32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for macfrik

Hey guys, I'm new here. Hello. I have a question for you huys. I've been stuck here for more than 2 hours figuring this out. Problem Create a menu-driven "Guess the Number Game" that allows the player to choose from two options: Version 1 - allows unlimited guesses Version 2 …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for blaklite

firstly hello to you all.. Secondly, im new(ish) to java and prone to doing silly things so i'm probably doing it all wrong BUT I want to be able to have a class that has as one of its members as an array of objects. When the class is instanced …

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Member Avatar for jackiejoe

I am trying to add data from an array into a jTable, I have seen [URL="http://www.netbeans.org/kb/55/vwp-databoundcomponents.html"]one[/URL] or [URL="http://blogs.sun.com/winston/entry/nb6_table_binding_enhancement"]two[/URL] tutorials which say go to the "Table Layout" page but I cannot find this page anywhere in NB (have been searching for ages now) so I cant get my array into my …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for Dio1080

Binary Search tree help Can somebody explain to me what this code is doing step by step?, thanks [CODE=java] TREE-SUCCESSOR(x) 1 if right[x] ≠ NIL 2 then return TREE-MINIMUM (right[x]) 3 y ← p[x] 4 while y ≠ NIL and x = right[y] 5 do x ← y 6 y …

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Member Avatar for PhiberOptik

Hi guys, I am trying to use JavaWebstart to launch a application i have developed. I have two problems: 1. It doesn't launch in Firefox but it works in IE7 2. After loading the file says Unable to Launch Application Here is the link[URL="http://nerdaid.ca/offsitelaunch.jnlp"] http://nerdaid.ca/offsitelaunch.jnlp[/URL] please check it out let …

Member Avatar for caps_lock

hello im trying to get down a model that conceptually represents the data transfers that my application uses. I basically got this: [End User] <- command line interface -> [My Program] <-> { Java Virtual Machine <-> Java Interpreter <-> Operating System/Windows } <-> Computer The program uses Java's I/O …

Member Avatar for jackiejoe

Ok, just need some guidance on this, I have an array and a few text fields but am unsure about how to actually insert the text from the fields into an array when the ok button is pressed . I thought I would have to use "getInputValue()" and create a …

Member Avatar for jackiejoe
Member Avatar for jhonny_86

Hey! Does anyone know how to print out several pages? I have no problem printing out first page but the rest of the pages is a problem for me. All pages look the same just with different text so I don't think I need the book class for that. The …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for get2tk

after building the GUI using the java swing and awt ,how do i make the response of my mouse click pass the mesage accross from the client;s machine to the server machine?and where can i reaD more about it and also how do i get it to control and update …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for jdbarry

I am trying to implement the calculations, and I am getting totally wrong answers. This program is to calculate the distance of a projectile based on launch angles as well as (of course) launch velocities(speeds). The formula is as follows: [URL="http://learn.flvs.net/webdav/educator_apcsa_v8/module09/rtfmod09/09_04_VirtualLectureNotes.pdf"]http://learn.flvs.net/webdav/educator_apcsa_v8/module09/rtfmod09/09_04_VirtualLectureNotes.pdf[/URL] Here is the code that I have for doing …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for deathwishgenius

This is my first post: Ok, there's GPL'ed programs, and GPL'ed Java. Is my java program, which uses no other GPL'ed programs all my own? Simple question, simple answer... don

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Member Avatar for ice_cool

I am very much a beginner in programming, so this maybe nothin but this error keeps popping up and i'm unsure why. cannot find symbol - constructor Track this is my source code and its a work in progress. public class Track { private String name; private String creator; private …

Member Avatar for verruckt24
Member Avatar for gabec94

Hi Im trying to write simple miles per gallon program, I have gotten every part so far, but I cannot figure out how to "calculate and display the miles per gallon obtained for each tankful and print the combined miles per gallon obtained for all tankfuls up to this point." …

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Member Avatar for gabec94

Hi, Im trying to write a program of a salary from a textbook problem, but am having a hard time. Hopefully you can get the gist of the program, I want it to keep asking for items of what the "salesperson" has sold, until an invalid item is entered, where …

