32,205 Topics
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We can convert any kind of numbers to binary string. For example 20501487 can be converted into binary String format as 1001110001101001111101111. However I cannot reconvert this binary String into any number format, even long or float numbers due to NumberFormatException, where the numbers are very big to convert. I … | |
hello how r u doing .. i have been looking on the internet but i cant find much info .. does anyone know where i can find information about making a database in java? (i expect it is has information about arrays, arraylist, iterators and inheritance) ... i want to … | |
public class Date { private int _day; private int _month; private int _year; boolean checkDate=true; public Date(int day,int month,int year) { if ((day>31)||(day<1)) { System.out.println("You entered a wrong day"); checkDate=false;} else if ((month>12)||(month<1)) { system.out.println("You entered a wrong month"); checkDate=false;} if (checkDate=true) { _day=day; _month=month; _year=year; } } public Date() … | |
hey again! im wondering if there is a way to make a 2d game in java "FREE" Is there a program to do that? and srry for double posting :-) im just trying to figure out what im making... | |
[B]helllllllo friends please can u help me???? i have project about creating currency converter using jGRASP i made the enterface using jframebuilder but i dont know how to complete it...i really need ur help friends :'( [/B] | |
my view about this topic inheritance mean everything from parent class comes down in child class that is instance data,method,final data except thing declared private while in case of interface only final data and signature comes down from parent to child class that is instance data,method, doesnt comes down by … | |
In following code ,I have initialized column to empty blob. But when I try to retrieve the blob,i get an exception.Can anybody help me out?? _____________________________________________________ [code] import java.sql.*; class test { public static void main(String[] args) { try { Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); Connection conn= DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc:odbc:dixit","scott","tiger"); PreparedStatement st=conn.prepareStatement("insert into survey values … | |
before anything else, i have a question. How can you have a multiple stack in one vector using node/linked list? i don't get the concept of linked list yet. Anyways, this is my problem: [B]Create a Java class definition of a multiple-stack in one dimensional vector. Implement the basic operations … | |
I have byte array that contains (49 50 58 57 57). I'm storing this byte array in blob by using setBytes() method of preparedStatement. But in database,it is stored in different manner i.e, 31323A3939. When I try to retrieve value of this blob using getBytes() method, I'm getting output as … | |
Hi, I am currently doing a mini project using Eclipse with Java language.. i needed to submit some values into the DB, but i am having some trouble to do so... i would like to find out if i need to create variables for all the values i want to … | |
Good morning everyone. I am having trouble connecting my MySQL database to a JTable in Eclipse. I keep on getting an exception and receiving this message "Unable to find and load database driver". Here is a sample of database code for the program: [CODE]class QueryTableModel extends AbstractTableModel { Vector cache; … | |
Java coding to find the open ports in the system and also which ip address and host name is using the ports. Is that possible with the java coding? | |
Hello friends,happy new year all.. I'm trying writing classes Item to include int Quantity,String name and a new&different&immutable serial number will be produced automaticly for every item...(then being able inherating the Item for sub classes for types of food) Also i'm trying build a proper class Stock enabling to manage … | |
hi All, I m a student.... I am assigned a project in java course to develop a "Ftp Server using RMI".... Requirememts:- Requriments are not so high.... It should be a simple one... Ftp Server could add, remove, view users and statistics through proper GUIS..... Ftp Client shloud be logged … | |
I have a stored procedure in oracle which has 2 in parameter and 1 out parameter. One of the in parameters has default value given. I want to call this procedure through java without specifying value for the in parameter which has default value given. Any idea, how to do … | |
im trying to write a program that determines the type of hand with three cards (one pair, three of a kind, straight, flush, straight flush, high or low card, or royal straight flush) This is my code so far. I got the cards to come up to be what they … | |
Hi, I'm sorry for making the question unclear, but my English is not good. I will try to explain it: [code=java] class test0{ test1 t1 = new test1(); public static void main(String args[]){ new test0(); } public test0(){ t1.displaymsg1(); t1.callDisplaymsg0(); } public void displaymsg0(){ System.out.println("Successfully linked to test0 class"); } … | |
Hello, i'm trying to make a a list of items in a Text Area, something like this: apple 2 22 banana 31 1 orange 1 3 i want to it o be organized such that the numbers are in one column, and thats not working with me since the names … | |
I have a byte array has follows: 0 6 -56 28 How can I get its integer value by doing a manual calculation? | |
I'm trying to do selection sort for objects...But it wont work, please help. We were told to change the first one to do objects. Any help appreciated [ICODE] public static void selectionSort (int[] numbers) { int min, temp; for (int index = 0; index < numbers.length-1; index++) { min = … | |
write a java program that checks if parenthesis and brackets are balanced in an arithmetic expression. help me!! :(( i dunno how to solve that problem.. is it the same as the calculator java code? the concept, i mean.. :( help me guys.. | |
i need to enhance jawi converter application using syllable word, but i don't know how to start it. The previous version, the coding is not working for syllable,so i need to change some coding to make it done convert correctly.Here some of code that i have to enhance. | |
i was writing a code for the applet in the awt class. but i was confused as i couldnt find any function to fix the position of button or textbox in the applet. the only solution which i got was using layout manager. but then i also couldnt find the … | |
Morning everybody. my question seemed simple but i have been trying (unsuccessfuly) for day's to solve it . i have a message in red saying my javascipt is disabled/limited fincionality only. i have lost search function/restore function. and i can't access my emails.i have googled this and recieved load's of … | |
Sunce I updatred to Java 6.0.2 late last summer, no other updates will install. I have dowloaded the online and the offline version of Java 6u10 and 6u11 and the Java installer screen does not come up. when I double-click on the saved files I am using Windows XP Pro … | |
hi all! i want to delete a file/directory in java, the delete().depends on other programs which uses file name as string.but for me to delete the file,the name must be a File. that is what i have realized as when i use string it does not recognized some methods,like List … | |
I having trouble understanding what the routines are doing. Can some one point me in the right direction. I have enclosed the java files. This is part of an internet challenge to better myself. | |
Can anyone help me with this?.... I got some sample programs to be studied but I don't really know how to remove its bug..I don't know if there really is..but I think there is...there was no error upon compiling but when I try to run it...there is... here is the … | |
A book shop has bookshelves with adjustable dividers. When one divider becomes full, the divider could be adjusted to make space. Create a Java program that will reallocate bookshelf space using Garwick's Algorithm. Can any give me some pointers with this ? thanks. | |
Hey everyone, im writing a blackjack program with java swing and im having problems with setting the layout with panels and frames. I want to apply a different layout to two different panels, add them to a frame and then display the frame, heres my code: [CODE]//Blackjack //By Thomas Bean … |
The End.