32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for fireballnelson

I am having a problem with this code: [ICODE]import javax.sound.*; public class Sound { public static void main(String[] args) { //Code Body } }[/ICODE] The problem has nothing to do with code itself; the compiler returns this message when i try to compile: [CODE]Sound.java:1: package javax.sound does not exist import …

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Member Avatar for Grub

Hi I have a program that finds duplicate files and lists them in a Jtable. I have modified the default Table Renderer to change the colour of the cells but I want them to have more than two colours. Say Blue for the first set of say 5 files all …

Member Avatar for Grub
Member Avatar for mrjoli021

Why wont this delete the files in the arraylist. i checked the arraylist and the files are there. i even added a "\\" to the files and still nothing. i dont get any errors. [code] private void fileDelte () { for (int i =0; i<Files2Delete.size(); i++) { File f = …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for brendanmcdonagh

Hi all, I am learning java and have developed a very basic message app which entails having a serversocket on one pc and a socket on another. This is working fine but now i want to go further and have them both to have the abiliy to wake the other …

Member Avatar for JavaNewbieEK

I am kind of new to JAVA and I am trying to hide a user's input (such as when the user types a password). I am not using any type of GUI just running my small programs directly in the UNIX Terminal. Is this possible to do simply, unfortunately I …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for savinki
Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for carlcarman

I am having some trouble and could use some help. I need a while loo that allows for an unlimited number of employees that uses a EOF sentinal value to control the loop. heres what I have so far, any help is greatly appreciated. I really dont understand this type …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for dimples09

Write a program that simulates a small programming language (SPL) with subprograms. The language has the following EBNF: <program> ::= begin <statement> | <statement_sequence> end; <statement_sequence> ::= <statement>; <statement_sequence>; <statement> ::= <subprogram_invocation> | <other_statement> <subprogram_invocation> ::= invoke <subprogram_identifier> <other_statement> ::= increment <variable> | decrement <variable> | output <variable> | stop_sub …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for christiangirl

How do you to take user input for red, green and blue(a number between 0 and 255) and make the background of the center JPanel that color. Heres the code on what ive done so far: [code] import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.border.*; /** * Write a description …

Member Avatar for christiangirl
Member Avatar for ndeniche

What are the differences between both and which one should i consider for the different kinds of java-based apps?

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for Taker

Hi i am tryin to write a recording class in java which i have done but i have to convert the recording class into a GUI i have done the coding for it but i want buttons that allows you to cyle to the nex and previous record detail if …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for bahr_alhalak

hello again every body ... [COLOR="Red"]i tried 2solveit ,but there are some problem faced me .. and i'll insert what i did .>>> This is the main class..the main problem in it how 2 print the array like the example which i show it 2 u ...[/COLOR] [CODE]import java.awt.DisplayMode; import …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for codered152

hi guys i need help with list collection in java can somebody give me some good example of how to iterate over list, also explain little bit. Thank you

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for darthrevan

For learning socket programming this program is a nice tutorial , IpShower can show you a site ip adress , inform you whether you connect through a proxy server or not , if you connect a proxy , program tells you its information.Also , it can simply change the system …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for bimpok

I am going to develop a roadway traffic light simulator using java as my academic project. I have captured ideas about so from searching internets .I have to build a system which simulates a traffic network and the traffic flow is regulated using a fixed time controller first and then …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for ming97

Dear All, I am interested to study java programming, I am collecting some sample of program. do you have a sample program of TicTacToe game? I need a sample that the tictactoe program have a function for play between server and client. The board of tictactoe will exist on them. …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for Kakashi

Hello there, im doing a small program just like a packet sniffer but i have a one problem.Below are the codes which are used to list all the network interfaces and the output will be something like this: 1.Interface Name's: lo / MS TCP Loopback interface Address: 2.Interface Name's: …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for lordx78

I doing a project about Genetic Algorithm (GA). I'm looking for some book that shows GA in Java. Please advise. [COLOR="Green"]Books[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Websites[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Journals[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]White Papers/ Publications[/COLOR]

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for yawjava

Hi am new at java and I was wondering what would be a code to remove it if i provide the coeff I know is -Given the index you want to remove -set the node at the previous index to point to the node at the next index -set the …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for bahr_alhalak

HELLO every one:) >> could any one help me to solve this program :icon_neutral: >> and explain it to me >> download the file bellow ....:$

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for mrjoli021

What is wrong with my code. it poulates the arraylist with only the filename "c:\testfile.txt" i need it to populate it with the contents of the file. [code] private ArrayList<String> Files2Delete = new ArrayList<String>(); private String fName = "c:\\TestFile.txt"; private void fileCollection () { Scanner in = new Scanner(fName); int …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for Kakashi

Hello.. I need help urgently on how to save an output from the command prompt using the BufferedWriter bw= new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(".text",true)); a little help i much appreciated and Thank you =) regards Kakashi

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for janamrob

Hi, I have a class MovieRating below: [code] import java.util.*; public class MovieRating { private Map ageMap = new HashMap(); private String movieRating; public MovieRating() { ageMap.put("PG", 18); //parental Guidance ageMap.put("G", 4); //general viewing ageMap.put("A", 27); //Adult material } public String getRating() { return movieRating; } public boolean getStatus(String rating, …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Achupa

Can someone help me modify the code below to do the following: Ensure that your mammal has a [B]private property which is an collection of limbs[/B] and [B]protected methods to add, remove and retrieve the limbs[/B]. You need to pass a limb not a list to the methods for adding …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for No1unoin98

Hello everyone, newbie here, im getting an "illegal start of expression" where the while loop starts but im not sure whats wrong with it. I would really appreciate it if anyone could help me as i understand most of the concepts of java but have a hard time writing the …

Member Avatar for No1unoin98
Member Avatar for tigerkartik

hi i m plannin to build a gaming web site using java. so basicaly i want to know where to start from and the things i need to consider and are concerned for the same.

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for niozect

Hello.. I am new here and hope that u can help me to solve my problem in java programming. Actually I am doing my final project titled as Presentation Tools (PT). This project is similar to the Microsoft Power Point and also OpenOffice. The problem now my PT didn't have …

Member Avatar for intelli

can any help me with this while loop it should follow a maximum of 40 regular hours, a maximum of 20 overtime hours, and a maximum of $10.00 for the hourly pay rate. evertime i put my while loop in the code and run it , it doesnt do anything …

Member Avatar for destin
Member Avatar for Grub

I have a .jar file; in this .jar file I have many .class files but no .java files for these class files. Is it possible to add functionality to the program? If so how?

Member Avatar for Grub
Member Avatar for guilhermegrg

Tabula is a Java Web Framework, comprised of several subprojects, such as a server and GUI tools. Right now there is an early alpha version of the server and REST editor available. The framework is based on SOFEA, removing the UI responsibilities from the server to other applications. The server …


The End.