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Member Avatar for rsoler

I got an string with values of lat long and i want to get the content of each first the desccription and then the values the string Autopista Caracas-ValenciaCaraboboCalles, carreteras, caminos, o ferrocarril10.2166667-67.3333333Autopista Valencia Puerto CabelloCaraboboCalles, carreteras, caminos, o ferrocarril10.3272222-68.0961111 i want o get Autopista Caracas-ValenciaCaraboboCalles, carreteras, caminos, o ferrocarril@10.2166667 …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for G-to-the-RIZZLE

Could potentially have the longest error message EVER and have no idea how to solve it .... Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems: The import java.sql cannot be resolved The import javax cannot be resolved Connection cannot be resolved to a type Statement cannot be resolved to a …

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Member Avatar for muskan

please help me to resolve the databasbase connectivity problem in java for mysql .i am using jdk 1.5 ,if there is need to put a file then please mention where it should be copied ,and i am writing the code and error occuring that code. code: import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for tkjr4160

Could someone please help I am getting an illegal start of expression [code] import java.util.Scanner; public class 9a { // The main method public static void main( String args[] ) { Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); // declares and initializes the variables used to store user input. int n1; double …

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Member Avatar for peedi

I am almost done with my program. And for some reason i cannot get my boolean to become true. here is the code [CODE]//This program allows the user to order a pizza import java.util.Scanner; import java.text.*; public class PizzaOrder { public static void main(String [] args) { //create a Scanner …

Member Avatar for sillyboy
Member Avatar for Dhaneshnm

This is my code: package hello; import javax.microedition.midlet.*; import javax.microedition.lcdui.*; /** * @author User */ public class TBexample extends MIDlet { Display display; public static String txt; TextBox sample; public TBexample() { txt = "enter your text here"; } public void startApp() { // String localtext ="hi"; display = Display.getDisplay(this); …

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Member Avatar for yukirosaki

I'm working on this polynomial program but I have stuck at some points which still don't know what's wrong exactly. So anyway, I have to add 2 polynomials, subtracts, and multiply. So could anyone please correct this code below. Thank you very much!! [code=syntax] public class Polynomial implements Cloneable { …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for redmaverick

Hi, I formatted my pc and restored everything back and now I forgot how to install jdk and set the path. I am using windows vista..... I created a CLASSPATH in system variables as follows .;C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_02\bin and path in system variables as %SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_12\bin and again a new path …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for k2k

Hi, I am trying write a program to input and output data from a microsoft access file with java.sql class and the swing class. basically i am on the first stage, trying to figure out different parts. the first thing i would like to know is: (assume it is already …

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Member Avatar for G-to-the-RIZZLE

i am using an else if to call a method from another class but it says a ')' is expected can anyone help please :D else if (source == tol.jbTakeOut) { bookname = tol.jtfBookName.getText(); authorf = tol.jtfAuthorFName.getText(); authors = tol.jtfAuthorSName.getText(); [I]Store.changeLoanStatus(String bookname, String authorf, String authors);[/I] //the line which the …

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Member Avatar for bunifrog

Hi Everyone I am new and just found this site yesturday I am looking forward to visiting here often. I have been working on this project (yes for school the awful Inventory Program.) I had it working and did a couple of quick changes walked away for a nap and …

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Member Avatar for keofua

Hi all, I'm kind of new in Java MIDlet, and i'm having some troubles. Let say i got a MIDlet project, named APP.java, and the MIDlet project runs smooth without any problem. And i have another java application, named testing.java, and the java code runs smooth as well. But when …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for SSagar

Hi, I have to display a JCombobox which contains JCheckBox(containing a single character) as its elements. Combobox has to allow multiple checkbox selection. When the selection is over, combobox has to display the selected checkbox values. Thanks in advance, Sagar

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
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Member Avatar for notuserfriendly
Member Avatar for weinyeong

can anyone help me with this school project? they want me to create something like this : using Net income = Revenue - costs - salary net income percentage is by multiplying (Net income)/(Revenue Ratio) with 100% Handphone net income computation ----------------------------------- 1. Press A to enter Revenue and Costs …

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Member Avatar for SQ89

Hello people .. I have a problem with my program ,, it is designed to count the number of digits and if its 5 it will test if its a palindrome number.. my problem is with the while loop... please help public class Palindrome { // checks if a 5-digit …

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The End.