32,204 Topics

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Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC

Is using (in the paint method) g.clearRect() the correct way to clear the screen? It's working but I don't know if there is a better way. . google says it is supposed to clear automatically when update is called but that doesn't seem to happen.

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for Zima77

I am working on a project that involves creating a Vehicle class which has 3 data fields, one of which is an instance of a class rather than a fundamental data type ([I]owner[/I] is an instance of the class [I]Person[/I]). This class has multiple constructors for the varying initial values. …

Member Avatar for Zibo
Member Avatar for rwagnes

I have an nis server running on solaris. I am using the list function in the DirContext java class to discover the hosts. For example: ctx.list("host") returns the hosts in the hosts file. The problem is, there are also hosts in the ipnodes file.. How do I discover those hosts? …

Member Avatar for rwagnes
Member Avatar for Zibo

Hello. I've got such example statement: [code=Java]for( int i=0; i <= 10000; i++ ) myTextArea.setText( myTextArea.getText()+ i + "\n");[/code] What is the problem? I can't figure it out, why in every iteration of loop the text area isn't refreshing with new String added. When this loop is iterating, app freezes …

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Member Avatar for hypernova

I am doing B.Tech in computer science and I am in the 1st year (I have almost completed 1st year) I want to learn a language in the forthcoming summer break (2 months) between the first year and second year, and am quite confused if I should go for [U]C++ …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for K?!

Hi all Is it possible to use only the classes you need in a panel or something? I'm finding it hard to explain my question, i'll give an example: We need to make a program to organise swimming competitions. When you want to (as a user) edit or create a …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for whex

Working on a current project with these parameters and am not sure where to start. I am new to all of this and could use some input. Use JAVA to build a sales commission application. In this application, the user enters a number in the SALES JoptionPane textbox. When the …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for marco01

I'm working on a code to calculate a final score. Here below is my code: [code] public void calcFinalOCAS() { int calcFinalOCAS; int sum = 0; List<Integer> tmaMarks = new ArrayList<Integer>(); Collections.sort(tmaMarks); int minMarks = Collections.min(tmaMarks); if(minMarks < substitutionScore) { minMarks = substitutionScore; } for (int i = 0; i …

Member Avatar for marco01
Member Avatar for cebubinary

hi..i was wondering where to find a sample java code that splits an image and each image that was splitted can be click and link to another image...

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC

I have a list of teams, it can be any length. Now, for each team, I want to create a 2D box that says the team's name in the box. And I want to match these teams up against each other. So basically I want to be able to drag …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for MrDiaz

Hi, How can I code it so I can make a new window appear on my application? Let's say, user hits a "new user" button, a new window is supposed to pop with TextFields and labels and so on. In Dephi is something like, Form1.show; How do I do this …

Member Avatar for MrDiaz
Member Avatar for kingarabian

[CODE]public static RSString method50(byte i, int i_0_) { if (i > -36) anInt63 = -44; anInt55++; if (i_0_ < 100000) return (Class68_Sub20_Sub13_Sub2.method1166 (2, new RSString[] { Class85.aRSString_1556, Class68_Sub13_Sub24.method816(i_0_, 0), Class96.aRSString_1697 })); if (i_0_ < 10000000) return (Class68_Sub20_Sub13_Sub2.method1166 (2, (new RSString[] { Class21_Sub1.aRSString_2695, Class68_Sub13_Sub24.method816(i_0_ / 1000, 0), Class68_Sub13_Sub11.aRSString_3611, Class96.aRSString_1697 }))); return …

Member Avatar for kingarabian
Member Avatar for metalheart2003

Hello, I am doing an upload of my applet has my website, I works very well but I do not like putting a bar of Progress! (JPROGRESSBAR)! CAN PLEASE HELP ME! UPLOAD MY CODE! String targetURL = "http://localhost/swfupload/demos/swfobjectdemo/upload. aspx"; PostMethod filePost = new PostMethod(targetURL); filePost.getParams().setBooleanParameter(HttpMethodParams.US E_EXPECT_CONTINUE,true); try { File targetFile …

Member Avatar for metalheart2003
Member Avatar for panda_pow

I'm writing a program that determines the population of the world between years 1975 to 2006. I found an equation for the world pop and i put it in my code, but i keep getting a '.class' expected. Can anyone help??? --Cassie P.S: The error is where pop is defined. …

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Member Avatar for pyscho

Can anyone help me for the Scjp dums? i need them jus to see the type of qus that are asked in the exam.

