15,116 Topics

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Member Avatar for Angela_1

i get this eveytime i go to youtube. it's just a pop up and i get several of them. how do i fix it? i have no clue what it is and i am not very computer literate so please explain in very simple easy to follow instructions. thank you

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for PoisonedHeart

Hello, I'm into PHP/Javascript and having some problem here, so just want to seek help from you guys. I have created a page with a textarea. (named Step 1) when the user clicked the "Next" <a></a> link the textarea's value will be stored in a session variable. I've did it …

Member Avatar for PoisonedHeart
Member Avatar for wiLLie222

Good morning. I've stumbled upon a little problem, if you could help me it'd be great. I've searched for Tooltips that support HTML content but most that I've found only support text passed by the html title attribute. The only one I've found that supports HTML code inside the tooltip …

Member Avatar for wiLLie222
Member Avatar for ndeniche

I'm building a website that requires some image preloading, which is handled smoothly with an overlaid splash screen and a progress bar and a spinner. The thing is, I want the preloader to know if preloading is necessary (the cache has been wiped, or is disabled in the browser), so …

Member Avatar for asmira
Member Avatar for Violet_82

Chaps, something that occurred to me today. If I have a div with `display:hidden;` and I want it to unhide it and animate it at the same time with `animate()`, how do I achieve that? I had a look at the jquery API and it says that `animate()` unlinke `slideDown()` …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for highlite

I need to pass a js variable to a php variable. I know this can't be done directly and I have been trying to do it with ajax but I just can't figure it out. <form name="menu"> <div> <select name="list1" size="1" onchange="setOptions(document.menu.list1.options [document.menu.list1.selectedIndex].value,document.menu.list2,document.menu.list3);"> <option value=" " selected></option> <option value="one">item1</option> <option …

Member Avatar for highlite
Member Avatar for MWEB

Hello everyone ! Here a question :D I have this code function validateName(){ if ( name.val().length <= 4 ){ name.removeClass('valid'); nameInfo.removeClass('valid'); name.addClass('error'); nameInfo.addClass('error'); nameInfo.text (" You need to have more than 4 letters "); state = false; }else{ var uname = name.val(); $.post('validateuser.php' , {names:uname} , function(data){ if (data != …

Member Avatar for MWEB
Member Avatar for sree jith

Hi, I have been working on trying to figure out, how to call a php function in javascript, for about two weeks. PS: I don't have code to post because I really don't know how to implement this.

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for ktsangop

Hi everyone. I would like to implement a counter using ajax that will act like this: The script will send a XMLHttpRequest every x seconds which will return a value from a mysql database. Using the current and previous value retrieved from the server, the script will increase the counter, …

Member Avatar for ktsangop
Member Avatar for pawan768

Hey , I tried to send some data to different page and want to use it response ... But the problem i face is the code is working properly on my local host but when i put it over web it always gave me an error ... catalog_no=$('#srno').val(); //alert(catalog_no); query="select …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for titusnainggolan

Hi, Guys! Actually I want to ask about servlet and ajax. Sorry if I post in wrong room, I have search the room that suitable for my question, but the most suitable is here. I'm developing a push notification for web using servlet + ajax. I have done an tutorial …

Member Avatar for titusnainggolan
Member Avatar for tekagami

1) onkeyup send textarea values to script 2) converts textarea value to array 3) loops thru the array 4) uses regex to check if its an email address 5) changes inner html of recipient div

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for somjit{}

my string (str2) = "aaaabbaacc" i wanted to parse out the two a groups. some trials had worked according to plan , while a few , are giving me outcomes i dont understand. im hoping the members could help me out :) problematic regexp 1 : `console.log(str2.match(/a+(a+(?=c))/).toString());` this gives "aa …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Rahul47

I was reading through Javascript overview on a webiste that stated following: 1) JavaScript can not be used for Networking applications because there is no such support available. 2) JavaScript doesn't have any multithreading or multiprocess capabilities. My Questions: 1) Which kind of 'Networking Applications' are we talking about? 2) …

Member Avatar for Rahul47
Member Avatar for sonicx2218

I'm trying to retrieve views from a select set of vimeo vids. The API documentation is lacking in my opinion and I am only provided with this as far as I can tell https://raw.github.com/vimeo/vimeo-api-examples/master/simple-api/simple/really-simple.html It retrieves thumbnails & titles from every video by that username, but I just want to …

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Member Avatar for grant.baker

Hi, I'm having trouble figuring out how to prevent the default tab action when using jquery ui catcomplete. It works perfectly until I add the catcomplete widget code. I'm using the catcomplete widget code found on jquery ui.com: $.widget( "custom.catcomplete", $.ui.autocomplete, { _renderMenu: function( ul, items ) { var that …

