32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for Modo

hi guys how r u doing .. this is my first post .. i have this code .. the problem it runs .. the following happens: when it says: geef een woord (= give a word ) i write the word .. then it says geef een letter ( = …

Member Avatar for Modo
Member Avatar for nouryn

Hi, i need to know how to create a program draw a graph once i insert a linear programming equations can it be done by java???how??? thanks

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for Achupa

[B]Hi, I'm trying to use a map in my application. the class MovieRating which contains the map is as below:[/B] [code] import java.util.*; public class MovieRating { private Map ageMap = new HashMap(); private String movieRating; public MovieRating() { ageMap.put("PG", 18); //parental Guidance ageMap.put("G", 4); //general viewing ageMap.put("A", 27); //Adult …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for prabbhhu

I am using Java along with hibernate, I stored datas in UTF-8 format for my project, i need to retrieve datas in Arabic, give me some ideas about this conept... i m in hurry... reply me as ap..

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for sfrider0

I'm creating a SMTP client. I'm entering the data(to, from, subject, body) in a HTML form. How do I pass that data into the actual Java SMTP client so I can send it? I know how to hardcode the data into the client and send it that way but having …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for Matthew85

I am writting a program that takes in a number that ranges from 0-255 from an input file and a chip number, then I have to do a CDMA encoding on it. I am having a couple problems with the seeded random number generator. I need to have a 4 …

Member Avatar for brianlevine
Member Avatar for joshmo

Hey all. I have another problem with classes. I have 3 classes A, B and C. B extends C and class A is where objects from B and C will be used. Below is the syntax of what am trying to say [code=cpp] class A{ private int o,p; protected B …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for VernonDozier

I have a program for which I am designing a help menu. The program allows you to add squares, ovals, and other shapes, and move them, rotate them, etc. I'm setting up some HTML pages that explain how to do different tasks. So when the user pulls down the help …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for vponnoju

Hi All, I have wrote a java program, that displays all the drives available in the system. I used File.listRoots() However, this method doesn't perform any security operations(such as read and write access) and displays all the drives in the system. I want the program to display the only drives …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for FSinister

Hey people. I need someone to tell me what they think of this. I've been trying to write this small java program to search for mobile phone numbers in a document. The document is a .csv file, but thats not too relevant. The numbers are Irish mobile numbers in the …

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Member Avatar for letlet_pogs

helo guyz...do you know any sites to recommend where can i find java exercises (exercises w/ answers)..,,,it is our sembreak,,,and i want to do other stuffs bout programming to develop my mind more in programming....

Member Avatar for orko
Member Avatar for hariprasad787

Hi, I have developed an application using netbeans(Swing) on windows platform. It is working fine. But when I try to run the same application on macintosh platform. But the application window doesn't appear properly. Menus and other parts are not visible. Only when the mouse cursor is moved over the …

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Member Avatar for Achupa

Thank you for your previous help. However I have another question: I have three classes MovieRating class, Adult class, and Child class. The Child class and Adult class both have a method canWatchmovie(MovieRating mrating) in the Adult class the method always return true while in the Child class we must …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for dipsn
Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Achupa

Hi, I have a method that checks whether Objects in a Collection are Human and whether they are of certain age. I have three different classes for Human, Adult and Child. the code for the method is in a different class called Cinema class. the code is as: //THIS METHOD …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for neighbordave

I've been working on this code for two days now and I still can't figure out what is going wrong. I'm very new to programming and we just started learning about creating objects and constructors so I appreciate any help I can get. I have to turn in a set …

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Member Avatar for thillai

[B] Hi [/B] can u explain j2ee components....once i built , how can i join with existing apps... component having no gui,then how component can be used...

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for janustt

I need to display the values entered by the user in the Names array and the Salary array. However, I only need to display the Employee name and Salary if it is over the average. The problem I am having is that it runs the program fine but doesn't compare …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for animefun2

Ive been looking for the right compiler that i can use with java applet to create an online game so does any one know the best compiler for java applet? and where i can find it in a free download from a website? or a list of compilers that i …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for ndumbo

HI my package reads file from txt format only. it does not read .pdf or .doc file. is there any single java library that opens any kind of file format as stream and then reads or manipulates its contents.

Member Avatar for orko
Member Avatar for IMtheBESTatJAVA

If I have an output of any double or integer that needs to be rounded to a certain number of decimal places, how would I code that? As always there are many ways to do this but, again, as always, I'll be looking for the simplest way to do such …

Member Avatar for orko
Member Avatar for VernonDozier

OK, this is a follow-up to this thread, which I have marked solved. [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread152797.html[/url] I changed things from GIF to PNG and that seems to solve the saving issue, but there is a new issue. I'm trying to create a semi-transparent circle as an image, which can be saved. The …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for The_Kermit

Hey guys! I'm trying to build a program that will evaluate boolean expressions. For example: a>(b>(a^b)) or maybe ¬a>(a^b). It doesn't really matter if you know boolean logic or not since i'm ok doing the calculations. The only part i'm struggling with is parsing the formula. I need to read …

Member Avatar for brianlevine
Member Avatar for AdventureX

Hey people, I'm at uni and we have lab sessions for Java. In my lab session I have been given an exercise to complete however I need help because I don't know where to start!! Can anyone help me? If you can I will post back with the task to …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for shanthiIrene

I have a java program to open a webpage in IE. And so I have this code - Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exe(“C:\\Prgram Files\\Internet Explorer\\iexplore.exe” “[url]http://google.com”);[/url] p.waitFor(); This works fine in Vista when UAC is disabled. The process keeps running until the webpage is closed. With UAC enabled - it opens …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for sbhavan

I have to update 5 tables simultaniously which are inter related with each other. My requirement is if all tables are updated successfully then all the updates will be commited. if any one of the query is failed due to some reason all the queried should be rolledback. The way …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for Grub

Hi, Is it possible to compare files by hash code? If so how do I do this. I am attempting to locate duplicates. Simply calling the file.sashCode() generates a hash code but if a duplicate file is located the hash code if different, depending on name and location. Naturally you …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for rione

i really need help on this, i need code for this project, please help me, thanks in advance.. (Power Set) Given an input set with entries separated by commas, output all the possible sets that can be generated from this set. Sets are described in the file power.txt The lines …

Member Avatar for Chaster
Member Avatar for Aashath

Hi I have a LinkedList of class called Room. Now i want display elements that i stored in that class . i also implemented toString() in my Room class which returns string. The code i tried is below but its not working . i dont know the reason . can …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for efus

Hi. If given an arraylist in an interface like this: [code] interface Dictionary { public boolean hasWord(String word); public ArrayList<String> suggestions( String word ); public void addWord( String word ); } [/code] How do I use it? If I try to use it as a normal arraylist, I get the …

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The End.