32,205 Topics
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i am facing problem with the button b 3 which is used here for encryption and is not producing any output.. can u help me with this plzz.. [code] import java.io.*; import java.security.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.applet.*; public final class MsgDigestApp extends java.applet.Applet implements ActionListener { private Button … | |
Hey Guys, I am a new student to Java and I am working on an assignment for school. I am not looking for anyone to do my work for me, just some guidance on what I can do to fix the problem. I have done research on this issue on … | |
Hi, while im doing my project, i have problem to save edited data from jtable into database..i have attach the sample interface and here is the code...please help me...tq [CODE] ResultSet rs=st.executeQuery("select * from 3BITC"); while(rs.next()){ jTable1.getValueAt(row, col); row++; col++; } rs.close(); try{ Statement st1=con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs1=st1.executeQuery("UPDATE 3BITC SET Status … | |
I have a silly question for you guys.i am running a java program [CODE]public class manish { public static void main(String s[]) { Date d=new Date(); System.out.println("Date is"+d.toString()); } } [/CODE] while i running this on RHEL 5.2 i am getting this output Date isFri Jul 08 10:55:30 IST 2011 … | |
| Hello guys, Here's a problem that's giving me a hard time. I am working on a web server in Java and right now I want to enable the user to create a photo album. The user can type the album name in an <input> field in an HTML form. The … |
Jtable insert new inserted row at the top.... I want the new inserted row below. Problem 10 james microsoft c.e.o 9 peter linux mgr requirement 9 peter linux mgr 10 james microsoft c.e.o | |
I am wondering if there is an easier way to check if the mouse is in a rectangle. Currently I am using an if statement like so [CODE] if (mX > rectX && mX < rectX + 20 && mY > rectY && my < rectY + 10){ } // … | |
I have just started making a new program. I barely have any code, and when I load it the frame is clear for like 20 seconds and then it loads what goes into the frame. why does it take so long to load? I have another code that I tested … | |
Hi, I'm trying to use tabbedpanes, my objective is to have a frame split in half( in height). You have the upper tabbed pane, and the lower tabbed pane. Both of them have the same three panels, so the user can choose wether to see panel1 in up and pane2 … | |
Is it possible to run C/C++ program on java platform? if yes? please tell me how can i get the output of the program?? | |
how can i detect all cycles in the graph? i tried to use DFS and back edges and this ddetect some loops in te graph but not all cycles. | |
Hi, I am deveoloping a Web Service solution that is hosted inside a JBoss 4.2.3 sever and connects to a JMS queue that is hosted on another server. So far I am creating a new connection to the JMS queue each time the web service is called, this means that, … | |
[ICODE] public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { String arg=evt.getActionCommand(); if(arg.equals("ORDER INFO")) { AppletContext context = getAppletContext(); context.showDocument ("file:///C:/Java/jdk1.6.0_24/bin/Order_info.html", "_blank"); Applet Order_info = context.getApplet("Order_info"); }[/ICODE] | |
Let's say I have a text file with these contents: [CODE] color1 = yellow.$199 * 100 color2 = red.$1 * 22 myNextColor = green.$3 whatsNext = blue.$$ oneMore = orange.$ [/CODE] I need to be able to get an array like this: [CODE]colorsInFile = ["yellow","red","green","blue","orange"][/CODE] In python, the regex for … | |
[code]ORA-00001: unique constraint (WAJAHAT.INVOICE_UQ) violated[/code] its the exception, i want to match it with condition and take decision , but its not working [code]if(e1.getMessage().equals("ORA-00001: unique constraint (WAJAHAT.INVOICE_UQ) violated"))[/code] | |
sir/ma'am can somebody help me configure Textpad As i want to compile a java file and run it that i have saved in the directory of my choice 1.configure 2.preference 3.select Tools on the left hand side of the preference panel and select the java tools by adding them. after … | |
I was making a basic nooby java tribe game, and I needed a way to return to main menu. Can anyone tell me of any methods? This is my current code (incomplete) I want it to return to main menu if a certain number is entered after the stats are … | |
I can ot get my output to reflect accurate info, does anyone have a possible solution? /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// import java.util.Scanner; public class Count { public static void main (String[] args) { String phrase; // a string of characters int countBlank; // the number of blanks (spaces) in the phrase int length; … | |
Oka. So i have this rather simple program, basically i want it to be able to count the number of hours it has been open. My problem is that i am trying to use [CODE]import java.util.date; Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();[/CODE] And apperently this does not update after the program has … | |
Hi Everyone, I am using the java applet to take screenshot of the web browser using the java's robot class. Robot objRobot = new Robot (); BufferedImage objBufferedImage = objRobot.createScreenCapture(objRectArea); The thing work good in windows system taking screenshot but in case of mac osx i get the blank image.When … | |
hello all i am doing a copy operation from a file to another file.in source file i have 13 digit no but in destination file there is only 12 digit copied.code is as follows. [CODE]public void createOriganalFile() { try { File ObjInputFile1 = new File(strFilepath + "_dummy.txt"); File ObjOutputFile1 = … | |
Sir/ma'am , please help me how can I convert an integer to a string in java without using a convertSimple(); convertInteger(); convertFormat(): | |
Hey guys, I'm working on a game, and I was trying to mirror the gif images inside the program so I wouldn't have to do it manually (And also so it wouldn't use twice as much space to store the mirrored gifs). Anyway, I Google'd it and found [URL="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1708011/create-a-imageicon-that-is-the-mirror-of-another-one/1708909#1708909"]this answer[/URL], … | |
Hey all, I'm having some issues using ArrayList. Here's the code.. [CODE] ArrayList<Double> var = new ArrayList<Double>(); var.add(15.0); var.add(0.0); [/CODE] I could just use [CODE] double[] var = {15.0 , 0.0}; [/CODE] for this.. but I'm trying to teach myself Java and need to understand the use of ArrayList. Any … | |
Hello to everyone, I am new to this forum as I am new to Java. I would like to know if anyone has come up with a method that helps in learning the huge collection of classes of the Java API. I know that question is not easy to answer. … | |
Hello great java minds. Could you please tell me why I get "illegal start of expression" errors for the following headers? Thanks for your wisdom!! Lines generating this error: [CODE]public static String getName()[/CODE] --and-- [CODE]public static void displayResults()[/CODE] Here is my first class (that includes this code): [CODE]import java.io.*; import … | |
Hi, I had developed a system which run well at localhost but once run at server, the following error will appear: Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\awt.dll: The specified procedure could not be found at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(Unknown Source) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(Unknown Source) at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(Unknown Source) at sun.security.action.LoadLibraryAction.run(Unknown … | |
Hi there; There is such a simple code here, and with the propotion of its simplicity, it drives me crazy. Here is the code: [CODE] private void fillArrayLists(String fileName,ArrayList <String> list) { try{ // Open the file that is the first // command line parameter FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream(fileName); … | |
hi guys, currently am planning to buy an exam simulator for SCJA exam so which one is the best to get prepared for the test [COLOR="Red"]ucertify [/COLOR]or [COLOR="Red"]whizlabs[/COLOR]?? if there's any other of these please mention it here. Thanks |
The End.