32,205 Topics
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Hi ,I want to go back after the else to the if statement(step2),how can I do it [CODE]public class main { public static void main(String[] args) { gcd(12,23); } public static void gcd(int m,int n){ int uPrime=1; int vPrime=0; int u=0; int v=1; int mPrime=m; int nPrime=n; int counter=0; if(mPrime%nPrime==0)//step2 … | |
I'm trying to make a class called "Sprite", which is supposed to handle spritecards and such. However, I can't seem to be able to get the image height without having an image observer object. Do I have to pass the image observer from the main class to every sprite class … | |
I want to embed microsft notepad in my java application.... is there any way... i dont want to use java own made notepad.... | |
I currently have a Bellman Ford algorithm set up and I am trying to print the path to that node. My current algorithm is like this: [CODE] path = new int[totaledges]; path[source] = source; distance[source] = 0; String st = ""; for (int i = 0; i < totaledges; i++) … | |
The question how to create HTML output to the browser from a Servlet based on XML data often comes up. Here's a fully functional example on how to achieve this using Jakarta Xalan 2 and Xerces 2. The system is quite simple, most of the code is concerned with housekeeping … | |
that code that i have problem with it is only accept 2 input from me y and how to solve it please Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in); String IP = keyboard.nextLine(); String TTL = keyboard.nextLine(); Scanner kb = new Scanner(System.in); String conntype = kb.nextLine(); thanks in advance | |
| Hi everyone, I had designed an application with Java as front end and mysql as back end. The client application uses both local database as well as Remote mysql server's database for login and other retrievals. I don't know how to generalize the database connectivity code?, I need to access … |
Dear all I am making a program which adds lots of jlabels to a frame (the idea, eventually, is that each jlabel will link to a different program on my dekstop) The trimmed down code below shows that I have a script which creates an array of multiple jlabels which … | |
Hi,I have to write code in java and in the description is this symbol u' Can anybody tell me what is the meaning of it Set (u') | |
I need help completing the classes below, I don't think the code I have so far is correct because I keep getting errors. Please help me complete and understand the classes. 1. Create an abstract class named CoffeeOption. This class should have the following components: a. A protected double instance … | |
[CODE]/*********************************************************************************** * * File: Customer.java * * Author: Austin Smith * * Date: 04/04/2011 * * Description: The Customer class handles all client information * such as name and address. * **********************************************************************************/ public class Customer { /*** Defaults/Constants ***/ public static final String DEFAULT_NAME = "ERROR: Invalid Name"; public static … | |
Hi I need help creating a word count file, the file should print the name and number of times the words were counted in a file. I need to use the JFileChooser and the results should be printed in the resultArea of the JTextfield. example: and 33 use 24 Here … | |
Hi, i know how to open a file and read data from it but i wanna print out the number of lines in that file ? How would i go about this ? | |
I wanna know how to print only part of a string. For instance: [CODE] public static void main(String[] args){ String a = "daniweb.com"; System.out.println(a); } [/CODE] I wanna say print only characters after the 4th one so the output would be: [CODE]> web.com[/CODE] | |
I'm trying to program the traditional minesweeper game. I have problems with Swing as I'm not sure how to proceed. I tried adding one JPanel to a JFrame and then using JButtons to imitate the tile buttons. Then I encountered a problem when I tried to program the functionality of … | |
I'm trying to remove a JButton from a JPanel but my code does not work. Any help is appreciated. This is the JButton. Problem is the line 25 I guess. [CODE] class SquareButton extends JButton implements MouseListener { String text = null; GameArea ga = null; public SquareButton(GameArea ga) { … | |
I once upon a time had problems with buttons and getting windows to show up, now cannot get output of loan data into JList, code is below, any suggestions? next change is to add array (which I think I can do) and graphics in the form of a graph but … | |
hi , can any one suggest mw which book is good for j2ee i am good in core java | |
Hi, I have developed a Java swing based application to work in Windows 7 platform. But the application is having some issues as below : 1. I have a few tabs labeled like A , B , C ,D side by side in my application. If I am using jre5 … | |
wat's guys? i have a java program and i want to connect it with mysql,how can i get my prob solved?or if i can view any source code that can help me. | |
Hi Folks, So the problem im having is trying to make some code less clunky. I recieve a list of random codes in the form of an Enumeration. I then retrieve a number of codes i read in from a properties file going from most important at the top to … | |
[CODE=java]import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class Plane extends JApplet implements ActionListener { JTextField input; JLabel prompt1, prompt2; JButton yesButton, noButton; int section, seats[], smoking; int nonsmoking, people; public void init() { input = new JTextField( 4 ); input.addActionListener( this ); prompt1 = new JLabel( "Please type 1 for … | |
I am having some problems with simulating POisson arrivals and departures in Java. I want to simulate 400 cars/hour as arrival rate and 20 cars/hour as departure rate. I have a parking capacity of 500 cars where these cars enter/exit. When I am checking occupancy values, even after a couple … | |
Hi everyone I have a question and I need your help I want to sort an array but I dont want to change the index I mean if I have an array F[6,5,4,3,2,1] it will be like this 0 6 1 5 2 4 3 3 4 2 5 1 … | |
OK I have yet another homework problem. Again, help me by teaching, not writing my code for me. I have looked through the pages of threads on collision detection and found nothing to answer my question. My issue is that I have a collision detection method that should (in theory) … | |
I am new to java and have been working on a project. The project involves two files: One with student ID numbers and their answers for 10 different questions. The second file contains a bunch of ID numbers from the first file. The second file has id numbers for a … | |
I have a 3x3 array of [ICODE]MSTextField[/ICODE] which is a class I created which extends [ICODE]JTextField[/ICODE]. I'm trying to set all of the text fields to display the empty string ([ICODE]""[/ICODE]). My problem is I'm getting a nullPointerException at the end of the method which is supposed to do this. … | |
Hi, I need help with some small exercises. I'll try my best to provide my code but these are ones that I don't know how. So... maybe you can help me with yours! Thanks 1. Question 1: A program contains the following method definition: [CODE] public static int cube(int num) … | |
Is there a decent IDE for Java? Meaning, one that you don't think will end up making me rage and have annoying features that get in the way all the time making it unsuitable for development? What is the best IDE performance wise? |
The End.