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for tone10lite

Im sorry earlier i didnt know the rules but i know them now. Ive been trying all day and this is the farthest i could get... [code=java] /** * Program designed to keep the inventory of books in a bookstore. * * @author * @version 1.0 Dveloped on May 3, …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for CSdude

I created a class that takes a 3 dimensional array and puts it in a txt file, the method is called output(). I can't figure out where to call the method though. I'm trying to have it so it is called when numb=4 in the actionListener on the bottom. Please …

Member Avatar for MrDiaz

Hi everyone, I'm working on an app that saves data on a text file, as we know, formatting text file is awful and not very user friendly. I'd like to save the information I've collected on my program on a nicely formatted excel file. Given the file it's already created, …

Member Avatar for MrDiaz
Member Avatar for eba4

I am trying to copy large files over a network using sockets and channels. Here is a code snippet //sender side FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(inputFileName); FileChannel fromFile = in.getChannel(); SocketChannel toSocket = sendSocket.getChannel(); fromFile.transferTo(0, 999999, toSocket ); However, in the line where I call transferTo I get NullPointerException. Any …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for new_2_java

Hi all, I have a frame, which has several tabs. I would like to perform some actions, when user clicks on a tab. Can someone please tell me what's the event that I should look into? Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Lensva

[code="java"] import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener; import javax.swing.*; public class SketchPad { public static void main(String[] args) { SketchPad sketchpad = new SketchPad(); sketchpad.gui(); } public void gui() { JFrame mainF = new JFrame(); JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar(); JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu("file"); mainF.setJMenuBar(menuBar); …

Member Avatar for Lensva
Member Avatar for Laidler

i think theres something wrong with my computer, im trying to create a GUI for my program but it wont display my JLabels (which contain images) i downloaded a program with a GUI i made at the computer lab in my university which works there, but on my laptop it …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for CSdude

My input file has 84 integers and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. PLEASE HELP! import java.util.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.util.Scanner; import java.io.*; public class Museum { private int Week=3; private int Hour=4; private int Day=7; int[][][] visitors = new int[Week][Day][Hour]; private int[] allWeeks; private int[] allHours; …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for tone10lite

I need this by tonight if anyone could help out id appreciate it because im completely lost. Thanks. Write a project to keep the inventory of books in a book store. Create a book class with the following variables and methods Title Price Pages getTitle() setTitle() setPrice() getPrice() setPages() getPages() …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for jade387

if (iStream.close() I am stuck on how to use iStream to print [code] import java.io.*; import java.util.*; public class BucketSort { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); // This is a scanner for the keyboard System.out.print("Enter a filename: "); String fname=sc.nextLine(); // This is the …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for number87

I need to do paint a graphics into a nested panel. I am able to paint in a frame but when I add the class for painting into another JPanel, I see nothing. I know how to create nested panels but when I do it with a panel containing my …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for cullguy

i want to make a quiz game in java so tht the question come randomly and the answer get validated whn the user select the option...plz help me....

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for claramusic95

I am having some trouble with an assignment I have. Is there anyone out there that can help me? I have been struggling with the class all semester and my professor isn't much help. This is the assignment, I already have data file: Instead of storing the diver data in …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Krstevski

Hey people... My problem is: - - Heaviest Word Find the the heaviest word in an array. One word is heavier than the other if it has more vocals than the other. Vocal characters are ('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'y') If two words have the same number of vocals, …

Member Avatar for verruckt24
Member Avatar for javaman2

Design a class called BubbleSort that is similar to the class SelectionSort. The class BubbleSort will be used in the same way as the class SelectionSort, but it will use the bubble sort algorithm, which is [CODE=syntax] for(int i = 0; i < a.length-1; i++) if(a[i]>a[i+1]) interchange the values of …

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The End.