32,204 Topics

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Member Avatar for fomi101

I have to sort the bars but i have to show them sort, by delaying it. Can someone help me add delay to make it work. I used Selection Sort --- [code] import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.*; import java.util.Random; import javax.swing.*; public class SelectionSort extends JApplet { //Variables and arrays Rectangle[] …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for guneet singh

hi i m working for my college project . topic is network monitoring...i hav decided to use proxy server,but i want that any user who want to access internet must be first redirected to my login page which is stored in server... i have proxy and login page but my …

Member Avatar for srs_grp

We want to write byte array to a file.The code given below works correctly for only one byte array.When we try to write more than one byte array,the previous byte array gets overwritten. How can we achieve this? [code] import java.io.*; import java.nio.*; import java.util.logging.FileHandler; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for fanatic

Hello I am having problems with parsing a String array so that i could format it in a way that i could convert it to an integer. Here is piece of the code: [code=java] String names[] = something.toArray( new String[something.size()]); String strNames= new String(); String parse = new String(); for …

Member Avatar for fanatic
Member Avatar for gauravmishra

I have a java program that take snapshots of my screen at say 10 pics per second i want to send it to another computer in the same sequence i tried to send images by writng them one by one on the outputstream OutputStream os=incoming.getOutputStream(); ImageIO.write(img,"jpg",os); but i am able …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for kevintse

Well, I know there are so many IM services. and that I want to build an IM system is just for practicing my programming skill. Here there are several questions that come up to my head when starting to design it. As far as I know, we can only receive …

Member Avatar for PoovenM
Member Avatar for IMtheBESTatJAVA

I was given a movie list, and I was asked to make a program to retrieve information from it and eventually modify the program to find certain movies. Right now I have a Collection class and a Movie class. The Movie class look like this: [CODE] import chn.util.*; import apcslib.*; …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for bulger2503

Hello from Australia =] My question is rather simple but confusing. When i create abstract classes i alway create them so it can be extended at a later date by a normal class, The ByteBuffer in the nio package is unable to be extended due to its private constructor. In …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for fantasy416

How can i sort a file when given a list of various countries and their population size in two different files... How can i sort them together so that the output shows country and population... please someone help me is for a assignment??? thanks

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for paucki

Hello ! We, a group of 3 persons, Omar, Neil and Paul, will be working on a java-project for university, until january 21. It's our first GUI-program, we have decided to develop a slideshow following these ideas: for another subject on university we will install an online-picture-gallery based on PHP …

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Member Avatar for rpjanaka

hi all im janaka priyadarsahana i want to write actions for buttons. i have 4 buttons and when they click i want to do four seperate things for this i have several options 1. create new class by implimenting Action listener interface and using an object of that class, can …

Member Avatar for stephen84s
Member Avatar for chicago1985

For my Java class with resultset I am trying to get the request.getParameter value. Please advise if this is the correct way use the request object in a Java class because I cant seem to get any data from the request object. [code] ... import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; ..... HttpServletRequest …

Member Avatar for PoovenM
Member Avatar for tulsi_apr03

In Project Contains huge data. In a table nearly 1.5 lac records are there.Those records Contains First Name,LastName,and Father Name. My problem is to find duplicate Records based on the names. Moreover i want to search these records Quickly. any solution is there for quick accessing Can anybody give the …

Member Avatar for PoovenM
Member Avatar for peter_budo

I know I should probably post this in Web Services of Web Development, but this may be beneficial to others that are trying to lean something about it too. I'm getting lot of strange behaviour from this assignment that at this point I'm willing to throw it away and never …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for rzeta

I need to help in the project I mention below: The project involves the simulation of a cockroach jumping pathway that accidentally dropped from the aspirator unit onto the center of a hot plate of a hamburger parlor. Due to hot plate temperature (220oC) the bug jumps randomly anywhere being …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for alpha_gamma

