32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for paurik

Hi i am using java wrapper service api to launch my application as os service. i already configure this service for window os. but ther is problem for linux os. when i run myapplication.sh file it gives me java.lang.noclassdefFounderror error. i put my config my file follow if if some …

Member Avatar for blufab
Member Avatar for Amitji

Hi all Cn any one help me to find out the full path of Current Running Application using java? Thanks

Member Avatar for ramankrishna

hi this is ramakrishna, i am in my 3yr and i want o develop a project for my jwellary shop which would be standalone project connected to 4 systems in our office with following fields as 1)Transaction - Purchase, Sales, Debit/Credit note, Account voucher, Goods Issue recept, issue to Karigar(worker), …

Member Avatar for Jens
Member Avatar for sosuave

public class Student { private String name; private String address; private String phone; private String major; String[] classesTaken = new String[100]; double[] gradesRecived = new double[100]; public void addClassesTaken (String classID) {} public void addGradeReived(float classGrade){} public void changeGradesRecieved(String classID, double newGrade){} public double computeGPA( ) { } } I …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for NycNessyness

I have an important question at the moment. I wanted to know how I can go about multiplying or adding checkboxes to display information on a label. For example if I have 3 checkboxes labeled chkMovie, chkAmusement and chkConcert and I have 2 checkbox groups called chkChild and chkAdult. How …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for antony_24

Hi ,I am experiencing a problem with QT Java 6.1 on Windows XP using Java1.4.2 (_2, _3, and _4) where a QT Component (as Component()) created from a Movie Controller placed in a window or frame will sometimes freeze when another window is placed in front of it or removed …

Member Avatar for K504K

[B]Background:[/B] Modify the Payroll Program so that it uses a class to store and retrieve the employee's name, the hourly rate, and the number of hours worked. Use a constructor to initialize the employee information, and a method within that class to calculate the weekly pay. Once stop is entered …

Member Avatar for K504K
Member Avatar for sidemon

[code] if (usrPass.length() >= 6) { for (int i = 0; i < usrPass.length(); i++) { passCh = usrPass.charAt(i); if (passCh == ' ') { b = true; //Bad System.out.println("got a space at" +i); } if (Character.isUpperCase(passCh)) c = true; //Good if (Character.isLowerCase(passCh)) d = true; //Good if (Character.isDigit(passCh)) e …

Member Avatar for sidemon
Member Avatar for harisagar

[B]hai i need example code for an project i am developing in gui student management i need code for add,delete,edit student using arrays or files not database[/B]

Member Avatar for jasimp
Member Avatar for Venks

Hai I want to set my time to system in our application, how to set the time and to get the time?

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for Thirusha

Hi I have a collection which is the resultset of a sql query. when i write out the collection (using system.out.println(col)) my collection is in the correct order. -- which is great. But when i iterate through the collection in order to populate my linkedhashmap, the items are inserted into …

Member Avatar for Thirusha
Member Avatar for lordx78

[code=Java] package midp.firstAid; import javax.microedition.lcdui.*; public class AboutCopy extends Basic { public AboutCopy() { super("About Product"); append("Copyright 2008\n " + "\n Nanthikesvaran\n" + "\n" + "This product based on Java Technology " + "to give and provide sufficient information " + "of a knowledge on First Aid.\n"+ "It's still under …

Member Avatar for lordx78
Member Avatar for Katherine692008

How do I get this to ignore negative number and terminate when the number 0 is entered? Please HELP public void productTokenizer()throws IOException { System.out.println("Enter numbers to accumlulate their total.");//Prompt user to enter data //System.out.println("Zero and all negative numbers will Exit the Program:"); double sum = 0; int num = …

Member Avatar for Samudricka
Member Avatar for eranga262154

Hi all, How it is possible to make curved vertex of a swing container like JDialog. Say I the property setUndecratoed() to true, so there is just a rectangular shape window I have. I want to curved a vertex there. Any suggestions really appreciate.

