32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for Achupa

Hi, can someone help me modify this code to achieve the following: Add methods to your Human that return collections of arms and legs. implement these methods by iterating through the collection of limbs and checking what type of limb they are. Note that you will need to use the …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Kamal_Java

How to write recursive method that takes an array of Strings and prints them out in reverse order, one per line. I was able to do this by iteration but not by recursion since its an array of string .could any one help me ...

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for nouryn

hi,my program should plot a graph of two function and then get the intersection point and get the points on the x,y axis then i get the value of it in a function z and get the highest value of z i completed the program but there is a problem …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for rainny

Hi, I have some question and hope that someone can help me to solve it. When I click one button in JFrame form, then can the JFrame form hide and another JFrame form will appear? Hope can provide some sample code on how to do it? Thanks

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for nabilchampion

Hi all I urgently need a tool that either convert java code to c++ or make reverse engineering diagrams of java code..like uml/sequence digs..etc…or explanation of the code…. If anyone have idea of such a tool then let me know please. Regards

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for asus2008

does any1 knows how to create mobile game using java?i need help.. im clueless... im trying ti cr8 a mobile game "go" but dont know how to start... can ym me: [email]mushaz15@yahoo.com[/email]... need help asap..

Member Avatar for jsully1

I am taking a web design and development class and we have been thrown into MySQL along with java without much knowledge beforehand. Was wondering if anyone could help me with understanding how to query the database and update entries, as I am confused on how to accomplish this. I …

Member Avatar for jsully1
Member Avatar for phalaris_trip

I'm new to java (like a few weeks new), but coming from a C++ background.. This is going to sound retarded, but... can someone explain to me how I can make a BigInteger object to make it have the same value as another BigInteger object? That is they have to …

Member Avatar for destin
Member Avatar for Younes951

Hello to Every one... First time greetings.... -I just found about this great site, I wish I'll enjoy it,, -I'm looking to share experiences with others around the world under such open community... I'll do my best to benefit others as I hope also to get solutions for problems I …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for complexcodes

can you guys help me how can I remove all those drawn rectangles if user click the mouse in the applet field? I am supposed to write a program that displays a rectangle and color it with green when user drag the mouse. But if user click the mouse anywhere …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC

I saw someone, I think it was s.o.s, recommend the use of BigDecimal to someone else. So out of curiosity, and having heard of BigDecimal before, I looked at the Javadoc to see how large the values it could hold were and how it held them. From the doc: "Immutable, …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for apeaser

I need help with this code. I am already a week late on this part because part 2 took to long to code. I am not getting the LeatherBlueDot class to compile. I am getting a message that in my constructor statement saying each variable has private access in class …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for amroto

Hi,Please i need some help in my java program,it's purpose is to enter 2 equations and it solves them graphically,the problem is that the graph has a glitch with the x and y axis,plz can someone help me so that all the equations are solved correctly.. here's my source code: …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for ashish_nirkhe

I am designing a project in java.I am mostly done with the code. I need to know how to convert my java code into .exe file? pls reply soon. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for ashish_nirkhe
Member Avatar for complexcodes

I am trying to write a program that displays a rectangle when user drag the mouse and when user release mouse, it displays the rectangle with green color. I am terribly confused here is what I am thinking to do import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.net.*; public class …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for chengineer

hi,i started to learn java nearly 2 weeks ago so i dont know java clearly,i try to write a program about trainingzone. i must provide an interactive training zonecalculator that prompts a user for age. i write a program but it gives errors and i dont improve this,if anyone can …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for Dio1080

Ok, the code is almost done and I need help finishing up my delete function(between lines 51 to 71), I can't seem to figure out how to delete the 50 and the 20. Here is my code. BTW i'll list the output first. Thanks Sample output 10 20 30 50 …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for NOTSomebody

Hi, I am developing an application about tracing for preschoolers. Currently, I am developing a application and is using touch screen that does tracing. Currently, I am using mouseListener because if I am not wrong, touch screen basically equals mouse clicks. So now my application can does drawing. Next, I …

Member Avatar for NOTSomebody
Member Avatar for sahrourr

i have to do a program that takes to equations from the user and draw a graph for them and then get the intersection point and then find the optimal solution and my program draws the graph but it makes the intersection point in a wrong way and i don't …

Member Avatar for sahrourr

hello, i need a help, i wanna make a program which deals with boolean algebra functions. i will enter a function like ( xy+x'+y'(x'+y) ) or any function and the program shoul get the complement of it. actually i don't know how to solve it.

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for bahr_alhalak

hi every one... i need some help from u.. i solved my assingment by my self an I need from u some help I will post my prgram and please check it if it need any edite or anything... This is the mainClass [CODE]import java.util.*; public class mainClass { public …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for cherryduck

Hey everyone, I'm writing a program as follows: CourseMarker course Java u4 exercise sunflower: Sunflower Growth part 2 (Weight: 3) =================================================================================== Introduction ============ This is a continuation of last weeks exercise on the growth of sunflowers, but the problem is now more complex. It now involves loops and makes sure …

Member Avatar for cherryduck
Member Avatar for new_2_java

Hi all, I have a threaded program, which migrates contetn from one repository to another. The program works fine, when I test for small number of documents, say arround 10 or 20. But when I increase the number of documents, then I get [B]java.lang.OutOfMemoryError[/B]. I can't seem to figure out …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for tgkprog

I want to position an element span tag by the natural positioning in a page (its a drupal page so the theme can change and i dont know where my span will fall but i also want to position an an image on top of this span how do i …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for dmanw100

I am having problems reading in from a file in my project. I have a text file from which I need to read in data for creating some objects. I do not know how much data is in the file but I know the format is 6 lines of string, …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for blackcloud72

Hello everyone, I am a student learning Java and need some help getting text to flash or blink. The text I want to do this with is "Which Way" in my drawstring method. Any help would be much appreciated. [code] import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath; import java.util.Random; import java.awt.Font; …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for dinilkarun

I have a variable/flag in a PHP file and depending upon the value of this flag i need to execute a set of code in another .js file. Can you tell me how to access the variable in .php file inside a .js file? Please find attached the sample js …

Member Avatar for cadillacwd
Member Avatar for americaneagl

What I have is a simple, convert a temperature in Fahrenheit to Celsius or in Celsius to Fahrenheit. My question: what is the best approach of implementing the while/loops so that the user enters their choice for Celsius to Fahrenheit or vice versa as many times as they want until …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for Chaster

Hello, How can I get a reference to a session? I have a page, which forms a query string, and in another page I would like to display the attributes of it. I don't want to introduce scriplets, so I am trying to do this in a pure Java file, …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for yonghan

Hi all,i need help about JTable.I'm using netbeans..I got a table contains PLU,nama,harga,qty,total..I use TableModelListener to listen to valueschanged in column..What i need help is how to create a new row if the user press enter key,and set focus to the first column of the next row..Thanks a lot..Here are …

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The End.