32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for vinnodraina

Hi, I have a string and I want to get different combinations out of it. Suppose I have a string "abcdef" I have to get different combinations of it like abc, abd ade etc. thanks for help

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for toomuchfreetime

Hey I'm building a application and using JTree to navigate between the functions. This is working but can't figure out how to set up the JTree to have different icons for each node. I can have one default icon that gets rendered to each node or set up an icon …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for it2051229

I created two version of my program using a buffered reader.. my first version I made using notepad and the second version using Netbeans IDE... my code "new BufferedReader(new FileReader("data/list.txt")" works on my notepad version though FileException error on my Netbeans IDE although it works if i use absolute path …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for enuff4life

I'm suppose return a change to user. Initially, the machine has Bills - 0 quarters - 5 dimes - 5 nickels - 5 user puts a money to machine(each coins are sum up to only maxium $1 i.e, user can only put 10 dimes maximum, or 20 nickels) but only …

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Member Avatar for Tyster

Hi there everyone, Is it possible to use more than one Layout Manager in a single GUI interface? I have classes (with event handlers) for various buttons, jtext menus, etc... but so far I've only built simple programs that use a single layout manager. When I call the setLayout() method …

Member Avatar for Tyster
Member Avatar for USUAggie

Hello all, I am having some trouble I hope you can help me out with. I am trying to input a list of text, which has the name of a sub, the hull number, and the homeport of the sub, like this: [B]USS West Virginia [SSBN-736] Kings Bay, Georgia[/B] a …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for thureinnyo

Hi everyone, I'm trying out on JTAPI. My objective is to make a call from my Java Application to My hand phone via Modem which is connected to Land Line. And I am getting quite confused reading the API and any hint to get started? Cheers! Thurein

Member Avatar for wonder_laptop

Hello guys... i came across this statement on the internet "java uses Preemtive scheduling?!!!" and i have NO idea what it means. i found 2 definitions online: [U]A preemptive[/U] operating system allows external interrupts ( such as timers, communication devices, etc.) to cause the task that is running to be …

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Member Avatar for theausum
Member Avatar for Juma

I am new in Java. I have to write a program that accept a person weight and display the number of Calories the person need in one day. A person needs 19 calories per pound of body weight, so the formula expressed in java is calories= bodyweight*19. Use JOptionPane claas …

Member Avatar for jasimp
Member Avatar for sam18

I want to display result when a student enter their rollno in a text box and click on the submit button. I know there are errors as i have tried many times before and each time i have changed it so Please help me in locating errors.I need it early. …

Member Avatar for Juma
Member Avatar for it2051229

am creating a calculator using net beans IDE so yeah i made 0 - 9 buttons.. although seems like i dont want to create an event handler on each number cause it's like a waste of time.. is it possible that the zero to nine button can only trigger one …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for cutseyPrincess

Hi, I am in my final year for IT and have to submit a topic for my final year project in 4 days. I have to use Java(core) and J2EE something related to client-server. I am totally confused. Please help. Just give me some interesting topic ideas. Any thing else …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for abhi287

Hi I m developing an application in which i want to compare a String with string[]. Means i m having array of names which i m displaying in a table..Then i m changing some names in table dynamically by some processing and adding new names to the table... While replacing …

Member Avatar for abhi287
Member Avatar for svijayakumaris

Hello, please help me. I am using NetBeans 5.5.1 inbuilt Tomcat for my web application. When ever Nullpointer or ArrayIndexOutofBounds exceptions occurs in the BundledTomcat Log, all the information appearing in the BundledTomcat and BundledTomcat Log is getting cleared in the output window. And I am unable find what is …

Member Avatar for swdev

dear all, I know how to correctly execute SQL statement using con.execute() (where con is type of java.sql.Connection). But how can I execute Microsoft Access Query Object, which require one or more parameters? Do we need to use PrepareStatement ? Thanks

Member Avatar for swdev
Member Avatar for oneguy

Any hints in converting this C++ code to java [url]http://pastebin.com/f2db2b32e[/url] I have pretty good idea what is going on in main () , but I not sure about the top template part and the class called Moron :) The program just reads a text file counts up the frequency of …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for dav555

Does somebody know a better tool as the "Resource Bundle Manager" for managing translations/resources ? [URL="http://www.icu-project.org/repos/icu/tools/trunk/unicodetools/com/ibm/rbm/docs/index.html"]http://www.icu-project.org/repos/icu/tools/trunk/unicodetools/com/ibm/rbm/docs/index.html[/URL] Thank you!

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for debee

Hello there, I am trying to build a square matrix of the type Double, with the following code: for( i = 0; i < weightVector.length; i++) for( j =0; j< weightVector.length; j++) { weightMatrix[i][j]= weightVector[i]* weightVector[j]; if(i==j) weightMatrix[i][i] += 0.0001; } The problem is each time the vector "weightVector" has …

Member Avatar for debee
Member Avatar for raajji
Member Avatar for seang85

currently I am randomly generating a set of number from 0 to 7 in decimal in array..then I hav to convert them in binary form... however,i fail to get it.. any mistake i did?hope to get some advises from u .. public class Initializationtest { public static void main(String[] args){ …

Member Avatar for parthiban
Member Avatar for BroKeN

hi guys i want to make a tool bar wich is connected to one or more sites and links that tool bar it is kind of like a news tool bar but i want it to view some kind of website feeds and it runs a normal setup and installed …

Member Avatar for BroKeN
Member Avatar for leroi green

Hi all, I got a code in 2 programs that allow me to open the file, write the file, then close it. BUT...I want to open it back up and read it then close it again and i don't know how to. Below is what i already have but i …

Member Avatar for leroi green
Member Avatar for jlaw1027

We're making a queue that simulates a line at the DMV and aftersomeone goes through the line, or queue, we cant to take that persons name and add it to a new queue to display in the final stats of how many people have gone through and the total amount …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for terrif8888

I have created a gui using extend frame. What my program needs to do is replicate a DNS server, the DNSServer code has to be its own class, So to my project i have added class. How do i acces the methode within the DNSServer Class?

Member Avatar for majestic0110
Member Avatar for tactfulsaint

Please i need help with My Login prog that can enable two categories of people to login that is the administrator and a user below is my code snipet bcos i am stucked. import java.util.* ; import java.awt.* ; import java.awt.event.* ; import javax.swing.*; public class HeartLandLogin extends JPanel implements …

Member Avatar for tactfulsaint
Member Avatar for Legato256

I'm still in Computer Science 1 in my school, so I don't know many advanced features yet. In the class we viewed an applet where the user can control an image of a game character and move around with the arrow keys. I'd like to make a simple game like …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for Dr Windows (XP)

Hey guyz i'm a newbie in java and I would like to create a program to find all palindrome prime numbers between two integers supplied as input (start and end points are excluded). I've started but now i'm stuck... Can u help me??? import java.util.*; class Question4{ public static void …

Member Avatar for Dr Windows (XP)
Member Avatar for doosa

Hi, I want to get the (ichain ldap) loggedin sessionid and redirect the user to a page1.htm, page2.htm.. on the same server, only have to redirect to pages how do I do this with JSP ? any help on this highly appreciated. Thank you in advance Doosa

Member Avatar for krookedkop

Hey guys, I'm not sure if you can tell how long I've been registered by my status or something but I'm new obviously and having a little problem with an program I'm writing. I get an error message stating that "The constructor bankofMark.mattsAccount(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, …

Member Avatar for Jens

The End.