Member Avatar for grant.baker
Member Avatar for scarcella

I have written a script to get all elements then i go and find this element in another iframe. Wait, so essentially i have 2 frame's on a page, the one on the left i called the "online" and the 2nd one i called the "base". My end result is …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for luma64

Hello, I dont know jquery. I am trying edit some code from web for autocomplete. Is it possible retrieve value afer submit from php page? What's way ? Or only with js ? Connection is ok, selecting too. Link to other page is created with paramaters. Thanks. -- test.php -- …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for GlenRogers

I have a page with list items (links) that I need to be able to hide/show from my admin page. <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $("button").click(function(){ $("li").css("display","none"); }); }); </script> How do I get it to work that if i press a button in my admin page, it hides list items that …

Member Avatar for BMXDad
Member Avatar for Violet_82

Hi all, I was wondering if anybody can enlighten me on when it is best to separate javascript code in different script. Let me give you a practical example. I have a script that I would like to run everytime the page is resized, so I am thinking to use …

Member Avatar for Violet_82
Member Avatar for luma64

I am new in ajax. I searched some code about autocomplete. But when I select data from list I dont know retrieve data. Page get_course_list.php fill list and send to user choiced value. In php is code Diagnoza: <input type="text" id="course" onblur="course()"> <?php $dgkod=$_POST['course']; echo "course: $dgkod" ; ?> Function …

Member Avatar for pixelsoul
Member Avatar for patk570

There is two sections i need it to update. When they hover over the members name listed below, I need it to show their details. When the user(one who submitted the content) posts its going to have a hidden value to update the field in the form that i have …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for adishardis

Two questions, How do I create a unix timestamp from a date variable derived like this: `var myDate = $(this).data('date');` the format is like this: 2013-01-01 and how do i then create a new unix timestamp for 90 days later than myDate? Thanks

Member Avatar for adishardis
Member Avatar for LegateLucius

hereis my code the html is on http://cdpn.io/rzcAu /************************************************************************** validation ***************************************************************************/ /*********validation Variables************/ var Email = document.getElementsByName("Email"); var Password = document.getElementsByName("Password"); var firstName = document.getElementsByName("FirstName"); var secondName = document.getElementsByName("SecondName"); var Captcha = document.getElementsByName("Captcha"); var name = document.getElementsByName("Name"); var Subject = document.getElementsByName("Subject"); var Message = document.getElementsByName("Message"); /*********validation Code************/ function email_validation(){ if …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for wonderland

I'm using [filtrify plugin](http://luis-almeida.github.io/filtrify/) on my website and I needed a way to save filter settings when user reloads page or pareses browsers back for forward buttons. After searching for a while I found html local storage solution. I have somewhat implemented in in my website, but I can't get …

Member Avatar for asmira
Member Avatar for pmark019

I have a JSP with a button. This button is disabled. How can I make the JSP keep on reloading until isCheck becomes true and it will make the button enabled? Here is my javascript: var usbAvailable = <%=CheckUSB.getInstance().getStatus()%>; function confirmSound(){ HyPAS.Sound.confirm(); HyPAS.LED.on(); location.href='ScanJobServlet' } function checkUSB(){ <%response.setHeader("Cache-Control","no-cache");%> if(usbAvailable==false) { …

Member Avatar for asmira
Member Avatar for RGStrat

Hello Everyone, So I have a problem that is genuinely stumping me here. The sad part is this is probably something very easy. I'm using the following script for a site I'm working on: http://css-tricks.com/rethinking-dynamic-page-replacing-content/ However, one of the "pages" i'm working on requires a verticle menu that you can …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for lanhaibibo

Hey, Everyone, I am new to CSS programming. SO have some basic questions about the input tag in CSS in the following example. SO, <input type="submit" value="Submit"> does not mention anything about a button, how do you even know that it defines a button ? Thanks in advance. <!DOCTYPE html> …

Member Avatar for crescendo
Member Avatar for lanhaibibo

function smile () { document.getElementById("textfield_width").value = width; //set the elements with id "textfield_width" some value the value of the variable width--> document.getElementById("textfield_height").value = height; // set the elements with id "textfield_height" some value the value of the variable height --> }

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for Midgard

Hey all- No doubt, I'm going to be redirected to various threads, but I've looked & I still haven't been able to find the proper solution to my problem. Scenario: Fairly large site, most data is brought in via ajax... *Sometimes* the data brought back might include a dropdown menu …

Member Avatar for paulkd

The End.