32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for abhi_elementx

Hi folks, I want to access Oracle 9i table "emp" in Java... I do not know what driver to use .. The name of the Oracle database under which "emp" falls is "Oracledb" I do not know what the connection string is? Pls help...

Member Avatar for gambling
Member Avatar for JamieC90

Can someone explain to me what this is? I have been asked to code a tic-tac-toe board using an array which I have done, but the brief specifies using standard input, and I have no idea what that is, but I'm guessing does not include changing the values of the …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for mercury113

i have this code in java swing... im getting an headaChe thinking what to do... how do i add events in my ComboBox?? wHat i want is that when i sElect a comBoBox iT will tell wether the one you selected is correct or wrong... then the comBoBox will be …

Member Avatar for mercury113
Member Avatar for ezkonekgal

can anyone clarify to me what this means? it's kind of comfusing..:) [B]linked stack embedded in a sequencial vector[/B]

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for hypocrisy

hii every body how are you? in fact, i am a beginner in java programming and i do my best to improve myself in this language so i tried to solve many exercises to confirm that i have no difficulty with this language. I solved this question but i had …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for hany-h

Hi everybody, I have a Jtable and i am going to add an empty row after pressing a button named insert. Whenever i put these following code in my class ,it works properly. I should add after these 2 lines i create a JScrollPane and add it to the getContentPane(). …

Member Avatar for puneetkay
Member Avatar for ankur_maniya

hello. readers.... i am computer student last year... i want help from you...that i need some projecy defination which is ni java...please help ...

Member Avatar for verruckt24
Member Avatar for abhishek.reddy

Guys I am positively freaking out in excitement. Guess what Sun Microsystems is bringing its top innovators to India on February 18-20, 2009 at HICC Hyderabad at a worldwide developer conference organized by Sun Microsystems, named “Sun Tech Days”. And that includes James Gosling, the father of JAVA.

Member Avatar for verruckt24
Member Avatar for Alishaikh

I have attached the file with the sorts. I have to show 2 sorts insertion, and selection sorts demonstration in bars. I should show the position of the bars after each run. How do i go on about doing that?

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for caps_lock

So i've downloaded netbeans, and had a play around. But I'm thinking is Java the wrong language to design a duplicate file scanner. The program if not obvious should hopefully atleast identify any files that exist on a computer more than once (copies). Im also going to try and make …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for aznlover

K, well, I'm kind of screwed right now, I am supposed to make a game by using java, and this is all like minor stuff. The code so far, and I have little idea of what I'm doing. I want to make it so that when you click in a …

Member Avatar for puneetkay
Member Avatar for ianmoticon

Hi. I'm new to Bluetooth programming. I really just want to get my phone talking to my PC via bluetooth, using some form of Java. Does anyone have a very simple "hello world" style sample that I could use? Many thanks in advance, Ian

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for mandar2886

I got this error: javac AudioConverter.java .\Converter1.java:55: cannot access jlc bad class file: .\jlc.java file does not contain class jlc Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of the classpa th. jlc j=new jlc(); jlc is one class which I have to call in another class …

Member Avatar for puneetkay
Member Avatar for srs_grp

Hi!! I want to insert byte array in database schema as follows: table message { msgid number(5), messagevalue BLOB }; I have done this in following way But I am getting NULL pointer exception. //byte[] msgval .. contains byte values like 49 50 53 etc. Blob msg; msg.setBytes(1,msgval); // for …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for JamieC90

Hey all, first post, hope I'm not doing anything wrong I'm taking a Java module next term at university, and in preparation, they want us to code two things. They reckon there's a help file up on their intranet but the intranet is very unstable, and doesn't seem to handle …

Member Avatar for JamieC90
Member Avatar for seeker_89

i'm making a simple program that will accept 7 input using JOptionPane i'm found out that JOptionPane has been used 7 times i want to transform in function i make it but i encounter an error. [code] import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class SevenWord2A{ public static void main() throws NoSuchMethodError { String …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for javaman2

how can i loop a whole code and make it repeat until the user wants to stop.

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for javaman2

how can i set a boolean to put in an if else statement with the following code if((Math.abs(x)==1)&&(Math.abs(ex)==1)&&(Math.abs(exx)==2))//test for straight System.out.print("Straight"); if((cardSuit==0)&&(cardSuit2==0)&&(cardSuit3==0))//test for flush System.out.print(" Flush "); i want to set a boolean straight and boolean flush to put in another if else statement like so if(straight && flush) System.out.println("Good …

Member Avatar for stephen84s
Member Avatar for christiangirl

Hey, I am tutoring this kid in java and he has to use TurtleGraphics and BreezySwing, neither of which I have used in a while. I am having trouble figuring out some of his problems. I will post both his code and how I altered his code. I am wondering …

Member Avatar for christiangirl
Member Avatar for christiangirl

Hey, I need to download the TurtleGraphics package but am having trouble findng a place to dwnload it from, I tried a couple of places but they did not work. Do you know of a good website to get it off of? Thanks!

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for PhiberOptik

Hey guys, I am trying to get some code to interpret a parameter determined by a JAR file. IE. [ICODE]C:\user\myProgram.jar 500[/ICODE] I want to know how to transfer 500 over to the program. I googled it, and most of the stuff that came up was extremely difficult to understand. Thanks …

Member Avatar for stephen84s
Member Avatar for efus

I am trying to learn some oop in java. What I am trying to do is building a binary tree to convert an ekspresion in reverse police notation to infix notation. The problem is that I have three classes, one abstract called [b]ArithmeticNode[/b] which represents a general node, a class …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for javaman2

hey again i've fixed my code a little and need a little help. I've got the flush and one pair determinations to work but the three of a kind, straight, straight flush and royal straight flush are giving me a little trouble. If anyone has any suggestions, i would really …

Member Avatar for hypocrisy
Member Avatar for linggs

Hi there, I know I should not be doing this. But I really some readymade java codes on currency converter working on eclipse program. It is a part of my assignment. But my java really cannot make it, so is there any kind soul to help me? Please. Anyway, I …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for omeralper

We can convert any kind of numbers to binary string. For example 20501487 can be converted into binary String format as 1001110001101001111101111. However I cannot reconvert this binary String into any number format, even long or float numbers due to NumberFormatException, where the numbers are very big to convert. I …

Member Avatar for omeralper
Member Avatar for Modo

hello how r u doing .. i have been looking on the internet but i cant find much info .. does anyone know where i can find information about making a database in java? (i expect it is has information about arrays, arraylist, iterators and inheritance) ... i want to …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for John G

public class Date { private int _day; private int _month; private int _year; boolean checkDate=true; public Date(int day,int month,int year) { if ((day>31)||(day<1)) { System.out.println("You entered a wrong day"); checkDate=false;} else if ((month>12)||(month<1)) { system.out.println("You entered a wrong month"); checkDate=false;} if (checkDate=true) { _day=day; _month=month; _year=year; } } public Date() …

Member Avatar for Antenka
Member Avatar for ~gamer4life~

hey again! im wondering if there is a way to make a 2d game in java "FREE" Is there a program to do that? and srry for double posting :-) im just trying to figure out what im making...

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for lonely girl

[B]helllllllo friends please can u help me???? i have project about creating currency converter using jGRASP i made the enterface using jframebuilder but i dont know how to complete it...i really need ur help friends :'( [/B]

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for viron

my view about this topic inheritance mean everything from parent class comes down in child class that is instance data,method,final data except thing declared private while in case of interface only final data and signature comes down from parent to child class that is instance data,method, doesnt comes down by …

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The End.