\n]"); jTextArea2.append("Part of Speech Result:\n"); String patternKGN,patternKPF,patternKK,patternKNA,patternKPA, patternKPC,patternKPK,patternKS,patternKNK; for(int i = 0; i < POS.length; i++) { if (POS[i].equals(POS[i].toUpperCase())) { jTextArea2.append(POS[i].toUpperCase() + "/KNK" + " | "); } }[/CODE] i ady split the input with "[-.!? ,\n]", for example … | |
This is my code: [code]public boolean SetYear (String year) { if (year.matches("[0-9]{4}")) { _year=year; return true; } return false; }[/code] Instead of return false I want to make a runtime error with my massage. Something like "the value must be 4 digits" How can I do it? | |
First write the method publi static lp append(lp head1, lp head2) It takes two lists and puts them together -- first the elements of head1, then the elements of head2. If head1 is empty, the answer is head2. Otherwise, use a recursive call to append head1.rest to head2. Now use … | |
HI Iam URL class to extract webpage . URL url = new URL(link);// for ex link="www.yahoo.com" like that Pgm is wrking fine.But while running it throws java.net.SocketException: Connection reset at this line while ((read = in1.read(buf)) != -1) {} Plz help me to solve this problem | |
I have the following code (this is just an example that I thought of for the concept I am having trouble with) [CODE]String fileName = "example3.txt"; Reader reader = new Reader(); ArrayList<String> vertices = reader.getVertices(fileName); Matrix m = new Matrix(vertices); Matrix m2 = m; m.setEdges(fileName); m2.print(); m.print();[/CODE] what I want … | |
Hi guys, I'm writing a Java programme, one with GUI for a project in college. We separated the work into a few guys doing a few standalone Java classes. These standalone Java classes are run by doing the usual: java -jar XXX.jar through the console. The functions of the class … | |
Hello again, today is just not my day :( I had a problem with speed this morning and got help that totally solved it, so here goes hoping for some more help. [B]background:[/B] I have an ejb that picks up a file, copies it and the has to process the … | |
Hi all We have to create a program that will require a lot of database interaction. I would like to create a JList with all events where a user can select an event he would like to edit. Is there a good way to store ID's into the list and … | |
[CODE] private void jButton5ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { String readPOS; readPOS = jTextArea1.getText(); String []POS; POS = readPOS.split("[-.!? ]"); jTextArea2.append("Part of Speech Result:\n"); for(int i = 0; i < POS.length; i++) { if (POS[i].equals("makan")||POS[i].equals("kerja")) { jTextArea2.append((POS[i] + "/KK" + " | ")); } else if (POS[i].equals("sakit")||POS[i].equals("cantik")) { jTextArea2.append((POS[i] + "/KS" + " … | |
Hi there, i am trying to create multiple clients connecting to the server. But the problem is that I can't set the Socket() constructor time.i.e by default the constructor waits to listen for 20 sec. My clients are many so that the time taking for those is hi. So that … | |
hello again, i hate to be a bother but this is the third day im working on this assignment and i need a little help ill point out the 2 lines im having trouble with in my driver program(driver1) but ill supply you with the class definition and the driver … | |
Hello everyone, I am having some difficulty with file handling, I hope someone can help. Here is the background: 1) I have to read a .dat file, file size varies from 692kb to 109.742kb with the following format of data: eg : ID|flag 1|y 2|y 3|y 4|y 4.37777451|y 5.52625317|y 2) … | |
Ok, I have a homework problem that I'm needing some help with. The program has to Allow the user to specify the number of integers to be inputted into the array read a data set of number of integers into the array Determine the sum find the largest integer and … | |
Hi All, I successfully deployed my application in Jboss server. My application is working file But my problem is when I first time access my application then I am getting the following error but after refresh or clicking on browser back button, I am not getting this error. This below … | |
Hello, i need to use fork() for the below problem Problem statement is program would accept various 2d arrays as inputs as long as the user wishes to enter.. Every individual sum of the array is calculated and sum of each array becomes the element of a resultant array and … | |
I have reinstalled serveral times for diffrent reasons, one of them being that javascript links all the sudden stopped working with no change in computer settings or software. Sence then, they have never worked, even after numerous reformats. I have the latest Firefox and IE, and the latest Java Enironment, … | |
alright basically what the program does is convert Kilograms into pounds, then displays its on a table. There are two problems i am having the first one is getting rid of the even numbers. I've been trying combinations of modulator and the NOT expression and so far have been unsuccessful … | |
Hi all! I am racking my brain trying to figure out why my code is not working for this TicTacToe board assignment. I keep getting the following error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 3 at TTTBoard.makeMove(TTTBoard.java:79) at TTTGame.main(TTTGame.java:59) Java Result: 1 The assignment calls for a 3-by-3 2-dimensional array of … | |
Hi Everyone: I am trying to use google code rest-client ([url]http://code.google.com/p/rest-client/downloads/list?can=1&q=&colspec=Filename+Summary+Uploaded+Size+DownloadCount[/url]) to query a REST web server. But, I could not use it properly as after logging in to the web server, the session expires immediately. I am just wondering if it is by design or I am doing something … | |
Hi, I want to read an integer value from console, but my input returns the ASCII value of integer, Please Help me. [CODE]import java.io.*; class Test{ public static void main(String args[])throws IOException{ BufferedInputStream br=new BufferedInputStream(System.in); System.out.println("Enter an Integer"); int i=br.read(); //int j=(int)i; System.out.print(i); } }[/CODE] Thanks | |
hi everyone, i need help with an assignment that i'm having trouble with. I need to create a class called Money whose objects represent amounts of money, with two instance variables of type int for the dollars and cents in the amount of money i got the constructors down but … | |
Hi, would anyone please tell me the latest encryption algorithm for the media file such as audio,video etc. Thanks in advance. | |
Hi all, I am working on Xalan-J XSLT processor.I have implemented the javascript extension function but in runtime it is showing TransformerException. Please help me on this. I am using `jdk1.6` and included `xalan.jar,xercesImpl.jar,xml-apis.jar;serializer.jar;bsf.jar;js.jar;xsltc.jar` into my classpath. Hereby, I am attaching the code what I have written <?xml version="1.0"?> <xsl:stylesheet … | |
Hello, I know Java and Objective C are totally different languages, but I thought may be since both are object oriented languages, there maybe some similarities between the two to help me make the transition. I also know C, so some of the stuff is looking similar. Could someone help … | |
Guys...I am writing a program in Java which includes writing different panels where i need to pass values from one panel to another. i.e I have got a combo box to choose a title and i need to get the performances for that title in my next panel. So can … | |
Running this file returns the error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at Packet.<init>(test.java:20) at test.main(test.java:46) here: line 20 : this.data[i][j] = data[i][j]; line 46 : Packet packet = new Packet(4,data,count,column); can anyone help ma how to create this constructor that accepts String[][] ? [code] class Packet{ int op_code; String[][] data; … | |
I created a html form and i want to submit the form automatically. So i used Javascript. I add that html form in java using JEditorpane, but JEditorPane doesn't support javascript. i heard that there is Rhino package which supports Javascript. But I dont know how to add Rhino in … | |
Hi everybody. I am a student in computers at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. I started to work with Java - and working with Product Version: NetBeans IDE 6.5 Java: 1.6.0_11; Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 11.0-b16 System: Windows XP version 5.1 running on x86; Cp1252; en_US I have an urgent … |
The End.