32,205 Topics
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Good day! I just need a little help on how to create this program the precise way. Example if the user will enter 123450, it should output the sum of all individual integers, in the example the result must be 15. If the user will enter a character or a … | |
The code below should be extracting the pixel data from the mapProvinceFile bitmap specificed and placing it into a byte array, modifying some of that color data depending on the contents of a custom ArrayList, vertically flipping the image, and then displaying the resulting modified image in a new pane. … | |
Could Any one Give me The Main Purpose of, Why we could use the Factory Design pattern ?. what is the problem that this Design pattern intent to solve ?. What is the Concept of The Factory Design pattern ? i would be very grateful if anyone could help me … | |
So, I have to find rhyming words. Basically I am getting a bunch of words and I need to compare which ones rhyme. So if I am given words like... friendl|y, luck|y, murk|y, rapidl|y luc|ky, mur|ky frien|dly, rapi|dly They can also rhyme with other words, so a word could appear … | |
Hello, It appears that I'm having a slight problem with a pesky ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when trying to assign a value to an array embedded within an object. I *think* it's because the array hasn't been instantiated before I try to add values to it's index. The purpose of the program is … | |
ran into a little snag with my code. i am trying to push the data of all the nodes in a linkedlist into a stack. problem is, i have no idea how to properly convert a node into a variable. Node current = list.returnHeadNode(); //other code... stack.push(current.getData()); my error lies … | |
so i have two class. 1 = Main.java - 2 = Player.java AND my folder tree -src -images player_walk_right.gif -Main.java -Player.java Player.java public class Player { Image player_image = getImage(getDocumentBase(),"player_walk_right.gif"); /*** constructor Method ***/ public Player() { //empty constructor } public Player(int ix, int iy) { x = ix; y … | |
I'm working in my java worksheet what I have to to is to first create 3 class in java I create the first and second , but I don't understand how to create the third one I don't know if I should post the code of the first and second … | |
How can I convert a .class file of java to .exe file | |
i getting error on getdocumentbas(). is there a easy way to display image on screen??? public class Player { private Image mario; public Image getPlayerImage() { return mario.getImage(); } public void init() { mario = new Image(getDocumentBas(),"Image/player_walk_right.GIF"); } public void paint(Graphics g) { g.drawImage(mario,x,y,this); } } | |
Hi all, I planning to get Java 6 SE programmer certificate, actually i'm confused what is the best exam simulatoh out there to buy??? Thanks | |
I am sick of putting resources and coding them all the time and I don't want to always repeat them. I'm using slick2d in java. It is a game library. I cannot find and game engine tutorials either. How do I create a game engine? | |
note i am working on eclipse, java, xml and anroid. i have a activity_right_sub_menu.xml file <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <menu xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" > <item android:id="@+id/I_ABOUT" android:title="About Us" android:numericShortcut="1" android:alphabticShortcut="a" android:orderInCategory="100" android:showAsAction="never"/> <item android:id="@+id/I_PREFERENCE" android:title="Preferences" android:numericShortcut="2" android:alphabticShortcut="b" android:orderInCategory="100" android:showAsAction="never" /> </menu> than i have a Menu.java file public class Menu extends ListActivity { … | |
I am trying to input an int into the end of a singly linked list. I have already created the code to put a number at the end of the list but when I go to print it out, it only prints out (in my test class) the int that … | |
import javax.swing.* ; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.*; import java.io.*; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.*; import java.text.*; import java.util.Date; /* <applet code="gui.class" width=250 height=100> </applet> */ public class gui1 extends JApplet implements ActionListener { JTextField t1,t2,t3,t4,t5; JLabel l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6; JButton b1,b2; Calendar c1,c2,c3; JPanel p,p1,p2; Date sd,sd1; SimpleDateFormat sdf; public void init() { … | |
Hi can someone help me with this question please? 1. In "setup" Create an array of 1000 random integers between 0 and 100. Also, in "setup" declare an array of bins or counters to find out how many integers fall into one of the 10 "bins" 0-9, 10-19, 20 -29, … | |
Hi all, I'm about to get a little long winded here and I'm sorry for that but I have a couple of issues that I need guidance with. I have assembled a procedure that basically performs a bunch of web browser clicks to query Statistics Canada (SC). The query itself … | |
Hello, My son is taking a java course in Hawaii. His text book is "Java Solutions by Lewis & Loftus 6th edition. He copied several text book examples and tried to compile them with JCreator and NetBeans 6.8, each compiler gave pages of errors. The question is " What is … | |
Ok cant seem to find the null pointer exception error on my code one moment its working fine the next when i add the 20 i get an error, and i dont know if this is what messing my find method. Between my tree is supposed to be a binary … | |
Hi, I'm developing an APP for android which requires a database, i'm using mySQL, but haven't had any luck with it's connection, this is my code: connection class: public class MySQLConnect extends Activity{ public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { } public static void connection(String[] args ) throws Exception{ Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); Connection con=(Connection) … | |
I have developed a application in java that connects to facebook on the basis of access token. I can produce access token manually by feeding in urls in browser. But I need something that automatically give me an access token. I am getting no idea, whether I can do it … | |
hi guys. can u please help me in my project? code for a java program that accepts input number and displays the largest among the individual digits of that input. The sample output is here. Input Number: 123456789 Largest Digit: 9 We cant still use arrays guys because we didnt … | |
public class Calculate { Calculate() { int x,y,sum, multiply,devide; x=12; y=5; sum=x+y; multiply=x*y; devide=x/y; } public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("the sum of two numbers:" + sum); System.out.println("the multiple of two numbers:" + multiply); System.out.println("the devition of two numbers:" + divide); } } | |
I started programming courses 4 months ago and I can't solve this problem according to it's required order . I need your help as soon as possible and I think it is easy for you :D thank's in advanced :) a) Given an unsorted array of integers, your task is … | |
Hi guys, i am trying to add a image as the background for my project but cant get my code right, heres what I got so far //beginning of 1 import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import javax.swing.JPanel; /** */ public class makeB extends JPanel { private BufferedImage buffer; private … | |
My assignment is to randomly generate a password based on the selection chosen by the user. So far, my code is unfinished but that's because I've run into a problem. For the second selection(Lowercase and uppercase letters). My password will display lowercase and uppercase letters but it won't be enough … | |
I need to create a palindrome tester program that ignores spaces, punctuation and uppercase/lowercase to determine if the string given to the user is a palindrome (same beginning to end as end to beginning). HERE'S WHAT I HAVE SO FAR: String str, another = "y"; int left, right; Scanner scan … | |
i'm having a hard time creating a program that will display the initials of a string provided by the user. The program should also display the number of words of a given string. i've tried this code, but the problem is, the program would only display the first initial and … | |
cause of erorr enum,interface,class expected?give suggestions | |
Hello! This is my first post, I'm new to java and I found when I search for things this site often shows itself on google results so why not join? Anyways I'm creating a text editor in java and I want to find out how to in for example windows … |
The End.