Hello, I tried to run a probram from the book "Big Java" by Cay Hortsman that parses an XML document. I typed in the line in Eclipse and it gave me a red box error message saying "the import java.xml can not be resolved". This tels me that i do …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for rude04

i want to use a JButton with a rollover sound..so created a button with a sound using adobe macromedia flash... how can i display it in the swf button in jpanel?? here is the button..[URL="http://www.mediafire.com/?p2kbme0czgn"]button.swf[/URL] [code=java] import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; public class MyPanel extends JPanel { …

Member Avatar for rude04
Member Avatar for reeshtea

Friendz, ... Have you ever do the practical about generating random number using Java in J2ME environment before ? What do you think about the suitable algorithm to be used ? I ever heard that using Blum-Blum-Shub algorithm is provable secure but in implementation, it would be so...heavy. Do you …

Member Avatar for verruckt24
Member Avatar for jammiedude

Hi, i am having trouble with java applets and uploading/downloading files. The first problem i cam across was when i wanted to upload a file to BT vault which uses a java applet to do so. When i did this i was getting to 50% and then failing. I was …

Member Avatar for mercury113

[ICODE] if(e.getSource() == choice2) { if(choice2.getSelectedItem().equals("Monitor")) { choice2.setBackground(Color.GREEN); hidebutton++ score++; } else { choice2.setBackground(Color.RED); } choice2.setEnabled(false); }[/ICODE] i have this code here... why do when i apply this method the score is incremented to?? would you plzz help me.. whAt is wrong 2 da Code... 4 example i have a …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for i_rajivarora

hi all, I have a java application and i want to interact means start and stop control with IE browser toolbar button. Java code is working for fetching the URL of that browser. Please help me out!!!!!!!!!!!

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for dawnzz21

hello..good dAy.. im Dawn a Fisrt year college student... i and my classmates will be joining a CodeCamp in our school..and it is a 3 days live in activity.. and it is a open source programming contest.... Its all about (JAVA GUI ) i would like to ask a help …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for trailmaxusa

Can you make a jar with a java database application work outside of NetBeans 6.5 IDE? The application has the included in the library folder: 1. appframework-1.0.3.jar 2. beansbinding-1.2.1.jar 3. derbyclient.jar 4. groovy-all.jar 5. swing-layout-1.0.3.jar 6. swing-worker-1.1.jar 7. toplink-essentials.jar 8. toplink-essentials-agent.jar Application works with IDE running with the Apache Derby …

Member Avatar for verruckt24
Member Avatar for shirish_kal

Hi , I am a new to java and am stuck with coupe of lines i wonder if any of you ppl could help me i wud be gr8full... URL localURL = new URL("http://www.xyz.com"); URLConnection localURLConnection = localURL.openConnection(); String str2 = localURLConnection.getHeaderField("string1"); What wud these lines actually do or to …

Member Avatar for shirish_kal
Member Avatar for JoeK

[B]This assignment requires that I allow for user input in a GUI for principal, interest rate, and term in years. I also have to provide a pulldown with 3 preset rates that will also load a cooresponding term length. All of that plus an amoritization table as well. I have …

Member Avatar for JoeK
Member Avatar for jacline

I have a final exam on tuesday and i cant solve this problem. can you help me please? [url]http://www.cs.bilkent.edu.tr/~david/cs101/assignments/lab09/05cs101lab9extras.htm[/url]

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for gauravmishra

I am trying to take continuous pictures of small window of my screen and create a continuos motion picture sort of thing and display it on the java panel . For this i am taking snapshots of the screen window by using "Robot" class . but the panel is only …

Member Avatar for puneetkay
Member Avatar for l_03

hello...i am confused,,it is possible that a linkedstack will be full??i only implement a method that isEmpty(),,and it reads the method if the stack is empty..but if the stack is full, it do not even read the method i made....would someone help me?/,,,thank you ahead...

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Member Avatar for rapture

ok, I'm taking my first Java class and in my first week. I've searched but this is different from .Net so much that I have a headache just getting eclipse set up and how to navigate the environment. That said, I have a program that would take me 5 minutes …

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The End.