32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for bramo

Currently am doing my project on designing of IVR VoIP based system. After byilding the PBX using asterisk,its time now to develop the application Is any one with java source code to that task..please send that to me my e-mail is <snip email>

Member Avatar for av11453

Hi All, I am new to programming. just moved from QA. I had a urge to become a s/w programmer. i did. but got lot of tensions since i have been put in realtime. have to learn java,javascript,jsp and javabeans. i am just wondering how logics would come for me …

Member Avatar for Doctor Inferno
Member Avatar for priti_s

Please tell me message driven bean can be public or private? also for session bean, it can be public or private? Thanks

Member Avatar for neighbordave

Hi all, first time user on this website and I'm very new to Java so I'm kind of stuck on this I would appreciate any help I can get. My assignment is as follows and I got everything except one last part that I cant figure out how to write …

Member Avatar for neighbordave
Member Avatar for dnmoore

I have to create a temperature conversion project using a method and driver class...... i did it b4 put only as one file , i started the driver class but when i compile i get a couple errors; the errors i get are: Degree.java:30: illegal start of expression public double …

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Member Avatar for ronicasingh

Hello, I just started using Netbeans and, well, found it quite interesting. I've been working with Java but not fully with JFrames and stuff like that. What I want to know from anyone who has worked with Netbeans, how do I make a label fit within a sizeable JFrame, where …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for new_2_java

Hi all, I have an HashMap with key/value pair. The program processes each element of the hashMap, and should mark the HashMap element as "processed". i.e. I have the follwoing key/value pair. [code] 1/"090003453bc454" 2/"090003453bc455" 3/"090003453bc456" and so on... [/code] So, when the program process each element, it should mark …

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Member Avatar for aroesurya

I Need find tools for my project , has someone know, tools for code generated write with java code .... i've try to use appfuse but i still find another tools for that ... please help ... Thanks

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for shubhang

I am in 10th grade and I am learning java. Could you please tell the difference between the Stream tokenizer and String tokenizer. I found it in my notes and could not understand its concept (as it was given in a very complicated manner). Please explain in simple language. Any …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for mrjoli021

for some reason my code is not going into the for loop. i completely skips it. any ideas?? [code=java] private ArrayList<Investment> investments = new ArrayList<Investment>(); public String toString() { String outPut; outPut = "Account" + " " + super.getId() + "\n"; for(int i=0; i < investments.size(); i++) { //outPut += …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for dougdudley11

i am working on a program using stacks. what i have so far is reading in the line and pushing operands/operators into their respective stacks. My teacher has us using a MyArrayList class, therefore we have to extend to that class and use its methods instead of using the Stack …

Member Avatar for dougdudley11
Member Avatar for Tbusuk

[code]import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; import java.util.Scanner; import java.io.*; public class SuperSaver extends Applet { TextField inputField; Button saveButton; Button clearButton; Label titleLabel; public void init() { setLayout(null); titleLabel = new Label("Super saver"); titleLabel.reshape(260,20,80,30); add(titleLabel); inputField = new TextField(); inputField.reshape(100,60,400,100); add(inputField); saveButton = new Button("SAVE"); saveButton.reshape(100,175,70,30); add(saveButton); clearButton = new Button("CLEAR"); …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for java-clueless

I am learning to write java programs but I really am not any good. My programs run but with a whole bunch of glitches. I have to write a java application that is like an inventory program. It has to have a product class obviously but it needs to hold …

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Member Avatar for daBaki.

Can someone help me how to read and write text file using Java Code... ??? Thanks in advance..

Member Avatar for Tbusuk
Member Avatar for shubhang
Member Avatar for joshmo

Hey all. Iam new to java and I have been trying to do something that has played me abit. I want to use an attribute or a method from a subclass and accesing it from the super class. Something like this [code] class A{ //some code } class B extends …

Member Avatar for Alex Edwards
Member Avatar for Ajith007

hello, everybody I m final year computer engineering student.I m very much interested in DBMS,java, and all programming stuffs.I have to do a project on DB and java... programming if required,... can u pls suggest some topics and give me resources i need to have(like mysqlor oracle 9i,vb .. etc.etc..)to …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for shubhang

I observed that many programmers do not create separate functions. They write the whole program in the main function. Doesn't this reduce its modularity? eg:[code] class abc { public static void main(String args[]) { int a=10; System.out.println(++a); } }[/code] it could also be written as:- [code] class abc { private …

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Member Avatar for ruby T.

hello everyone, am new member in this forum, i found it very interesting, specially cuz am an IT student in university of wollongong in Dubai, i have an assignment which i have to submit by tmw, so if any one cld help i'd be thankful, i tried solving it but …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for priti_s

its a question from the exam UDDI is registry & repository? please tell me its only registry or both

Member Avatar for sr0867

I have an application in Java. Each time a new database is added we have to make changes in java file which reads from properties file and compile it I want to make a property file and each time a new database is added just change in that file and …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for lucky200830

You are required to design, implement, and test a program that will will read in a file consisting of a grid of letters and write a file containing all possible combinations of adjacent letters that spell words in a dictionary. Words with fewer than three characters should not be considered. …

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Member Avatar for babusek

Hi Folks:) , Problem: how to run unix "find" Command in Java Program using Cygwin Environment. I have been using the Runtime & Process classes to run the unix commands in java program,i can able to run the grep ,cat command etc.. But i Couldn't able to run the "find" …

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Member Avatar for ndumbo

HI my project involves making an index structure for a corporate or intranet. hence i need to store the urls in one file and then one by one count the frequency of a pre-specified word in each of these urls. i haev already made a package containing classes to count …

Member Avatar for brianlevine
Member Avatar for nitric0

hey guys, i'm really stuck on this program. It's basically a survey and I have to ask people what drinks they like. 1-4, coffee tea oj and lemonade. i'm having trouble counting the TOTAL NUMBER OF PEOPLE and counting how many people pick coffee tea oj or lemonade. i have …

Member Avatar for Alex Edwards
Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC

All I can think is that there's something fundamentally wrong with how I programmed my GUIs. I have a program that initially displays a GUI which has 6 buttons. Each of these buttons, when clicked, displays a GUI. One of these GUIs in particular is a JTable of "Teams". Each …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for onidarksheik

Like a lot of people here I'm fairly new at using Java and I'm having difficulties using equals (==) statements. I need need to use the if statement to say "Do you have any data to enter?", if (input == "yes") then continue with the loop. obviously this doesn't work …

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Member Avatar for intelli

i am working on a calendar program how do i produce an error if the year is less than or equal to 1582 is this right it looks right to me if they entered high i want the program to continue any help me with this give me links to …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for dimitrios67

Hi friends, I m trying to write a program in Java to manipulate my personal collection of books. Below is the code I have writen till now. If you have some ideas? [code] package Books; import java.util.*; class Book{ private int isbn; private String title; private static int count=0; public …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for artonlinehome

Can any body help on mock test for java jsp struts servlet etc.. where can i attend mock test on java jsp struts servlet etc

Member Avatar for peter_budo

The End.