Member Avatar for jimJohnson

I was sick the day on our review for this programming assignment so I am in kind of a dillema with a jerk for a professor...What I am going to do is after each section show you guys what I have and I don't think I should have too many …

Member Avatar for jimJohnson
Member Avatar for Kusno

Dear all, I have query like this : SELECT ID, NAME, BEGINNINGBALANCE FROM TRXBUDGET ORDER BY ID BEGINNINGBALANCE is numeric field type in MySQL. Jasper Report / iReport recognizes this field as String, when I change the field type to Double, raises error like these : net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file: 1. Cannot cast from String to Double value = (java.lang.Double)(((java.lang.String)field_BEGINNINGBALANCE .getValue()));//$JR_EXPR_ID=14$ <----------------------------------------------------------------> …

Member Avatar for Kusno
Member Avatar for Karkalash

Hi all: I'm a newbie at Java and having fun :) So I'm doing a pattern program, so far so good, but I wanted to ask if there is any console specifier for spaces only and not width between integers. I'm using only integers so I thought I should use …

Member Avatar for unkno

I currently have Java RE Environment 6 update 1, Java 6 update 2, and Java 6 update 3 on my computer add/remove program. Can i remove the earlier updates (1 and 2, but keep 3)?

Member Avatar for crunchie
Member Avatar for jimJohnson

I know this is a C++ forum but I have a java question that I am stuck on...it really isnt a big one but would it be ok if I post it in here because noone in the java forum is responding...I have most of the program finished...is that ok?

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for dakrous

I'm really knew to this programming thing, and need a little help. My objective is to read data from a file like 2 2 0 0 wwdd 0 1 wwxd 1 0 ddwd 1 1 ddww I have read the file line by line, but I do not know how …

Member Avatar for dakrous
Member Avatar for ultimate_fusion

as above. e.g int[] array = new int[can be any size] joptionpane.showmessagebox(null, "what to put here is the question" "messageboxtitle" joptionpane.informationmessage}; //dont correct the message box crap i was in a rush i know how to do it e.g array 1 = 1 array 2 = 5 array 3 = …

Member Avatar for franchav
Member Avatar for anbuhikaru

So i'm a java student in 9th grade and my code gives me an error i have never encountered before... time is off the essence, so quick help is loved!: it says: Play.java:5: Play is not abstract and does not override abstract method keyReleased(java.awt.event.KeyEvent) public class Play extends JApplet implements …

Member Avatar for jasimp
Member Avatar for reena22

Hi all i just want to know where i can get any java program of about 1000 lines of code BUT it should be open source. looking forward to your help thanks

Member Avatar for reena22
Member Avatar for nickclark3

We have to create a spellchecker for a class project. I've written code for a binary search tree, but need to update it for a tertiary search tree according to my prof. other then adding a third child, what should I do? Thanks for the help. Here's my code for …

Member Avatar for Neablis

Hello, ive been working on this code to evaluate infix notation for a while now, and i cant get it to work no matter what. I keep getting back 195 and it much be something that i just cant see... Thanks for any help. [code] public Character evaluate( String input){ …

Member Avatar for beatlea

Hello, I created an ArrayList with lists and arrays (randomly chosen) of queues and now need to get access to these lists and arrays to add, remove and display elements in them. How could I do this? I tried ArrayList methods like get(int index) and iterator(), but it just shows …

Member Avatar for beatlea
Member Avatar for obscured47

Hello gurus! I have a very annoying problem with the font on a server-client program I'm working on. Probably that it's a server-client thing doesn't matter. Anyway, I want to use custom font on the client side. I have the.ttf and try to use it with Font.createFont() and deriveFont(). I …

Member Avatar for DickLaurent

Hello, here goes. I am receiving the following three errors when compiling my new template matching plug-in in imagej C:\Program Files\ImageJ\plugins\Template_Test.java:61: '}' expected. } ^ C:\Program Files\ImageJ\plugins\Template_Test.java:63: Statement expected. public double match(String addr) ^ C:\Program Files\ImageJ\plugins\Template_Test.java:93: Class or interface declaration expected. } ^ 3 errors, 1 warning I'm pretty sure …

Member Avatar for DickLaurent
Member Avatar for Littlen

Hi all Ive writing a simple j2me program to read from a file. Im running the midlet on a pda but im having trouble accessing the file. Im using J9 JVM on a Dell Axim, ive also installed the JSR-75 (which is need to access files), however im still having …

Member Avatar for Littlen
Member Avatar for Vach

Hey pls suggest a suitable topic for a final year project for the BSc. has to be feasible to do.. i have an average knowledge of Java. Thanks.

Member Avatar for jasimp

The End.