32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for Archana10
Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Noliving

This is the first time I have ever had to do a simulation type program. This is what I'm trying to do: Your application should use an array of tellers (10 tellers would be a good maximum) but on any particular run of the simulation, any number of tellers from …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for sneakerhead724

Hi so im a new memeber and i really need help with this problem. i have no experience on arrays and i have a test on it very soon =/ one of the problems on the test is similar to this one please help me solve it given the following …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for eng.atia

Hi all, I have a problem with Java GUI. How can I set a certain component to be in front of another component or behind it?! i.e. Is there a way to: SendToBack & SendToFront in java?

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for rinkuchoudhury

how to use in [B]onmouseover[/B] and [B]onmouseout[/B] property for a ASP.Net2.0 control by using [B]javascript [/B]Suppose I want to show and hide an Image by taking and removing mouse over another control like Image, Label.... by using [B]JavaScript[/B] only

Member Avatar for ravichandra
Member Avatar for paurik

I am created a java intranet application. can any body tell me how to i install as service for mac os. I start application in window OS as NT Service. But i can't no how to start in MAC OS.

Member Avatar for ramjeev

Hi, I m trying to scroll the JLabel by adding JLabel to Jscrollpane,I can see the scrollbar,but I can't scroll as well as I found JLabel's are misplaced.Can anyone please help me to solve this. The following is the code, [code=java]class outerWindow extends JFrame implements KeyListener,ActionListener { Container c = …

Member Avatar for ramjeev
Member Avatar for bmanoman

im trying to make a markbook program using j#. Where students insert their name, first name and last name, then their mark for class. i also want it to be able to make a class average for all the marks. i want to know how to be able to make …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for lstirk

Hi, ok heres what i am trying to do. I am trying to introduce an array of strings in the Server program to store up to 10 messages, which i think ive got done. If the array is full it should display a full buffer message. Then when the user …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for KimJack

Hello All, I am using a stringtokenizer to divide a string while comparing each word in the string to a specific word and pushing it onto a stack. I can push it onto the stack with no problems; however, I cannot get it to find the specific word. for Example: …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for abhi287

Hi I am developing an application in which i want to pass the data from one JFrame to another.. Actually what i want is like-- On my first frame i m displaying a blank JTable(Table1).. Now when i click on the first row from the table1 it'll generate new frame …

Member Avatar for jasimp
Member Avatar for Ymor

Ok i have some code which stores a subject, difficulty, correctAnswers, maxQuestions and date into a text file. Now when i want this file to be read i can display all the information with no problem, but i want it so the newest date is a the top. Heres my …

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for krish_kooll

i want to generate a query example: if the english question s given ->list all the details from my_table where name='smith' and age <30 it shld generate a mysql query for the question ->SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE name = 'Smith AND age < 30; using java as language

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for abhi287

Hi I am developing an application in which i want to pass the data from one JFrame to another.. Actually what i want is like-- On my first frame i m displaying a blank JTable(Table1).. Now when i click on the first row from the table1 it'll generate new frame …

Member Avatar for denniskhor

try { FileWriter write = new FileWriter("CropSystemDatabase.txt"); PrintWriter text = new PrintWriter(write); text.println("TYPE OF CROPS = " + crop.getTypeCrop()); text.println("SEASONS = " + crop.getSeason()); text.println("NUMBER OF ACRES = " + crop.getNumberAcre()); text.println("CROPS CHOSEN = " + crop.getCropChosen()); text.println("TOTAL FERTILIZERS = " + crop.getTotalFertilizer()); { text.print(" "); text.print(" "); text.print(" "); …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for antony_24

Hi , I developed a multi threaded application for web office automation using Java. I got a bug in transferring multiple files and it seems to be a race condition. . Can anyone help me to solve this bug?

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for jagan mohan
Member Avatar for kilermage

I get an error about "orphaned case". So this is the error. Can you help me on what I did wrong? [ICODE]client.java: 8643: orphaned case case 117: // bank 5 items - sell 1 item ^[/ICODE] This is the code: [CODE] case 117: //bank 5 items - sell 1 item …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for Parsu7
Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for grDCpre

We've just noticed a glitch in our software that allows undeliverable emails to be bouncing around in our servers, is there a way to catch these undeliverable emails after x amount of time? We use resin for our applications, and I've read a little about their catch setBounceAddress method, but …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for spywx2003

i have a question about JFrame. is there anyway to set the size of frame as automatic depending about the values in the frame.so if the values is a lot more than what is expected that frame adjust it self it fit all the data ?

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for wouterdc

Hello, I have a problem setting a default button with Java Swing. I have a JFrame containing one JPanel and one JMenuBar. This panel contains some textfields, a list and some buttons. At the button there is one button which has to be the default button. I also gave the …

Member Avatar for sasidharnet

[code=java]class WrapperTest { public static void main(String[] args){ Byte b = new Byte(3); Short s = new Short(34); } }[/code] when I try to compile this is the problem I got [code]G:\WORK PLACE\work>javac WrapperTest.java WrapperTest.java:4: cannot find symbol symbol : constructor Byte(int) location: class java.lang.Byte Byte b = new Byte(4); …

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Member Avatar for Srimali Fdo

Hi, I'm creating a Java text editor using VB .NET. So far, I have been able to run Java programs with a graphical user interface, but I cant get the output of a program that prints to the console. The console appears and then immediately disappears. How do I get …

Member Avatar for Leoykl
Member Avatar for mayur_kulkarni

i want to access COM port . i want to connect mobile handset with pc and access it through COM port. how can i do it in java .

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for StephNicolaou

I'm trying to show a dialog message if the user clicks a button and a text field is empty. [code=java] Action listener - if(event.getSource() == cmdSaveSettings) if(txtPlayerOneName.getText().equals(emptyText)) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "alert", "Please enter player one's name", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } [/code] Ive add an action to listener to the button and the textfield: …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for Sugarskull

/* DriverBuggy.java Source Name: DriverBuggy.java Date Written: 12/27/06 Written By: Annette Lege Revised By: Purpose: To identify and fix common syntax errors and one logic error in a Java program. */ import java.io.*; public class DriverBuggy { public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { Buggy app; app = new …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for mehmedovic

hello i need to create this thing its for my home work and i have no time to do it because i am taking 6 college classes and when i tried to do it i had no idea so i reread the chapter which it was suppose to be on …

Member Avatar for jasimp
Member Avatar for StephNicolaou

I have had to repaint a couple of times because of a moving shape I have added to my program whenever the mouse is clicked. I also have a moving shape that follows the mouse over a grid as well which doesn't help a lot, could you please tell me …

Member Avatar for StephNicolaou

The End.