15,127 Topics
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I have a dropdown box which should display an appropriate text box only when a particualar option is selected. Currently, the textboxes are displayed all the time. I do have a Javascript function that works for 2 options(hides always and displays only when the correct option is selected). But I … | |
I am populating combobox on checkbox checked or not click event. Here is code. I am not solving the bug, JS runs on chrome but not in both IE and Firefox. checkbox <input type="checkbox" onclick="selectinactivebatch(this.value);" id="inactive_batch" name="inactive_batch" <?php if(isset($_POST['inactive_batch'])) echo "checked";?>> AJAX Code function selectinactivebatch(checkboxvalue) { var check; if(checkboxvalue=='on') check=1; … | |
how to pass javascript value to php without get or post...mean in the same page..without submit | |
Dear team, I am going to implement chat application in my site. I want to use long-polling or ajax -push concept in my program .I prefer to use php and javascript and ajax. kindly suggest me ajax-push concept or long-polling concept. Thank you, Regards, Prem | |
| Hi everyone. I am having some trouble with my PHP and jQuery. [CODE] <script> function solveError(id) { $('#loading').html('<img src="resources/images/loading.gif" width="16" height="16" />').load('solve_error.php?id=' + id + ''); } </script> [/CODE] And here is the PHP [CODE]<a href="#" title="Solved" onclick="solveError('<?php echo $error['error_id']; ?>');"><img src="resources/images/icons/tick_circle.png" alt="Solved" /></a>[/CODE] When I get rid of the … |
Hi there, I'm busy coding an interface JSP for Liferay Portal using the Alloy UI taglib. Does anyone have a link to nice tutorials on using it? I've tried googling this but there seems to be virtually NO tutorials on this... Thanks guys! | |
Hi Forum, I'm currently working on a project where I create a form in Javascript/HTMl(easy). By form, i mean an actual form where it shall contain combo boxes, drop-down lists, buttons etc. Something like a questionnaire. That's all good and simple enough. However, how can I use this questionnaire/form to … | |
Hi! I am looking to make an adjustment to this script. I'm trying to find a way to do it as neatly as possible, and without breaking any pre-existing functionality. The code is here, with its corresponding tutorial: [URL="http://tympanus.net/codrops/2011/03/28/moving-boxes-content/"]http://tympanus.net/codrops/2011/03/28/moving-boxes-content/[/URL] What I'm trying to do is have the first section open … | |
ok so im working with execCommand and trying to make a function to insert a youtube video into a content editable div with execcommand inserthtml. Now this works with every other browser except, OMG IE. now i am trying to use pasteHTML(), found that some people have gotten it to … | |
Hi everyone, I am having problems using $.post because of the way my website is structured. Basically, my index file handles all the pages and simply includes subpages. I have this code for my index below: [CODE] if($pagegetter) { if( !strpos($pagegetter,".")&& !strpos($pagegetter,"/")&& !strpos($pagegetter,"%")&& !strpos($pagegetter,":") ) { if(!$sectiongetter) $sectiongetter = "pages"; … | |
hi all, i got two list box that moving item within each other and they are operate by my "->" "<-" button here the function code in java i wrote but it in firefox work perfectly but it dosen't work in google chrome....anyone know where is the problem of my … | |
hi i have a jsp page in which there is three radio button one is for dropdown list,another is for text field and last is for File field.What i want is when someone select dropdown list other two fields should be blanked and disabled.and when i select file field then … | |
[B]hello every body i have been looking for a book (e-book) about java script can you tell me where i can find a great book about it that explains in detals? please i need it urgently and if it is free it will be much better thanks[/B] | |
I really don't know if you will be interested on my suggestion, 'coz this may seem like, I want you to help me, but i guess this is pretty interesting... I don't have an idea if you do javascripts, but i guess, you have a good idea on editing them... … | |
Hello, I want to know how can I call VB.NET (Server Side) function to Javascript (Client Side). I want to insert function here in my Javascript code; [CODE]function ConfirmSave() { var Ok = confirm('Proceed to Save?'); if(Ok==true) return true; else if(Ok!=true) return false; }[/CODE]I want to exefcute the Save() function … | |
Hello guys, tried googling or searching in this forum but it will still not work. This code works perfectly fine in IE but not in firefox. Here's the AJAX code: [code] function search() { var xmlhttp; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else { xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function() { if … | |
Hi everyone! I am currently developing a website and I would like some areas to be refreshed when one click on a button. Can anyone help? | |
[B]Hi... I want to add a text field inside a div(div with id "my_div") tag dynamically(By clicking "Add" button). The code below shown is adding the new textfield after the submit button not inside the "my_div" div . [CODE] <html> <head> <script language="javascript"> function add() { var divTag = document.createElement("div"); … | |
I am trying to create a basic a accordian style menu. Im guessing i have done 90% of the code, but a little stuck now. I have three widget and what I am attempting to do is hide all the widgets apart from the one actually clicked. My code so … | |
what will be the activetabindex property of tab panel ajax control in javascript? | |
Hi.. I have a problem with my project. I want to create dynamic radio button group with different names. [CODE]<script language="javascript"> function changeIt() { my_div.innerHTML = my_div.innerHTML +"<br>Skills<input type='text' name='mytext[]' value='mytext'>"; my_div.innerHTML = my_div.innerHTML +"<br><input type='radio' id='my' value='mytext' value='male' name='radio[]'>"; my_div.innerHTML = my_div.innerHTML +"<input type='radio' id='my' value='Female' name='radio[]'>"; //var el … | |
Since the Firefox [Bug 633133] of the [B]in[/B] operator on DOM Collections has ben finally fixed - We can now write a short fast and clean function of the method "Contains" for FirefoX to check if x.contains(y). And vice- versa. What we will need is: a prototype and we'll chose … | |
I am trying to create a basic a accordian style menu. Im guessing i have done 90% of the code, but a little stuck now. I have three widget and what I am attempting to do is hide all the widgets apart from the one actually clicked. My code so … | |
Hi there, I am trying to create an image gallery on my home page [url]http://www.antobbo.webspace.virginmedia.com/photography/home.htm[/url] which gets displayed in the canvas. Ideally I would like to add some jquery to have a smooth transition between the images but I am getting a bit lost. First of all I want to … | |
what will be the active tab index property in javascript? | |
Hi there guys, I'm very new to AJAX so i'm not sure if it's possible or there is already something like this available. But i'm looking for some kind of horizontal slider. Not an image slider with arrows or something like that. But more like a timeline which you can … | |
Sort of at a dead end, I need to find a way to align an element from Array1 with a specified element from Array 2. I.e. A has the index of 1 and I want it to be aligned with e, How would I go about doing this? I have … | |
Hello I would be grateful if someone could help me achieve a parent-child relationship as shown in the attachment, using the <a href> tags | |
The End.